2: gurmuK mnmuK s`c kUV
Gurmukh, manmukh, truth and falsehood ,
gurmuiK suK Plu scu hY mnmuK duK Plu kUVu kUVwvw ]
guramoukhi soukh phalu sachu hai manamoukh doukh phalu koorhu koorhaavaa.
The gurmukh attains the pleasure fruit of truth and the manmukh receives the bitter fruit of falsehood.
gurmuiK scu sMqoKu ruKu durmiq dUjw Bwau pCwvw ]
guramoukhi sachu santokhu roukhu duramati doojaa bhaau pachhaavaa.
Gurmukh is tree of truth and contentment and the wicked person is the unstable shade of duality.
gurmuiK scu Afol hY mnmuiK Pyir iPrMdI CwvW ]
guramoukhi sachu adolu hai manamoukh dhayri dhirandee chhaavaan.
Gurmukh is firm like truth and manmukh, the mind oriented is like ever shifting shade.
gurmuiK koiel AMb vx mnmuK vix vix hMFin kWvW ]
guramoukhi koil anb van manamoukh vani vani handdhani kaavaan.
Gurmukh is like nightingale which resides in mango groves but manmukh is like a crow which wanders in forests from place to place.
swDsMgiq scu bwg hY sbd suriq gurmMqu scwvW ]
saadhasangati sachu baag hai sabad surati gur mantu sachaavaan.
The holy congregation is the true garden where gurmantr inspires the consciousness to merge in the Word, the true shade.
ivhu vx vil AswD sMig bhuqu isAwxp ingoswvW ]
vihu vanu vali asaadh sangi bahoutu siaanap nigosaavaan.
Company of the wicked is like a wild poisonous creeper and the manmukh in order to develop it goes on playing many tricks.
ijau kir vysuAw vMsu innwvW ]2]
jiu kari vaysuaa vansu ninaavaan ||2||
He is like the son of a prostitute who goes without a family name.