Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 308 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

9: s`c Aqy kUV

Truth and falsehood

scu smwiexu duD ivic kUV ivgwVu kWjI dI cuKY ]

sachu samaainu dudh vichi koorh vigaarhu kaanjee dee choukhai.

The truth is the rennet in the milk whereas falsehood is like the spoiling vinegar.

scu Bojnu muih Kwvxw ieku dwxw nkY vil duKY ]

sachu bhojanu muhi khaavanaa iku daanaa nakai vali doukhai.

The truth is like eating the food through mouth but the falsehood s painful as if a grain has gone into the nose.

Plhu ruK ruKhu su Plu AMiqkwil Kau lwKhu ruKY ]

phalahu roukh roukhahu su phalu anti kaali khau laakhahu roukhai.

From fruit emerges tree and nom tree the fruit; but if shellac attacks the tree, the latter is destroyed (similarly falsehood decimates the individual).

sau virAw Aig ruK ivic Bsm krY Aig ibMdku DuKY ]

sau variaa agi roukh vichi bhasam karai agi bindaku dhoukhai.

For hundreds of years, the fire remains latent in the tree, but enraged by a small spark, it destroys the ree (similarly the falsehood ever remaining in the mind, ultimately destroys the man).

scu dwrU kUVu rogu hY ivxu gur vYd vydin mnmuKY ]

sachu daaroo koorhu rogu hai vinu gur vaid vaydani manamoukhai.

The truth is medicine whereas the falsehood is a disease which inflicts the manmukhs who are without physician in the form of Guru.

scu sQoeI kUV Tgu lgY duKu n gurmuiK suKY ]

sachu sadoee koorh tdagu lagai doukhu n guramoukhi soukhai.

Truth is companion and the falsehood a cheat who cannot make the gurmukh suffer (because they ever abide in the pleasure of truth).

kUVu pcY scY dI BuKY ]9]

koorhu pachai sachai dee bhoukhai ||9||

Falsehood perishes and the truth is ever desired.