Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
hBy Qok ivswir ihko iKAwlu kir ]
aucwrx h`By
habhae thhok visaar hiko khiaal kar ||
Forget all other things, and dwell upon the Lord alone.
JUTw lwih gumwnu mnu qnu Arip Dir ]1]
jhoothaa laahi gumaan man than arap dhhar ||1||
Lay aside your false pride, and dedicate your mind and body to Him. ||1||
AwT phr swlwih isrjnhwr qUµ ]
aath pehar saalaahi sirajanehaar thoon ||
Twenty-four hours a day, praise the Creator Lord.
jIvW qyrI dwiq ikrpw krhu mUM ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx mUM: polw bolo
jeevaan thaeree dhaath kirapaa karahu moon ||1|| rehaao ||
I live by Your bountiful gifts - please, shower me with Your Mercy! ||1||Pause||
soeI kMmu kmwie ijqu muKu aujlw ]
soee kanm kamaae jith mukh oujalaa ||
So, do that work, by which your face shall be made radiant.
soeI lgY sic ijsu qUµ dyihAlw ]2]
aucwrx dyih-Alw: polw bolo
soee lagai sach jis thoon dhaehi alaa ||2||
He alone becomes attached to the Truth, O Lord, unto whom You give it. ||2||
jo n Fhµdo mUil so Gru rwis kir ]
jo n dtehandho mool so ghar raas kar ||
So build and adorn that house, which shall never be destroyed.
ihko iciq vswie kdy n jwie mir ]3]
hiko chith vasaae kadhae n jaae mar ||3||
Enshrine the One Lord within your consciousness; He shall never die. ||3||
iqn@w ipAwrw rwmu jo pRB BwixAw ]
thinhaa piaaraa raam jo prabh bhaaniaa ||
The Lord is dear to those, who are pleasing to the Will of God.
gurprswid AkQu nwnik vKwixAw ]4]5]107]
gur parasaadh akathh naanak vakhaaniaa ||4||5||107||
By Guru's Grace, Nanak describes the indescribable. ||4||5||107||