mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
rYix suhwvVI idnsu suhylw ]
rain suhaavarree dhinas suhaelaa ||
Beautiful is the night, and beautiful is the day,
jip AMimRq nwmu sµqsµig mylw ]
jap anmrith naam santhasang maelaa ||
When one joins the Society of the Saints and chants the Ambrosial Naam.
GVI mUrq ismrq pl vM\ih jIvxu sPlu iqQweI jIau ]1]
gharree moorath simarath pal vannjehi jeevan safal thithhaaee jeeo ||1||
If you remember the Lord in meditation for a moment, even for an instant, then your life will become fruitful and prosperous. ||1||
ismrq nwmu doK siB lwQy ]
simarath naam dhokh sabh laathhae ||
Remembering the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all sinful mistakes are erased.
AMqir bwhir hir pRBu swQy ]
anthar baahar har prabh saathhae ||
Inwardly and outwardly, the Lord God is always with us.
BY Bau Brmu KoieAw guir pUrY dyKw sBnI jweI jIau ]2]
bhai bho bharam khoeiaa gur poorai dhaekhaa sabhanee jaaee jeeo ||2||
Fear, dread and doubt have been dispelled by the Perfect Guru; now, I see God everywhere. ||2||
pRBu smrQu vf aUc Apwrw ]
prabh samarathh vadd ooch apaaraa ||
God is All-powerful, Vast, Lofty and Infinite.
nauiniD nwmu Bry Bµfwrw ]
aucwrx nau-in`iD
no nidhh naam bharae bhanddaaraa ||
The Naam is overflowing with the nine treasures.
Awid AMiq miD pRBu soeI dUjw lvY n lweI jIau ]3]
aadh anth madhh prabh soee dhoojaa lavai n laaee jeeo ||3||
In the beginning, in the middle, and in the end, there is God. Nothing else even comes close to Him. ||3||
kir ikrpw myry dIn dieAwlw ]
kar kirapaa maerae dheen dhaeiaalaa ||
Take pity on me, O my Lord, Merciful to the meek.
jwicku jwcY swD rvwlw ]
jaachik jaachai saadhh ravaalaa ||
I am a beggar, begging for the dust of the feet of the Holy.
dyih dwnu nwnku jnu mwgY sdw sdw hir iDAweI jIau ]4]38]45]
dhaehi dhaan naanak jan maagai sadhaa sadhaa har dhhiaaee jeeo ||4||38||45||
Servant Nanak begs for this gift: let me meditate on the Lord, forever and ever. ||4||38||45||