Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1TankhahnamaTankhahnama166 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ikoankaar satigur prasaadh ||

There is One Creator; With the Grace of the True Guru.

sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqy ]

sree vaahiguroo jee kee fate ||

O Almighty, victory to thee.

qn^wh nwmw

tanakhhaeh naamaa

Tankhah Naama : Code of Discipline

pRsn krnw BweI nµdlwl jI kw

prasan karanaa bhaiee na(n)dhalaal jee kaa

Questions: Bhai Nand Lal Jee

vwik sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI ky ]

vaak sree guroo gobi(n)dh si(n)gh jee ke ||

Responses: Guru Gobind Singh Jee

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


pRsn kIE nµdlwl jI gurU bqweIAY moih ]

prasan keeo na(n)dhalaal jee guroo bataieeaai moh ||

Nand Lal queried, “Guru Jee, enlighten me,

kvn krm ien jog hY kvn krm ien soih ]1]

kavan karam in jog hai kavan karam in soh ||1||

Which deed is ethical and which is not becoming.(1)

sRI gurovwc ]

sree gurovaach ||

Speech of Sri Guru Jee

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


nµdlwl ey bcn suin is`K krm hY eyih ]

na(n)dhalaal e bachan sun si'kh karam hai eh ||

Nand Lal, listen to the premise, the Sikh conduct deems this,

nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ibnu krY n An isauN nyih ]2]

naam dhaan isanaan bin karai na an siau(n) neh ||2||

Without the celestial name, ablution and benevolence, a Sikh should not savour the food.(2)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


pRwqkwl siqsMig n jwvY ]

praatakaal satisa(n)g na jaavai ||

One who does not participate in the true congregation early in the morning,

qnKwhdwr vhu vfw khwvY ]

tanakhaahadhaar vahu vaddaa kahaavai ||

Will be adjudged as deserving a (religious) retribution.(3)

siqsMig jwie kY iciq fulwvY ]

satisa(n)g jai kai chit ddulaavai ||

The one who participates in the true-congregation half-heartedly

eIhW aUhW Tauir n pwvY ]3]

e'eehaa(n) uoohaa(n) thaur na paavai ||3||

Will find shelter nowhere.(4)

hirjsu sunqy bwq clwvY ]

harijas sunate baat chalaavai ||

While listening to the celestial glories, (one who) starts idle-talks,

khY goibMd vih jmpuir jwvY ]

kahai gobi(n)dh veh jamapur jaavai ||

Says Gobind Singh, goes to the hell.(5)

inrDn dyiK n pwis bhwvY ]

niradhan dhekh na paas bahaavai ||

Coming across a poor-man, if he does not entertain him,

so qnKwhI vfw khwvY ]4]

so tanakhaahee vaddaa kahaavai ||4||

He obtains the fundamental punishment.(6)

sbdu igAwnu ibnu krY jo bwq ]

sabadh giaan bin karai jo baat ||

One who tattles without the knowledge of the celestial word,

qW ky kCU n AwvY hwQ ]

taa(n) ke kachhoo na aavai haath ||

Benefits by nothing at all.(7)

sbdu Bog n invwvY sIis ]

sabadh bhog na nivaavai sees ||

If he does not pay his obeisance,

qwko imlY n prm jgdIs ]5]

taako milai na param jagadhees ||5||

He will attain not access to the Supreme Being.(8)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


jo pRswid ko bWiteI mn mYN DwrY loB ]

jo prasaadh ko baa(n)tiee man mai(n) dhaarai lobh ||

One who distributes graced-pudding with avarice in his heart.

iksY QoVw iksY Aglw sdw rhY iqsu KoB ]6]

kisai thoraa kisai agalaa sadhaa rahai tis khobh ||6||

More to some and scanty to others, he, for ever, remains in affliction.(9)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


kVwh pRswid kI ibiD suin lIjY ]

karaeh prasaadh kee bidh sun leejai ||

Listen to the procedure of preparing consecrated pudding.

qIn Bwv ko smsr kIjY ]

teen bhaav ko samasar keejai ||

Take three components in equal quantity.(10)

lypn AwgY bhukr dIjY ]

lepan aagai bahukar dheejai ||

After brooming, mud-plastering the floor,

mWjn kir BWjn DovIjY ]7]

maa(n)jan kar bhaa(n)jan dhoveejai ||7||

And using the scrubber, wash all the utensils.(11)

kir iesnwnu pivqR hoie bhY ]

kar isanaan pavitr hoi bahai ||

Then take the bath and come forward all clean,

vwihgurU ibnu Avru n khY ]

vaahiguroo bin avar na kahai ||

And, except Vaheguru, the Almighty, utter nothing else.(12)

nvqn kuMB pUir jl lyih ]

navatan ku(n)bh poor jal leh ||

Take a pitcherful of fresh water,

goibMd Pl sB iqs kau dyih ]8]

gobi(n)dh fal sabh tis kau dheh ||8||

Then, Gobind Singh says, he will be physically fit.(13)

kir iqAwir cOkI pr DrY ]

kar tiaar chauakee par dharai ||

After preparing it, place it on a stool,

cwr Er bih kIrqn krY ]

chaar or beh keeratan karai ||

With holy hymns flowing in all the four directions.(14)

suin nµdlwl bwq hY eyih ]

sun na(n)dhalaal baat hai eh ||

ijs pr ApunI ik®pw kryih ]9]

jis par apunee kirapaa kareh ||9||

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


muhr qurk kI isr DrY loh lgwvY crn ]

muhar turak kee sir dharai loh lagaavai charan ||

One who bows his head to a Turk (enemy) and surrenders his sword at his feet,

khY goibMd lwl jI iPir iPir hoie iqsu mrn ]10]

kahai gobi(n)dh laal jee fir fir hoi tis maran ||10||

Gobind Singh says, “Listen Lal Jee, he runs into the cycle of life and death.”(15)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


lgy idvwn suix mUil n jwvY ]

lage dhivaan sun mool na jaavai ||

One who never goes to the divine congregation,

rihq ibnw pRswid vrqwvY ]

rahit binaa prasaadh varataavai ||

And distributes sacred pudding withtout proper conduct.(16)

sUhw phr ley nsvwr ]

soohaa pahar le nasavaar ||

One who wears red (shining clothes) and takes snuff,

khY goibMd jm kry KuAwr ]11]

kahai gobi(n)dh jam kare khuaar ||11||

Gobind Singh says, he will be punished by the Yama of death.(17)

mweI BYx ju AwvY sMgiq ]

maiee bhain ju aavai sa(n)gat ||

When sisters and mothers come to the congregation,

idRis† burI dyKY iqsu pMgiq ]

dhirasit buree dhekhai tis pa(n)gat ||

One who casts an evil eye at their row,(18)

isKu hoie ju min krY kroDu ]

sikh hoi ju man karai karodh ||

And being a Sikh, if he renders wrath,

kMinAw mUl n dyvY soiD ]12]

ka(n)niaa mool na dhevai sodh ||12||

(He) loses the respect which a daughter could endow.(19)

DIA BYx kw pYsw Kwie ]

dheea bhain kaa paisaa khai ||

One who plunders the daughter or the sister,

khY goibMd D`ky jm Kwie ]

kahai gobi(n)dh dha'ke jam khai ||

Says Gobind Singh, he is pushed towards the devil.(20)

isKu hoie ibnu loh ju iPrY ]

sikh hoi bin loh ju firai ||

Being a Sikh if one goes around without a sword,

Awvq jwvq jnmY mrY ]13]

aavat jaavat janamai marai ||13||

His soul faces the transmigration.(21)

mwl AiqiQ kw blu kir ClY ]

maal atith kaa bal kar chhalai ||

If he swindles the effects of the guest,

jpu qpu qW ko sB nih PlY ]

jap tap taa(n) ko sabh neh falai ||

All his prayer and worship bear no fruit.(22)

qurk dyiK isr qy hQ DrY ]

turak dhekh sir te hath dharai ||

so qnKwhI AiDk hY nrY ]14]

so tanakhaahee adhik hai narai ||14||

sorTw ]

sorathaa ||


kMGw donoN vkq pwg cunY kr bWDeI ]

ka(n)ghaa dhono(n) vakat paag chunai kar baa(n)dhiee ||

One should comb the hair and put around the turban twice a day,

dwqn nIq kryie nw duK pwvY lwl jI ]15]

dhaatan neet karei naa dhukh paavai laal jee ||15||

Should clean the teeth and, Lal Jee, this way one will never suffer.(23)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


dsvMD guru nih dyveI JUT bolu jo Kwih ]

dhasava(n)dh gur neh dheviee jhooth bol jo khaeh ||

One who does not spare tithe for the Guru and revels in fabrications,

khY guibMd suin lwl jI iqskw kCu n ibswih ]16]

kahai gubi(n)dh sun laal jee tisakaa kachh na bisaeh ||16||

Lal Jee, Gobind Singh says, should not be trusted.(24)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


TMFy pwxI jo nhI nHwvY ]

tha(n)dde paanee jo nahee nhaavai ||

If he does not take bath in cold water,

ibnu jpu pVY pRswid jo KwvY ]

bin jap parai prasaadh jo khaavai ||

And without reading Jap, takes his food,(25)

ibnu rhrwis smW jo KovY ]

bin raharaas samaa(n) jo khovai ||

Without saying Rehras, passes the evening,

kIrqn ibnu rYin ju sovY ]17]

keeratan bin rain ju sovai ||17||

Without reciting Keertan (Sohila) goes to sleep,(26)

cuglI kir jo kwj ibgwrY ]

chugalee kar jo kaaj bigaarai ||

Through back-biting if he gets his way through,

iDRg iqsu jnmu ju Drmu ibswrY ]

dhirag tis janamu ju dharam bisaarai ||

Cursed is his birth if he forgets the righteousness.(27)

krY bcn ju pwlY nwhI ]

karai bachan ju paalai naahee ||

One who stands not by his words,

khY goibMd iqsu TOir kq nwhI ]18]

kahai gobi(n)dh tis thauar kat naahee ||18||

Says Gobind Singh, he is honoured nowhere.(28)

lY qurkn qy mws ju KwvY ]

lai turakan te maas ju khaavai ||

One who eats meat taken from Turks,

ibnu gur bcnI gIq ju gwvY ]

bin gur bachanee geet ju gaavai ||

One who utters any words except the Guru’s Shabad,(29)

iqRXw rwg sunY icqu lwie ]

tirayaa raag sunai chit lai ||

Puts heart to hear the Triya Raga,

lwl suno so jmpuir jwie ]19]

laal suno so jamapur jai ||19||

Listen, Lal Jee, he heads for the domain of death.(30)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


swD khwvY rihq ibnu Aru cInY nwhI rUp ]

saadh kahaavai rahit bin ar cheenai naahee roop ||

kpt krn qy lwl jI BlI bnY iqsu cUp ]20]

kapat karan te laal jee bhalee banai tis choop ||20||

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


ibnu Ardwis jo kwm isDwvY ]

bin aradhaas jo kaam sidhaavai ||

Without supplication one who commences a task,

Byt kIey ibnu kCu muK pwvY ]

bhet ke'ee bin kachh mukh paavai ||

Prior to offering, puts something in the mouth.(31)

iqAwgI vsqu gRihx kryie ]

tiaagee vasat grahin karei ||

Abandoned belongings, one who takes away,

ibnu iqRX ApunI syj rmyie ]21]

bin tiray apunee sej ramei ||21||

And takes an other’s wife to the bed,(32)

AiqiQ dyiK jo dyie n dwn ]

atith dhekh jo dhei na dhaan ||

One who does not serve an approaching guest,

so nhI pwvY drgih mwn ]

so nahee paavai dharageh maan ||

He won’t be honoured in the divine court.(33)

kIrqn kQw isau mn nih lwvY ]

keeratan kathaa siau man neh laavai ||

If he does not listen to the explications and singing of hymns,

sMqsMig kau burw AlwvY ]22]

sa(n)tasa(n)g kau buraa alaavai ||22||

And abuses a saintly Sikh,(34)

inMdw jUAw ihrY ju mwl ]

ni(n)dhaa jooaa hirai ju maal ||

By back-biting and gambling, if he gains,

mhW duKwvY iqs ko kwl ]

mahaa(n) dhukhaavai tis ko kaal ||

He suffers greatly through the death.(35)

gur kI inMdw sunY n kwn ]

gur kee ni(n)dhaa sunai na kaan ||

If he not listen to the criticism of Guru’s,

Bytn krY sMig ik®pwn ]23]

bhetan karai sa(n)g kirapaan ||23||

Honour him by offering a sword.(36)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


golk rwKY nwih jo Cl kw krY vpwr ]

golak raakhai naeh jo chhal kaa karai vapaar ||

One who keeps not the charitable cashbox and indulges in deceitful trade,

suno nµd guibMd khY Bogy nrk hjwr ]24]

suno na(n)dh gubi(n)dh kahai bhoge narak hajaar ||24||

Says Gobind Singh, Lal Jee, he suffers through thousands of hells.(37)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


PUk mwr dIpk ibsmwvY ]

fook maar dheepak bisamaavai ||

jUTy pwxI Agin buJwvY ]

joothe paanee agan bujhaavai ||

vwihgurU ibnu khY ju KwvY ]

vaahiguroo bin kahai ju khaavai ||

Without worshipping Waheguru, one who eats,

vysÍw duAwrY is`K jo jwvY ]25]

vesavaiaa dhuaarai si'kh jo jaavai ||25||

The Sikh who pays visit to a prostitute,(38)

pr iesqRI isau nyhu lgwvY ]

par isatree siau neh lagaavai ||

Who revels with an other’s wife,

khY goibMd vhu isKu nih BwvY ]

kahai gobi(n)dh vahu sikh neh bhaavai ||

Says Gobind Singh, such a Sikh is not regarded.(39)

guruqlpI kptI hY joie ]

gurutalapee kapatee hai joi ||

One who is cunning and impostor for the Guru,

bf qnKwhI jwno soie ]26]

badd tanakhaahee jaano soi ||26||

He should be considered severely punishable.(40)

gur ko Cwif Avru isauN mWgY ]

gur ko chhaadd avar siau(n) maa(n)gai ||

Abandoning the Guru, one who goes to beg others,

rwqRI soie qyV hoie nWgY ]

raatree soi ter hoi naa(n)gai ||

And sleeps at night without anything on,(41)

ngn hoie Bog jo krY ]

nagan hoi bhog jo karai ||

Unclothed one who revels in sex,

ngn hoie jl m`jnu krY ]27]

nagan hoi jal ma'jan karai ||27||

And all naked cleans his teeth,(42)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


ngn hoie bwhr iPrY ngn sIs jo Kwie ]

nagan hoi baahar firai nagan sees jo khai ||

One who goes around naked or eats bare headed,

ngn pRswid jo bWteI qnKwhI bfo khwie ]28]

nagan prasaadh jo baa(n)tiee tanakhaahee baddo kahai ||28||

Or gives out sacred pudding in a naked state is adjudged as a big offender.(43)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


Kwlsw so ju inMdw iqAwgY ]

khaalasaa so ju ni(n)dhaa tiaagai ||

Khalsa is the one, who renounces calumny,

Kwlsw so lVY hoih AwgY ]

khaalasaa so larai hoh aagai ||

Khalsa is the one who volunteers to contend in the first rank.(44)

Kwlsw so ju dyvY dwnw ]

khaalasaa so ju dhevai dhaanaa ||

Kwlsw so ju mwrY Kwnw ]29]

khaalasaa so ju maarai khaanaa ||29||

Kwlsw so ju pMcW kau mwrY ]

khaalasaa so ju pa(n)chaa(n) kau maarai ||

Khalsa is the one who annuls the five vices.

Kwlsw so ju krmW ko swVY ]

khaalasaa so ju karamaa(n) ko saarai ||

Khalsa is the one who burns the (effect of) the (previous) actions.(45)

Kwlsw so ju mwn iqAwgY ]

khaalasaa so ju maan tiaagai ||

Khalsa is the one who relinquishes the ego.

Kwlsw so ju Anuidnu jwgY ]30]

khaalasaa so ju anudhin jaagai ||30||

Khalsa is the one who keeps away from another’s wife.(46)

Kwlsw so pridRisc kau iqAwgY ]

khaalasaa so paradhirasich kau tiaagai ||

Khalsa is the one who does not imitate the others’ viewpoint.

Kwlsw so nwmu riq lwgY ]

khaalasaa so naam rat laagai ||

Khalsa is the one who is infused with the divine name.(47)

Kwlsw so gurbwxI ihqu lwvY ]

khaalasaa so gurbaanee hit laavai ||

Khalsa is the one who puts his heart into Gurbani.

Kwlsw so swr muih KwvY ]31]

khaalasaa so saar muh khaavai ||31||

Khalsa is the one who can eat the steel.(48)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


Klk Kwilk kI jwn kY Klk duKwvY nwih ]

khalak khaalik kee jaan kai khalak dhukhaavai naeh ||

Regarding the creation as that of the Creator, one should not exploit the creation.

Klk duKY jb nµd jI Kwilk kopY qwih ]32]

khalak dhukhai jab na(n)dh jee khaalik kopai taeh ||32||

If creation is put in agony, Lal Jee, the Creator is enraged.(49)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


Kwlsw so ju inRDn kau pwlY ]

khaalasaa so ju niradhan kau paalai ||

Khalsa is the one who looks after the poor.

Kwlsw so ju dus† ko gwlY ]

khaalasaa so ju dhusat ko gaalai ||

Khalsa is the one who annihilates the the evil-doers.(50)

Kwlsw so ju nwmu jpu krY ]

khaalasaa so ju naam jap karai ||

Khalsa is the one who remembers the divine name.

Kwlsw so mlyC pr cVHY ]33]

khaalasaa so malechh par charhai ||33||

Khalsa is the one who invades the barbarians.(51)

Kwlsw so nwmu isau joVY ]

khaalasaa so naam siau jorai ||

Khalsa is the one who is permeated with the celestial entity.

Kwlsw so bMDn ko qoVY ]

khaalasaa so ba(n)dhan ko torai ||

Khalsa is the one who destroys the bondage.(52)

Kwlsw so ju cVY qurMg ]

khaalasaa so ju charai tura(n)g ||

Khalsa is the one who rides the horse.

Kwlsw so ju krY inq jMg ]34]

khaalasaa so ju karai nit ja(n)g ||34||

Khalsa is the one who is ever ready for righteous war.(53)

Kwlsw so ju ssqR kau DwrY ]

khaalasaa so ju sasatr kau dhaarai ||

Khalsa is the one who adorns the arms.

Kwlsw so dus† kau mwrY ]

khaalasaa so dhusat kau maarai ||

Khalsa is the one who exterminates the vicious.(54)

Kwlsw so Drm ko pwlY ]

khaalasaa so dharam ko paalai ||

Kwlsw so sIs CqR dy nwlY ]35]

khaalasaa so sees chhatr dhe naalai ||35||

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


dohI iPrY Akwl kI inMdk itky n koie ]

dhohee firai akaal kee ni(n)dhak tike na koi ||

Outcry prevails for the Almighty and the slander fosters no one.

bn prbq sB BjYgy qrY jgq mY soie ]36]

ban parabat sabh bhajaige tarai jagat mai soi ||36||

The hills and forests in all the three domains (of creation) will remember him.(55)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


sunhu nµdlwl iehu swju ]

sunahu na(n)dhalaal ih saaj ||

Listen, Nand Lal, this is the veracity,

pRgit krUMgw Apnw rwj ]

pragat karoo(n)gaa apanaa raaj ||

Through which (I) reveal my sovereignty.(56)

cwr vrn iek vrn krwaUN ]

chaar varan ik varan karaauoo(n) ||

All the four castes, (I) blend into one caste,

vwihgurU kw jwp jpwaUN ]37]

vaahiguroo kaa jaap japaauoo(n) ||37||

And popularise the worship of Waheguru.(57)

cVy qurMg aufwvY bwj ]

chare tura(n)g uddaavai baaj ||

They will mount the horse and fly the falcon,

qurk dyK kY jwvYN Bwj ]

turak dhekh kai jaavai(n) bhaaj ||

Seeing them as such, Turks (enemies) will flee.(58)

svw lwK sy eyk lrwaUN ]

savaa laakh se ek laraauoo(n) ||

(I will) make the one combat a hundred and twenty-five thousand.

cVih isMG iqsu mukq krwaUN ]38]

chareh si(n)gh tis mukat karaauoo(n) ||38||

The Sikh proceeding thus, (I will) get emancipated.(59)

JUln nyjy hsqI swjy ]

jhoolan neje hasatee saaje ||

The spears wave and the elephants are decorated,

duAwir duAwir pr naubq bwjy ]

dhuaar dhuaar par naubat baaje ||

At every door the victory drums beat.(60)

svw lwK jb DuKy plIqw ]

savaa laakh jab dhukhe paleetaa ||

When a hundred and twenty-five thousands fire-works sparkle,

qbY Kwlsw audy Asœ lO jIqw ]39]

tabai khaalasaa udhe ast lau jeetaa ||39||

Then assume that, Khalsa has attained victory.(61)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


rwj krygw Kwlsw AwkI rhY n koie ]

raaj karegaa khaalasaa aakee rahai na koi ||

The Khalsa will rule and the rebels will be eliminated,

KuAwr hoie sB imlYNgy bcy srin ju hoie ]40]

khuaar hoi sabh milai(n)ge bache saran ju hoi ||40||

All will be obliged to join and only those who surrender will survive.(62)

bcn hY sRI gurU jI kw ik jo koeI is`K kw bytw hoie Aru monw hoie jwvY

bachan hai sree guroo jee kaa k jo koiee si'kh kaa betaa hoi ar monaa hoi jaavai

This is the directive of Guru, that if the son of a Sikh shaves the head,

iqskI jVH su`kI AOr jo monw is`K ho jwvY qW iqskI jVH hrI ]

tisakee jarh su'kee aauar jo monaa si'kh ho jaavai taa(n) tisakee jarh haree ||

His posterity will be ruined, and if a shaven one becomes Sikh, his descendants will flourish.

ieiq sRI qnKwhnwmh sMpUrxM ]

eit sree tanakhaahanaameh sa(n)poorana(n) ||

This concludes the Code of punishment