bsµqu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pMjvw
basanth mehalaa 5 ||
Basant, Fifth Mehl:
pRB pRIqm myrY sµig rwie ]
prabh preetham maerai sang raae ||
My Beloved God, my King is with me.
ijsih dyiK hau jIvw mwie ]
jisehi dhaekh ho jeevaa maae ||
Gazing upon Him, I live, O my mother.
jw kY ismrin duKu n hoie ]
jaa kai simaran dhukh n hoe ||
Remembering Him in meditation, there is no pain or suffering.
kir dieAw imlwvhu iqsih moih ]1]
kar dhaeiaa milaavahu thisehi mohi ||1||
Please, take pity on me, and lead me on to meet Him. ||1||
myry pRIqm pRwn ADwr mn ]
maerae preetham praan adhhaar man ||
My Beloved is the Support of my breath of life and mind.
jIau pRwn sBu qyro Dn ]1] rhwau ]
jeeo praan sabh thaero dhhan ||1|| rehaao ||
This soul, breath of life, and wealth are all Yours, O Lord. ||1||Pause||
jw kau Kojih suir nr dyv ]
jaa ko khojehi sur nar dhaev ||
He is sought by the angels, mortals and divine beings.
muin jn syK n lhih Byv ]
mun jan saekh n lehehi bhaev ||
The silent sages, the humble, and the religious teachers do not understand His mystery.
jw kI giq imiq khI n jwie ]
jaa kee gath mith kehee n jaae ||
His state and extent cannot be described.
Git Git Git Git rihAw smwie ]2]
ghatt ghatt ghatt ghatt rehiaa samaae ||2||
In each and every home of each and every heart, He is permeating and pervading. ||2||
jw ky Bgq AwnµdmY ]
aucwrx Awnµd-mY: 'mY' ibMdI rihq bolo
jaa kae bhagath aanandh mai ||
His devotees are totally in bliss.
jw ky Bgq kau nwhI KY ]
jaa kae bhagath ko naahee khai ||
His devotees cannot be destroyed.
jw ky Bgq kau nwhI BY ]
jaa kae bhagath ko naahee bhai ||
His devotees are not afraid.
jw ky Bgq kau sdw jY ]3]
jaa kae bhagath ko sadhaa jai ||3||
His devotees are victorious forever. ||3||
kaun aupmw qyrI khI jwie ]
koun oupamaa thaeree kehee jaae ||
What Praises of Yours can I utter?
suKdwqw pRBu rihE smwie ]
sukhadhaathaa prabh rehiou samaae ||
God, the Giver of peace, is all-pervading, permeating everywhere.
nwnku jwcY eyku dwnu ]
naanak jaachai eaek dhaan ||
Nanak begs for this one gift.
kir ikrpw moih dyhu nwmu ]4]5]
kar kirapaa mohi dhaehu naam ||4||5||
Be merciful, and bless me with Your Name. ||4||5||