Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1RehatnamaRehatnama102 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ikoankaar satigur prasaadh ||

There is One Creator; With the Grace of the True Guru.

AQ rihqnwmh ilKÎqy ]

ath rahitanaameh likhayate ||

Rahit Naama : Code of Conduct

sRI gurU vwc

sree guroo vaach

Speech of Sri Guru Jee




gurisK rihq sunhu myry mIq ]

gursikh rahit sunahu mere meet ||

Sikhs of the Guru, listen, My Companions,

auiT pRBwiq kry ihqu cIq ]

auth prabhaat kare hit cheet ||

Getting up early in the morning, conceive God in the mind.(1)

vwihgurU pun mMqR su jwp ]

vaahiguroo pun ma(n)tr su jaap ||

Then recite the incantation of Waheguru, the Supreme Being,

kir iesnwnu pVHy jpu jwpu ]1]

kar isanaan parhe jap jaap ||1||

And after ablution, read and recount Jap Jaap.(2)

drsn krY myrw pun Awie ]

dharasan karai meraa pun aai ||

Then come and have the Darshan (glimpse) of mine,

Adb isauN bYT rhih icqu lwie ]

adhab siau(n) baith raheh chit lai ||

And sit there reverentially with profound attention to the Guru.(3)

qIn pihr jb bIqy jwin ]

teen pahir jab beete jaan ||

When the three watches of the day have gone past,

kQw sunY gur ihqu icqu lwin ]2]

kathaa sunai gur hit chit laan ||2||

Listen to the exposition by of the Guru with complete attention.(4)

sMiDAw smY sunY rhrwis ]

sa(n)dhiaa samai sunai raharaas ||

In the evening listen to the Rehras,

kIrqn kQw sunY hir jws ]

keeratan kathaa sunai har jaas ||

And pay attention to the Kirtan (singing of Hymns) and Katha (Sermons).(5)

ien myN nym ju eyk krwie ]

ein me(n) nem ju ek karai ||

One who practices such a way,

so isKu AmrpurI mih jwie ]3]

so sikh amarapuree meh jai ||3||

Will attain the eternal bliss.(6)

pWc nym pur isKu ju DwrY ]

paa(n)ch nem pur sikhu ju dhaarai ||

The Sikh who revels in five routines,

iekIs kul kutMb kau qwrY ]

eikees kul kuta(n)b kau taarai ||

He secures the emancipation for his twenty-one generations.(7)

qwry kutMb mukiq so hoie ]

taare kuta(n)b mukat so hoi ||

Not only he achieves family’s emancipation, but also eternal bliss.

jnm mrn nih pwvY soie ]4]

janam maran neh paavai soi ||4||

He saves his soul from transmigration.(8)

nµdlwluvwc ]

na(n)dhalaaluvaach ||

Speech of Bhai Nand Lal

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


qum ju khw gurdyv jI drsn kir moih Awie ]

tum ju kahaa gurdhev jee dharasan kar moh aai ||

What you have stated, Oh My Gurdev Master, ‘come to seek my vision,’

lKIey qumrw drs khW khhu moih smJwie ]5]

lakhe'ee tumaraa dharas kahaa(n) kahahu moh samajhai ||5||

Please enable me to understand, how we can pursue the same.(9)

sRI gurUvwc ]

sree guroovaach ||

Speech of Sri Guru Jee

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


qIn rUp hY moih ky sunhu nµd icqu lwie ]

teen roop hai moh ke sunahu na(n)dh chit lai ||

Assiduously listen Nand, there are three entities of mine,

inrgux srgux gursbd khhuM qoih smJwie ]6]

niragun saragun gursabadh kahahu(n) toh samajhai ||6||

And these, you comprehend, are Transcendental, Attributive and the Guru’s Shabad, the Celestial Word.(10)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


eyk rUp iqhu gux qy pry ]

ek roop tih gun te pare ||

There is one Perception, which is beyond all the three attributes,

nyiq nyiq ijh ingm aucry ]

net net jeh nigam uchare ||

Which has been expounded many a time in Vedas,(11)

Git Git ibAwpk AMqrjwmI ]

ghat ghat biaapak a(n)tarajaamee ||

The Almighty invests every heart

pUir rihE ijauN jl Gt BwnI ]7]

poor rahio jiau(n) jal ghat bhaanee ||7||

And is indivisible as water in the pitcher,(12)

dUsr rUp gRMQ jI jwnhu ]

dhoosar roop gra(n)th jee jaanahu ||

Know Guru Granth Sahib to be my second form.

Awpn AMg myry kr mwnhu ]

aapan a(n)g mere kar maanahu ||

Consider Guru Granth Sahib part of my own body.

rom rom A`Cr so lhhu ]

rom rom a'chhar so lahahu ||

Consider each letter (of Guru Granth Sahib) my pores.

bwq jQwrQ qum soN khhu ]8]

baat jathaarath tum so(n) kahahu ||8||

And the factual pronouncement I make to you for veracity (13)

jo is`K gur drsn kI cwih ]

jo si'kh gur dharasan kee chaeh ||

The Sikh desirous of Guru’s Darshan,

drsn krY gRMQ jI Awih ]

dharasan karai gra(n)th jee aaeh ||

Should go and have the Darshan of Granth Jee,(14)

pRBwiq smY krkY iesnwn ]

prabhaat samai karakai isanaan ||

After ablution early in the morning,

qIn pRd`Cxw krY sujwn ]9]

teen pradha'chhanaa karai sujaan ||9||

he should judiciously undertake its three circumambulation,(15)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


hwQ joV kr Adb soN bYTy moih hjUr ]

haath jor kar adhab so(n) baithe moh hajoor ||

With folded hands he should be seated, seeking my audience,

sIs tyk gur gRMQ jI bcn suxy so hjUr ]10]

sees tek gur gra(n)th jee bachan sune so hajoor ||10||

And after paying obeisance to Guru Granth Jee, listen to the celestial exposition.(16)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


sbd sunY guir ihqu icqu lwie ]

sabadh sunai gur hit chit lai ||

Hearing the Shabad with concentration, and by putting mind into the Guru,

igAwn sbd guir sunY sunwie ]

giaan sabadh gur sunai sunai ||

He should listen and make others heed the Guru’s enlightening Shabad.(17)

jo mm swQ chy kir bwq ]

jo mam saath chahe kar baat ||

One who wants to communicate with me,

gRMQ jI pVHY ibcwrY swQ ]11]

gra(n)th jee parhai bichaarai saath ||11||

He may read, listen to and ponder over Granth Jee.(18)

jo muJ bcn sunn kI cwie ]

jo mujh bachan sunan kee chai ||

Ones who aspires to listen to my sermons,

gRMQ ivcwr sunhu icqu lwie ]

gra(n)th vichaar sunahu chit lai ||

Diligently, should he read and recite Granth Jee.(19)

myrw rUp gRMQ jI jwnu ]

meraa roop gra(n)th jee jaan ||

Deem Granth Jee as my embodiment,

ies myN Byd n rMck mwnu ]12]

eis me(n) bhedh na ra(n)chak maan ||12||

And concede to no other perception.(20)

qIsr rUp is`K hY mor ]

teesar roop si'kh hai mor ||

My Sikh is my third embodiment,

gurbwxI riq ijh ins Bor ]

gurbaanee rat jeh nis bhor ||

Who remains imbued in the essence of Gurbani day and night.(21)

ivswhu pRIq gur sbd ju DrY ]

visaahu preet gur sabadh ju dharai ||

One who puts confidence in and affection upon the Guru’s Shabad.

gur kw drsn iniq auiT krY ]13]

gur kaa dharasan nit uth karai ||13||

He, always and ever, achieves the vision of the Guru.(22)

igAwn sbd guir suxy suxwie ]

giaan sabadh gur sune sunai ||

He should revel in listening and recounting Guru’s Shabad,

jpujI jwpu pVHy icqu lwie ]

japujee jaap parhe chit lai ||

And with full concentration read Jap Jee Jaap.{23)

gurdvwir kw drsn krY ]

gurdhavaar kaa dharasan karai ||

He should go and espy the Guru’s Portal,

prdwrw kw iqAwg jo krY ]14]

paradhaaraa kaa tiaag jo karai ||14||

And should withstand being tempted by other women.(24)

gurisK syv kry icqu lwie ]

gursikh sev kare chit lai ||

With zeal, he should serve the Sikhs of the Guru,

Awpw mn kw sgl imtwie ]

aapaa man kaa sagal mitai ||

After relinquish all ego from his mind.(25)

ien krmn mih jo prDwn ]

ein karaman meh jo paradhaan ||

One who tends towards these actions,

so isKu rUp myrw pihcwn ]15]

so sikh roop meraa pahichaan ||15||

Recognises my manifestation.(26)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


AYsy gurisK mwn hY syvw kry jo koie ]

aaise gursikh maan hai sevaa kare jo koi ||

That Sikh of the Guru gets acceptance, who performs the service,

qn mn Dn puMn Arp kY so muJ syvw hoie ]16]

tan man dhan pu(n)n arap kai so mujh sevaa hoi ||16||

And the one who surrenders through mind, body and soul, and becomes prominent server of mine.(27)

AYsy gurisK syv kI moih phuMcY Awie ]

aaise gursikh sev kee moh pahu(n)chai aai ||

The service of such a Sikh of the Guru is approved by me,

suxhu nµd icqu dyie kr mukiq bYkuMTY jwie ]17]

sunahu na(n)dh chit dhei kar mukat baiku(n)thai jai ||17||

And listen, Nand, earnestly, this is the way, the heaven is secured.(28)

nµdlwluvwc ]

na(n)dhalaaluvaach ||

Speech of Nand Lal

inrgux srgux gursbd khy rUp qum qIn ]

niragun saragun gursabadh kahe roop tum teen ||

You have expounded that Transcendental, Corporeal and Guru’s Shabad are your three attributes.

inrgux rUp nhIN dyKIey srgux is`K ADIn ]18]

niragun roop nahee(n) dhekhe'ee saragun si'kh adheen ||18||

Transcendental is not visible and Corporeal is through the Sikh.(29)

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


qumrw inrgux rUp Apwrw ]

tumaraa niragun roop apaaraa ||

Your Transcendental Attribute is infinite,

so ikm dyKYN dInidAwrw ]

so kim dhekhai(n) dheenadhiaaraa ||

And who can have that vision, Oh My Benevolent-one.(30)

jgqgurU qum kho svwmI ]

jagataguroo tum kaho savaamee ||

Oh, My Master, you remain the Guru of the temporal world,

Git Git vwsI AMqrjwmI ]19]

ghat ghat vaasee a(n)tarajaamee ||19||

And, Knowing-all, you prevail on all the minds.(31)

sRI gurUvwc ]

sree guroovaach ||

Speech of Sri Guru Jee

cOpeI ]

chauapiee ||


sunhu isKu BweI nµdlwl ]

sunahu sikh bhaiee na(n)dhalaal ||

Listen, Sikh Brother, Nand Lal,

gurisK srgux rUp sujwn ]

gursikh saragun roop sujaan ||

Guru’s Sikh becomes auspiciously corporeal,

ipRQm syv gur ihqu icqu kwn ]20]

piratham sev gur hit chit kaan ||20||

If he is, primarily and diligently, engaged in the service of Guru.(33)

gurisK syv sbd jo ghhu ]

gursikh sev sabadh jo gahahu ||

Guru’s Sikh, who conceives Guru’s Shabad,

sbd srUp soN ieh ibiD lhhu ]

sabadh saroop so(n) ieh bidh lahahu ||

Obtains the blessings through the embodiment of the Shabad.(34)

sbd srUp vwk jo Dwry ]

sabadh saroop vaak jo dhaare ||

One who adheres to the explication through the manifestation of the Shabad,

iqs qy lKIey Apr Apwry ]21]

tis te lakhe'ee apar apaare ||21||

Leads others to the Infinite one.(35)

qy mYN gosit khI so BweI ]

te mai(n) gosat kahee so bhaiee ||

Brother,, I have narrated to you this discourse,

pVHY sunY jo ihqu icqu lweI ]

parhai sunai jo hit chit laiee ||

And the ones who read and listen to it thoughtfully,(36)

iqs kI mihmw khhu bKwn ]

tis kee mahimaa kahahu bakhaan ||

Their attributes will be beyond description,

joqI joiq imlY moih Awn ]22]

jotee jot milai moh aan ||22||

And, through my honour, the lights will merge into the light.(37)

sMmq sqRh shs su bwvn ]

sa(n)mat satreh sahas su baavan ||

It is Samwat Seventeen hundred and fifty-two*,

m`Gr sudI nOmI suKdwvn ]

ma'ghar sudhee nauamee sukhadhaavan ||

Auspicious Ninth day of first half of moon in the month of Maghar*.(38) (*December 1695CE)

surgur vwr sq`drU qIr ]

suragur vaar sata'dharoo teer ||

On a Friday at the bank of (river) Satluj,

bcn khy nµdlwl so bIr ]23]

bachan kahe na(n)dhalaal so beer ||23||

The hero expounded these solemn verses to Nand Lal.(39)

dohrw ]

dhoharaa ||


vwihgurU gur jwpeI vwihgurU kir iDAwn ]

vaahiguroo gur jaapiee vaahiguroo kar dhiaan ||

Those Sikhs of the guru who remember Waheguru attentively,

mukiq lwB so hoie hYN gurisK irid mih mwn ]24]

mukat laabh so hoi hai(n) gursikh ridh meh maan ||24||

Are endowed with salvation, remember, O Gursikh! (40)

ieq sRI rihqnwmh sMpUrxM ]

eit sree rahitanaameh sa(n)poorana(n) ||

Here ends Sri Rehatnama