SGGSAng 944Raag RamkaliSidh Gost12 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

su sbd kau inrµqir vwsu AlKM jh dyKw qh soeI ]

aucwrx Al`KM

s sabadh ko niranthar vaas alakhan jeh dhaekhaa theh soee ||

That Shabad dwells deep within the nucleus of all beings. God is invisible; wherever I look, there I see Him.

pvn kw vwsw suMn invwsw Akl klw Dr soeI ]

aucwrx Akl: polw bolo (ASuD: A-kl)

pavan kaa vaasaa sunn nivaasaa akal kalaa dhhar soee ||

The air is the dwelling place of the absolute Lord. He has no qualities; He has all qualities.

ndir kry sbdu Gt mih vsY ivchu Brmu gvwey ]

nadhar karae sabadh ghatt mehi vasai vichahu bharam gavaaeae ||

When He bestows His Glance of Grace, the Shabad comes to abide within the heart, and doubt is eradicated from within.

qnu mnu inrmlu inrml bwxI nwmuo mMin vswey ]

aucwrx nwmou: nwmo bolo

than man niramal niramal baanee naamuo mann vasaaeae ||

The body and mind become immaculate, through the Immaculate Word of His Bani. Let His Name be enshrined in your mind.

sbid gurU Bvswgru qrIAY ieq auq eyko jwxY ]

sabadh guroo bhavasaagar thareeai eith outh eaeko jaanai ||

The Shabad is the Guru, to carry you across the terrifying world-ocean. Know the One Lord alone, here and hereafter.

ichnu vrnu nhI CwieAw mwieAw nwnk sbdu pCwxY ]59]

chihan varan nehee shhaaeiaa maaeiaa naanak sabadh pashhaanai ||59||

He has no form or color, shadow or illusion; O Nanak, realize the Shabad. ||59||

qRY sq AMgul vweI AauDU suMn scu Awhwro ]

thrai sath angul vaaee aoudhhoo sunn sach aahaaro ||

O reclusive hermit, the True, Absolute Lord is the support of the exhaled breath, which extends out ten finger lengths.

gurmuiK bolY qqu ibrolY cInY AlK Apwro ]

aucwrx Al`K

guramukh bolai thath birolai cheenai alakh apaaro ||

The Gurmukh speaks and churns the essence of reality, and realizes the unseen, infinite Lord.

qRY gux mytY sbdu vswey qw min cUkY Ahµkwro ]

thrai gun maettai sabadh vasaaeae thaa man chookai ahankaaro ||

Eradicating the three qualities, he enshrines the Shabad within, and then, his mind is rid of egotism.

AMqir bwhir eyko jwxY qw hir nwim lgY ipAwro ]

anthar baahar eaeko jaanai thaa har naam lagai piaaro ||

Inside and out, he knows the One Lord alone; he is in love with the Name of the Lord.

suKmnw ieVw ipMgulw bUJY jw Awpy AlKu lKwey ]

aucwrx ieVw: polw bolo; bU`JY; Al`Ku

sukhamanaa eirraa pingulaa boojhai jaa aapae alakh lakhaaeae ||

He understands the Sushmana, Ida and Pingala, when the unseen Lord reveals Himself.

nwnk iqhu qy aUpir swcw siqgur sbid smwey ]60]

naanak thihu thae oopar saachaa sathigur sabadh samaaeae ||60||

O Nanak, the True Lord is above these three energy channels. Through the Word, the Shabad of the True Guru, one merges with Him. ||60||