mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
mnmuKu lhir Gru qij ivgUcY Avrw ky Gr hyrY ]
manamukh lehar ghar thaj vigoochai avaraa kae ghar haerai ||
The self-willed manmukh, in a fit of passion, abandons his home, and is ruined; then, he spies on the homes of others.
igRh Drmu gvwey siqguru n BytY durmiq GUmnGyrY ]
aucwrx GUmn-GyrY
grih dhharam gavaaeae sathigur n bhaettai dhuramath ghooman ghaerai ||
He neglects his household duties, and does not meet with the True Guru; he is caught in the whirlpool of evil-mindedness.
idsµqru BvY pwT piV Qwkw iqRsnw hoie vDyrY ]
dhisanthar bhavai paath parr thhaakaa thrisanaa hoe vadhhaerai ||
Wandering in foreign lands and reading scriptures, he grows weary, and his thirsty desires only increase.
kwcI ipMfI sbdu n cInY audru BrY jYsy ForY ]1]
kaachee pinddee sabadh n cheenai oudhar bharai jaisae dtorai ||1||
His perishable body does not remember the Word of the Shabad; like a beast, he fills his belly. ||1||
bwbw AYsI rvq rvY sµinAwsI ]
baabaa aisee ravath ravai sanniaasee ||
O Baba, this is the way of life of the Sannyaasi, the renunciate.
gur kY sbid eyk ilv lwgI qyrY nwim rqy iqRpqwsI ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx r`qy
gur kai sabadh eaek liv laagee thaerai naam rathae thripathaasee ||1|| rehaao ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is to enshrine love for the One Lord. Imbued with Your Name, Lord, he remains satisfied and fulfilled. ||1||Pause||
GolI gyrU rMgu cVwieAw vsqR ByK ByKwrI ]
gholee gaeroo rang charraaeiaa vasathr bhaekh bhaekhaaree ||
He dyes his robes with saffron dye, and wearing these robes, he goes out begging.
kwpV Pwir bnweI iKMQw JolI mwieAwDwrI ]
kaaparr faar banaaee khinthhaa jholee maaeiaadhhaaree ||
Tearing his robes, he makes a patched coat, and puts the money in his wallet.
Gir Gir mwgY jgu prboDY min AMDY piq hwrI ]
ghar ghar maagai jag parabodhhai man andhhai path haaree ||
From house to house he goes begging, and tries to teach the world; but his mind is blind, and so he loses his honor.
Brim Bulwxw sbdu n cInY jUAY bwjI hwrI ]2]
bharam bhulaanaa sabadh n cheenai jooai baajee haaree ||2||
He is deluded by doubt, and does not remember the Word of the Shabad. He loses his life in the gamble. ||2||
AMqir Agin n gur ibnu bUJY bwhir pUAr qwpY ]
aucwrx bUJY: polw bolo
anthar agan n gur bin boojhai baahar pooar thaapai ||
Without the Guru, the fire within is not quenched; and outside, the fire still burns.
gur syvw ibnu Bgiq n hovI ikau kir cInis AwpY ]
gur saevaa bin bhagath n hovee kio kar cheenas aapai ||
Without serving the Guru, there is no devotional worship. How can anyone, by himself, know the Lord?
inMdw kir kir nrk invwsI AMqir Awqs jwpY ]
nindhaa kar kar narak nivaasee anthar aatham jaapai ||
Slandering others, one lives in hell; within him is hazy darkness.
ATsiT qIrQ Brim ivgUcih ikau mlu DopY pwpY ]3]
aucwrx iv-gUcih
athasath theerathh bharam vigoochehi kio mal dhhopai paapai ||3||
Wandering to the eixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, he is ruined. How can the filth of sin be washed away? ||3||
CwxI Kwku ibBUq cVweI mwieAw kw mgu johY ]
aucwrx ibBUq: 'b'-'B' dI sWJi Avwj
shhaanee khaak bibhooth charraaee maaeiaa kaa mag johai ||
He sifts through the dust, and applies ashes to his body, but he is searching for the path of Maya's wealth.
AMqir bwhir eyku n jwxY swcu khy qy CohY ]
anthar baahar eaek n jaanai saach kehae thae shhohai ||
Inwardly and outwardly, he does not know the One Lord; if someone tells him the Truth, he grows angry.
pwTu pVY muiK JUTo bolY ingury kI miq EhY ]
aucwrx in-gury; m`iq
paath parrai mukh jhootho bolai nigurae kee math ouhai ||
He reads the scriptures, but tells lies; such is the intellect of one who has no guru.
nwmu n jpeI ikau suKu pwvY ibnu nwvY ikau sohY ]4]
naam n japee kio sukh paavai bin naavai kio sohai ||4||
Without chanting the Naam, how can he find peace? Without the Name, how can he look good? ||4||
mUMfu mufwie jtw isK bwDI moin rhY AiBmwnw ]
aucwrx jtw: polw bolo; isK: polw bolo
moondd muddaae jattaa sikh baadhhee mon rehai abhimaanaa ||
Some shave their heads, some keep their hair in matted tangles; some keep it in braids, while some keep silent, filled with egotistical pride.
mnUAw folY dhids DwvY ibnu rq Awqm igAwnw ]
aucwrx rq: polw bolo
manooaa ddolai dheh dhis dhhaavai bin rath aatham giaanaa ||
Their minds waver and wander in ten directions, without loving devotion and enlightenment of the soul.
AMimRqu Coif mhw ibKu pIvY mwieAw kw dyvwnw ]
anmrith shhodd mehaa bikh peevai maaeiaa kaa dhaevaanaa ||
They abandon the Ambrosial Nectar, and drink the deadly poison, driven mad by Maya.
ikrqu n imteI hukmu n bUJY psUAw mwih smwnw ]5]
aucwrx bU`JY
kirath n mittee hukam n boojhai pasooaa maahi samaanaa ||5||
Past actions cannot be erased; without understanding the Hukam of the Lord's Command, they become beasts. ||5||
hwQ kmMflu kwpVIAw min iqRsnw aupjI BwrI ]
haathh kamanddal kaaparreeaa man thrisanaa oupajee bhaaree ||
With bowl in hand, wearing his patched coat, great desires well up in his mind.
iesqRI qij kir kwim ivAwipAw icqu lwieAw pr nwrI ]
eisathree thaj kar kaam viaapiaa chith laaeiaa par naaree ||
Abandoning his own wife, he is engrossed in sexual desire; his thoughts are on the wives of others.
isK kry kir sbdu n cInY lµptu hY bwjwrI ]
aucwrx is`K
sikh karae kar sabadh n cheenai lanpatt hai baajaaree ||
He teaches and preaches, but does not contemplate the Shabad; he is bought and sold on the street.
AMqir ibKu bwhir inBrwqI qw jmu kry KuAwrI ]6]
aucwrx in-BrwqI: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj
anthar bikh baahar nibharaathee thaa jam karae khuaaree ||6||
With poison within, he pretends to be free of doubt; he is ruined and humiliated by the Messenger of Death. ||6||
so sµinAwsI jo siqgur syvY ivchu Awpu gvwey ]
so sanniaasee jo sathigur saevai vichahu aap gavaaeae ||
He alone is a Sannyaasi, who serves the True Guru, and removes his self-conceit from within.
Cwdn Bojn kI Aws n kreI AicMqu imlY so pwey ]
shhaadhan bhojan kee aas n karee achinth milai so paaeae ||
He does not ask for clothes or food; without asking, he accepts whatever he receives.
bkY n bolY iKmw Dnu sµgRhY qwmsu nwim jlwey ]
aucwrx jlwey: polw bolo
bakai n bolai khimaa dhhan sangrehai thaamas naam jalaaeae ||
He does not speak empty words; he gathers in the wealth of tolerance, and burns away his anger with the Naam.
Dnu igrhI sµinAwsI jogI ij hir crxI icqu lwey ]7]
dhhan girehee sanniaasee jogee j har charanee chith laaeae ||7||
Blessed is such a householder, Sannyaasi and Yogi, who focuses his consciousness on the Lord's feet. ||7||
Aws inrws rhY sµinAwsI eyksu isau ilv lwey ]
aas niraas rehai sanniaasee eaekas sio liv laaeae ||
Amidst hope, the Sannyaasi remains unmoved by hope; he remains lovingly focused on the One Lord.
hir rsu pIvY qw swiq AwvY inj Gir qwVI lwey ]
har ras peevai thaa saath aavai nij ghar thaarree laaeae ||
He drinks in the sublime essence of the Lord, and so finds peace and tranquility; in the home of his own being, he remains absorbed in the deep trance of meditation.
mnUAw n folY gurmuiK bUJY Dwvqu vrij rhwey ]
aucwrx bU`JY
manooaa n ddolai guramukh boojhai dhhaavath varaj rehaaeae ||
His mind does not waver; as Gurmukh, he understands. He restrains it from wandering out.
igRhu srIru gurmqI Kojy nwmu pdwrQu pwey ]8]
aucwrx gurm`qI
grihu sareer guramathee khojae naam padhaarathh paaeae ||8||
Following the Guru's Teachings, he searches the home of his body, and obtains the wealth of the Naam. ||8||
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu sryst nwim rqy vIcwrI ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; s-ryst; r`qy
brehamaa bisan mehaes saraesatt naam rathae veechaaree ||
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are exalted, imbued with contemplative meditation on the Naam.
KwxI bwxI ggn pqwlI jµqw joiq qumwrI ]
khaanee baanee gagan pathaalee janthaa joth thumaaree ||
The sources of creation, speech, the heavens and the underworld, all beings and creatures, are infused with Your Light.
siB suK mukiq nwm Duin bwxI scu nwmu aur DwrI ]
sabh sukh mukath naam dhhun baanee sach naam our dhhaaree ||
All comforts and liberation are found in the Naam, and the vibrations of the Guru's Bani; I have enshrined the True Name within my heart.
nwm ibnw nhI CUtis nwnk swcI qru qU qwrI ]9]7]
naam binaa nehee shhoottas naanak saachee thar thoo thaaree ||9||7||
Without the Naam, no one is saved; O Nanak, with the Truth, cross over to the other side. ||9||7||