Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 309 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ikonkaar satigur prasaadi ||

One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor

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ikonkaar satigur prasaadi ||

One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor

siqgur scw pwiqswhu gurmuiK scw pMQu suhylw ]

satigur sachaa paatisaahu guramoukhi sachaa pandu suhaylaa.

The true Guru is the true emperor and the way of gurmukhs is the way of happiness.

mnmuK krm kmWvdy durmiq dUjw Bwau duhylw ]

manamoukh karam kamaanvaday duramati doojaa bhaau duhaylaa.

Mind-orientd, manmukhs, act controlled by ill intellect and tread on painful path of duality.

gurmuiK suK Plu swDsMg Bwie Bgiq kir gurmuiK mylw ]

guramoukhi soukh phalu saadhasang bhaai bhagati kari guramoukhi maylaa.

Gurmukhs attain the fruit of delight in the holy congregation and with loving devotion meet the gurmukhs.

kUVu kusqu AswD sMgu mnmuK duKPlu hY ivhuvylw ]

koorhu kousatu asaadh sangu manamoukh doukh phalu hai vihu vaylaa.

In the company of falsehood and the wicked, the fruit of sufferings of the mannzukhs grows like a poisonous creeper.

gurmuiK Awpu gvwvxw pYrI pwauxw nyhu nvylw ]

guramoukhi aapu gavaavanaa pairee paaounaa nayhu navaylaa.

Losing the ego and falling on the feet is a new path of love followed by gurmukhs.

mnmuK Awpu gvwvxw gurmiq gur qy aukVu cylw ]

manamoukh aapu ganaavanaa guramati gur tay oukarhu chaylaa.

The manmukh makes himself noticed and moves away from the Guru and the wisdom of the Guru.

kUVu scu sIh bkr Kylw ]1]

koorhu sachu seeh bakar khaylaa ||1||

The game of truth and falsehood is similar to (impossible) meeting of the lion and the goat.