swcu vKru Dnu plY hoie ]
aucwrx p`lY
saach vakhar dhhan palai hoe ||
One who possesses the merchandise, the wealth of the True Name,
Awip qrY qwry BI soie ]
aap tharai thaarae bhee soe ||
Crosses over, and carries others across with him as well.
shij rqw bUJY piq hoie ]
aucwrx r`qw; bU`JY
sehaj rathaa boojhai path hoe ||
One who intuitively understands, and is attuned to the Lord, is honored.
qw kI kImiq krY n koie ]
thaa kee keemath karai n koe ||
No one can estimate his worth.
jh dyKw qh rihAw smwie ]
jeh dhaekhaa theh rehiaa samaae ||
Wherever I look, I see the Lord permeating and pervading.
nwnk pwir prY sc Bwie ]57]
naanak paar parai sach bhaae ||57||
O Nanak, through the Love of the True Lord, one crosses over. ||57||
su sbd kw khw vwsu kQIAly ijqu qrIAY Bvjlu sµswro ]
s sabadh kaa kehaa vaas kathheealae jith thareeai bhavajal sansaaro ||
“Where is the Shabad said to dwell? What will carry us across the terrifying world-ocean?
qRY sq AMgul vweI khIAY iqsu khu kvnu ADwro ]
thrai sath angul vaaee keheeai this kahu kavan adhhaaro ||
The breath, when exhaled, extends out ten finger lengths; what is the support of the breath?
bolY KylY AsiQru hovY ikau kir AlKu lKwey ]
aucwrx Al`Ku
bolai khaelai asathhir hovai kio kar alakh lakhaaeae ||
Speaking and playing, how can one be stable and steady? How can the unseen be seen?”
suix suAwmI scu nwnku pRxvY Apxy mn smJwey ]
sun suaamee sach naanak pranavai apanae man samajhaaeae ||
Listen, O master; Nanak prays truly. Instruct your own mind.
gurmuiK sbdy sic ilv lwgY kir ndrI myil imlwey ]
guramukh sabadhae sach liv laagai kar nadharee mael milaaeae ||
The Gurmukh is lovingly attuned to the True Shabad. Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He unites us in His Union.
Awpy dwnw Awpy bInw pUrY Bwig smwey ]58]
aapae dhaanaa aapae beenaa poorai bhaag samaaeae ||58||
He Himself is all-knowing and all-seeing. By perfect destiny, we merge in Him. ||58||