SGGSAng 388Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

hir hir AKr duie ieh mwlw ]

har har akhar dhue eih maalaa ||

These two words, Har, Har, make up my maalaa.

jpq jpq Bey dIn dieAwlw ]1]

japath japath bheae dheen dhaeiaalaa ||1||

Continually chanting and reciting this rosary, God has become merciful to me, His humble servant. ||1||

krau bynqI siqgur ApunI ]

karo baenathee sathigur apunee ||

I offer my prayer to the True Guru.

kir ikrpw rwKhu srxweI mokau dyhu hry hir jpnI ]1] rhwau ]

kar kirapaa raakhahu saranaaee mo ko dhaehu harae har japanee ||1|| rehaao ||

Shower Your Mercy upon me, and keep me safe in Your Sanctuary; please, give me the maalaa, the rosary of Har, Har. ||1||Pause||

hir mwlw aur AMqir DwrY ]

har maalaa our anthar dhhaarai ||

One who enshrines this rosary of the Lord's Name within his heart,

jnm mrx kw dUKu invwrY ]2]

janam maran kaa dhookh nivaarai ||2||

Is freed of the pains of birth and death. ||2||

ihrdY sm@wlY muiK hir hir bolY ]

hiradhai samaalai mukh har har bolai ||

The humble being who contemplates the Lord within his heart, and chants the Lord's Name, Har, Har, with his mouth,

so jnu ieq auq kqih n folY ]3]

so jan eith outh kathehi n ddolai ||3||

Never wavers, here or hereafter. ||3||

khu nwnk jo rwcY nwie ]

kahu naanak jo raachai naae ||

Says Nanak, one who is imbued with the Name,

hir mwlw qw kY sµig jwie ]4]19]70]

har maalaa thaa kai sang jaae ||4||19||70||

Goes to the next world with the maalaa of the Lord's Name. ||4||19||70||