Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
ijs kw sBu ikCu iqs kw hoie ]
jis kaa sabh kishh this kaa hoe ||
All things belong to Him - let yourself belong to Him as well.
iqsu jn lypu n ibAwpY koie ]1]
this jan laep n biaapai koe ||1||
No stain clings to such a humble being. ||1||
hir kw syvku sdhI mukqw ]
har kaa saevak sadh hee mukathaa ||
The Lord's servant is liberated forever.
jo ikCu krY soeI Bl jn kY Aiq inrml dws kI jugqw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo
jo kishh karai soee bhal jan kai ath niramal dhaas kee jugathaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Whatever He does, is pleasing to His servant; the way of life of His slave is immaculately pure. ||1||Pause||
sgl iqAwig hir srxI AwieAw ]
sagal thiaag har saranee aaeiaa ||
One who renounces everything, and enters the Lord's Sanctuary
iqsu jn khw ibAwpY mwieAw ]2]
this jan kehaa biaapai maaeiaa ||2||
- how can Maya cling to him? ||2||
nwmu inDwnu jw ky mn mwih ]
naam nidhhaan jaa kae man maahi ||
With the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in his mind,
iqs kau icMqw supnY nwih ]3]
this ko chinthaa supanai naahi ||3||
He suffers no anxiety, even in dreams. ||3||
khu nwnk guru pUrw pwieAw ]
kahu naanak gur pooraa paaeiaa ||
Says Nanak, I have found the Perfect Guru.
Brmu mohu sgl ibnswieAw ]4]20]71]
bharam mohu sagal binasaaeiaa ||4||20||71||
My doubts and attachments have been totally obliterated. ||4||20||71||