mhlw 1 bsµqu ihMfol Gru 2
aucwrx mh`lw pihlw bsµqu ihMfol Gru dUjw
mehalaa 1 basanth hinddol ghar 2
First Mehl, Basant Hindol, Second House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
swlgRwm ibp pUij mnwvhu suikRqu qulsI mwlw ]
saal graam bip pooj manaavahu sukirath thulasee maalaa ||
O Brahmin, you worship and believe in your stone-god, and wear your ceremonial rosary beads.
rwm nwmu jip byVw bWDhu dieAw krhu dieAwlw ]1]
raam naam jap baerraa baandhhahu dhaeiaa karahu dhaeiaalaa ||1||
Chant the Name of the Lord. Build your boat, and pray, “O Merciful Lord, please be merciful to me.”||1||
kwhy klrw isMchu jnmu gvwvhu ]
kaahae kalaraa sinchahu janam gavaavahu ||
Why do you irrigate the barren, alkaline soil? You are wasting your life away!
kwcI Fhig idvwl kwhy gcu lwvhu ]1] rhwau ]
kaachee dtehag dhivaal kaahae gach laavahu ||1|| rehaao ||
This wall of mud is crumbling. Why bother to patch it with plaster? ||1||Pause||
kr hirht mwl itMf provhu iqsu BIqir mnu jovhu ]
aucwrx hir-ht
kar harihatt maal ttindd parovahu this bheethar man jovahu ||
Let your hands be the buckets, strung on the chain, and yoke the mind as the ox to pull it; draw the water up from the well.
AMimRqu isMchu Brhu ikAwry qau mwlI ky hovhu ]2]
anmrith sinchahu bharahu kiaarae tho maalee kae hovahu ||2||
Irrigate your fields with the Ambrosial Nectar, and you shall be owned by God the Gardener. ||2||
kwmu kRoDu duie krhu bsoly gofhu DrqI BweI ]
kaam krodhh dhue karahu basolae goddahu dhharathee bhaaee ||
Let sexual desire and anger be your two shovels, to dig up the dirt of your farm, O Siblings of Destiny.
ijau gofhu iqau qum suK pwvhu ikrqu n myitAw jweI ]3]
jio goddahu thio thumh sukh paavahu kirath n maettiaa jaaee ||3||
The more you dig, the more peace you shall find. Your past actions cannot be erased. ||3||
bguly qy Puin hµsulw hovY jy qU krih dieAwlw ]
bagulae thae fun hansulaa hovai jae thoo karehi dhaeiaalaa ||
The crane is again transformed into a swan, if You so will, O Merciful Lord.
pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw dieAw krhu dieAwlw ]4]1]9]
pranavath naanak dhaasan dhaasaa dhaeiaa karahu dhaeiaalaa ||4||1||9||
Prays Nanak, the slave of Your slaves: O Merciful Lord, have mercy on me. ||4||1||9||