bsµqu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pMjvw
basanth mehalaa 5 ||
Basant, Fifth Mehl:
jIA pRwx qum@ ipMf dIn@ ]
jeea praan thumh pindd dheenh ||
You gave us our soul, breath of life and body.
mugD suµdr Dwir joiq kIn@ ]
mugadhh sundhar dhhaar joth keenh ||
I am a fool, but You have made me beautiful, enshrining Your Light within me.
siB jwick pRB qum@ dieAwl ]
sabh jaachik prabh thumh dhaeiaal ||
We are all beggars, O God; You are merciful to us.
nwmu jpq hovq inhwl ]1]
naam japath hovath nihaal ||1||
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, we are uplifted and exalted. ||1||
myry pRIqm kwrx krx jog ]
maerae preetham kaaran karan jog ||
O my Beloved, only You have the potency to act,
hau pwvau qum qy sgl Qok ]1] rhwau ]
ho paavo thum thae sagal thhok ||1|| rehaao ||
And cause all to be done. ||1||Pause||
nwmu jpq hovq auDwr ]
naam japath hovath oudhhaar ||
Chanting the Naam, the mortal is saved.
nwmu jpq suK shj swr ]
naam japath sukh sehaj saar ||
Chanting the Naam, sublime peace and poise are found.
nwmu jpq piq soBw hoie ]
naam japath path sobhaa hoe ||
Chanting the Naam, honor and glory are received.
nwmu jpq ibGnu nwhI koie ]2]
naam japath bighan naahee koe ||2||
Chanting the Naam, no obstacles shall block your way. ||2||
jw kwrix ieh dulB dyh ]
aucwrx dul`B
jaa kaaran eih dhulabh dhaeh ||
For this reason, you have been blessed with this body, so difficult to obtain.
so bolu myry pRBU dyih ]
so bol maerae prabhoo dhaehi ||
O my Dear God, please bless me to speak the Naam.
swDsµgiq mih iehu ibsRwmu ]
saadhhasangath mehi eihu bisraam ||
This tranquil peace is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
sdw irdY jpI pRB qyro nwmu ]3]
sadhaa ridhai japee prabh thaero naam ||3||
May I always chant and meditate within my heart on Your Name, O God. ||3||
quJ ibnu dUjw koie nwih ]
thujh bin dhoojaa koe naahi ||
Other than You, there is no one at all.
sBu qyro Kylu quJ mwih smwih ]
sabh thaero khael thujh mehi samaahi ||
Everything is Your play; it all merges again into You.
ijau BwvY iqau rwiK ly ]
jio bhaavai thio raakh lae ||
As it pleases Your Will, save me, Lord.
suKu nwnk pUrw guru imly ]4]4]
sukh naanak pooraa gur milae ||4||4||
O Nanak, peace is obtained by meeting with the Perfect Guru. ||4||4||