kubuiD cvwvY so ikqu Twie ]
aucwrx ku-buiD
kubudhh chavaavai so kith thaae ||
“Where is that place, where evil thoughts are destroyed?
ikau qqu n bUJY cotw Kwie ]
aucwrx bU`JY
kio thath n boojhai chottaa khaae ||
The mortal does not understand the essence of reality; why must he suffer in pain?”
jm dir bwDy koie n rwKY ]
jam dhar baadhhae koe n raakhai ||
No one can save one who is tied up at Death's door.
ibnu sbdY nwhI piq swKY ]
bin sabadhai naahee path saakhai ||
Without the Shabad, no one has any credit or honor.
ikau kir bUJY pwvY pwru ]
aucwrx bU`JY
kio kar boojhai paavai paar ||
“How can one obtain understanding and cross over?”
nwnk mnmuiK n buJY gvwru ]55]
aucwrx bu`JY
naanak manamukh n bujhai gavaar ||55||
O Nanak, the foolish self-willed manmukh does not understand. ||55||
kubuiD imtY gur sbdu bIcwir ]
aucwrx ku-buiD
kubudhh mittai gur sabadh beechaar ||
Evil thoughts are erased, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
siqguru BytY moKduAwr ]
aucwrx moK-duAwr: sbµDk krky bolo
sathigur bhaettai mokh dhuaar ||
Meeting with the True Guru, the door of liberation is found.
qqu n cInY mnmuKu jil jwie ]
thath n cheenai manamukh jal jaae ||
The self-willed manmukh does not understand the essence of reality, and is burnt to ashes.
durmiq ivCuiV cotw Kwie ]
dhuramath vishhurr chottaa khaae ||
His evil-mindedness separates him from the Lord, and he suffers.
mwnY hukmu sBy gux igAwn ]
aucwrx s`By
maanai hukam sabhae gun giaan ||
Accepting the Hukam of the Lord's Command, he is blessed with all virtues and spiritual wisdom.
nwnk drgh pwvY mwnu ]56]
naanak dharageh paavai maan ||56||
O Nanak, he is honored in the Court of the Lord. ||56||