SGGSAng 1012Raag MaruAstpadiyaa Mahalla 127 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

hukmu BieAw rhxw nhI Duir Pwty cIrY ]

hukam bhaeiaa rehanaa nehee dhhur faattae cheerai ||

The Order is issued, and he cannot remain; the permit to stay has been torn up.

eyhu mnu Avgix bwiDAw shu dyh srIrY ]

eaehu man avagan baadhhiaa sahu dhaeh sareerai ||

This mind is tied to its faults; it suffers terrible pain in its body.

pUrY guir bKsweIAih siB gunh PkIrY ]1]

poorai gur bakhasaaeeahi sabh guneh fakeerai ||1||

The Perfect Guru forgives all the mistakes of the beggar at His Door. ||1||

ikau rhIAY auiT clxw buJu sbd bIcwrw ]

aucwrx bu`Ju

kio reheeai outh chalanaa bujh sabadh beechaaraa ||

How can he stay here? He must get up and depart. Contemplate the Word of the Shabad, and understand this.

ijsu qU mylih so imlY Duir hukmu Apwrw ]1] rhwau ]

jis thoo maelehi so milai dhhur hukam apaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||

He alone is united, whom You, O Lord, unite. Such is the Primal Command of the Infinite Lord. ||1||Pause||

ijau qU rwKih iqau rhw jo dyih su Kwau ]

jio thoo raakhehi thio rehaa jo dhaehi s khaao ||

As You keep me, I remain; whatever You give me, I eat.

ijau qU clwvih iqau clw muiK AMimRq nwau ]

aucwrx c`lw

jio thoo chalaavehi thio chalaa mukh anmrith naao ||

As You lead me, I follow, with the Ambrosial Name in my mouth.

myry Twkur hiQ vifAweIAw mylih min cwau ]2]

aucwrx vifAweIAw: ibMdI rihq bolo

maerae thaakur hathh vaddiaaeeaa maelehi man chaao ||2||

All glorious greatness rests in the hands of my Lord and Master; my mind yearns to unite with You. ||2||

kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY kir dyKY soeI ]

keethaa kiaa saalaaheeai kar dhaekhai soee ||

Why should anyone praise any other created being? That Lord acts and sees.

ijin kIAw so min vsY mY Avru n koeI ]

jin keeaa so man vasai mai avar n koee ||

The One who created me, abides within my mind; there is no other at all.

so swcw swlwhIAY swcI piq hoeI ]3]

so saachaa saalaaheeai saachee path hoee ||3||

So praise that True Lord, and you shall be blessed with true honor. ||3||

pMifqu piV n phuceI bhu Awl jµjwlw ]

panddith parr n pahuchee bahu aal janjaalaa ||

The Pandit, the religious scholar, reads, but does not reach the Lord; he is totally entangled in worldly affairs.

pwp puMn duie sµgmy KuiDAw jmkwlw ]

paap punn dhue sangamae khudhhiaa jamakaalaa ||

He keeps the company of both virtue and vice, tormented by hunger and the Messenger of Death.

ivCoVw Bau vIsrY pUrw rKvwlw ]4]

vishhorraa bho veesarai pooraa rakhavaalaa ||4||

One who is protected by the Perfect Lord, forgets separation and fear. ||4||

ijn kI lyKY piq pvY sy pUry BweI ]

jin kee laekhai path pavai sae poorae bhaaee ||

They alone are perfect, O Siblings of Destiny, whose honor is certified.

pUry pUrI miq hY scI vifAweI ]

aucwrx m`iq

poorae pooree math hai sachee vaddiaaee ||

Perfect is the intellect of the Perfect Lord. True is His glorious greatness.

dydy qoit n AwveI lY lY Qik pweI ]5]

aucwrx lY lY: v`Krw krky

dhaedhae thott n aavee lai lai thhak paaee ||5||

His gifts never run short, although those who receive may grow weary of receiving. ||5||

Kwr smudRü FµFolIAY ieku mxIAw pwvY ]

aucwrx smu`dRü: it`pI rihq bolo

khaar samudhra dtandtoleeai eik maneeaa paavai ||

Searching the salty sea, one finds the pearl.

duie idn cwir suhwvxw mwtI iqsu KwvY ]

dhue dhin chaar suhaavanaa maattee this khaavai ||

It looks beautiful for a few days, but in the end, it is eaten away by dust.

guru swgru siq syvIAY dy qoit n AwvY ]6]

gur saagar sath saeveeai dhae thott n aavai ||6||

If one serves the Guru, the ocean of Truth, the gifts one receives never run short. ||6||

myry pRB Bwvin sy aUjly sB mYlu BrIjY ]

maerae prabh bhaavan sae oojalae sabh mail bhareejai ||

They alone are pure, who are pleasing to my God; all others are soiled with filth.

mYlw aUjlu qw QIAY pwrs sµig BIjY ]

mailaa oojal thaa thheeai paaras sang bheejai ||

The filthy become pure, when they meet with the Guru, the Philosopher's Stone.

vMnI swcy lwl kI ikin kImiq kIjY ]7]

vannee saachae laal kee kin keemath keejai ||7||

Who can estimate the value of the color of the true jewel? ||7||

ByKI hwQ n lBeI qIriQ nhI dwny ]

bhaekhee haathh n labhee theerathh nehee dhaanae ||

Wearing religious robes, the Lord is not obtained, nor is He obtained by giving donations at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

pUCau byd pVµiqAw mUTI ivxu mwny ]

pooshho baedh parranthiaa moothee vin maanae ||

Go and ask the readers of the Vedas; without faith, the world is cheated.

nwnk kImiq so kry pUrw guru igAwny ]8]6]

naanak keemath so karae pooraa gur giaanae ||8||6||

O Nanak, he alone values the jewel, who is blessed with the spiritual wisdom of the Perfect Guru. ||8||6||