isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pihlw
sireeraag mehalaa 1 ||
Siree Raag, First Mehl:
Awpy gux Awpy kQY Awpy suix vIcwru ]
aapae gun aapae kathhai aapae sun veechaar ||
O Lord, You are Your Own Glorious Praise. You Yourself speak it; You Yourself hear it and contemplate it.
Awpy rqnu priK qUµ Awpy molu Apwru ]
aapae rathan parakh thoon aapae mol apaar ||
You Yourself are the Jewel, and You are the Appraiser. You Yourself are of Infinite Value.
swcau mwnu mhqu qUµ Awpy dyvxhwru ]1]
aucwrx mh`qu
saacho maan mehath thoon aapae dhaevanehaar ||1||
O True Lord, You are Honor and Glory; You Yourself are the Giver. ||1||
hir jIau qUµ krqw krqwru ]
har jeeo thoon karathaa karathaar ||
O Dear Lord, You are the Creator and the Cause.
ijau BwvY iqau rwKu qUµ hir nwmu imlY Awcwru ]1] rhwau ]
jio bhaavai thio raakh thoon har naam milai aachaar ||1|| rehaao ||
If it is Your Will, please save and protect me; please bless me with the lifestyle of the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||
Awpy hIrw inrmlw Awpy rMgu mjIT ]
aapae heeraa niramalaa aapae rang majeeth ||
You Yourself are the flawless diamond; You Yourself are the deep crimson color.
Awpy moqI aUjlo Awpy Bgq bsITu ]
aapae mothee oojalo aapae bhagath baseeth ||
You Yourself are the perfect pearl; You Yourself are the devotee and the priest.
gur kY sbid slwhxw Git Git fITu AfITu ]2]
gur kai sabadh salaahanaa ghatt ghatt ddeeth addeeth ||2||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, You are praised. In each and every heart, the Unseen is seen. ||2||
Awpy swgru boihQw Awpy pwru Apwru ]
aapae saagar bohithhaa aapae paar apaar ||
You Yourself are the ocean and the boat. You Yourself are this shore, and the one beyond.
swcI vwt sujwxu qUµ sbid lGwvxhwru ]
saachee vaatt sujaan thoon sabadh laghaavanehaar ||
O All-knowing Lord, You are the True Way. The Shabad is the Navigator to ferry us across.
infirAw fru jwxIAY bwJu gurU gubwru ]3]
aucwrx in`firAw
niddariaa ddar jaaneeai baajh guroo gubaar ||3||
One who does not fear God shall live in fear; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness. ||3||
AsiQru krqw dyKIAY horu kyqI AwvY jwie ]
asathhir karathaa dhaekheeai hor kaethee aavai jaae ||
The Creator alone is seen to be Eternal; all others come and go.
Awpy inrmlu eyku qUµ hor bMDI DMDY pwie ]
aapae niramal eaek thoon hor bandhhee dhhandhhai paae ||
Only You, Lord, are Immaculate and Pure. All others are bound up in worldly pursuits.
guir rwKy sy aubry swcy isau ilv lwie ]4]
gur raakhae sae oubarae saachae sio liv laae ||4||
Those who are protected by the Guru are saved. They are lovingly attuned to the True Lord. ||4||
hir jIau sbid pCwxIAY swic rqy gur vwik ]
aucwrx r`qy
har jeeo sabadh pashhaaneeai saach rathae gur vaak ||
Through the Shabad, they recognize the Dear Lord; through the Guru's Word, they are attuned to Truth.
iqqu qin mYlu n lgeI sc Gir ijsu Eqwku ]
thith than mail n lagee sach ghar jis outhaak ||
Filth does not stick to the body of one who has secured a dwelling in his True Home.
ndir kry scu pweIAY ibnu nwvY ikAw swku ]5]
nadhar karae sach paaeeai bin naavai kiaa saak ||5||
When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, we obtain the True Name. Without the Name, who are our relatives? ||5||
ijnI scu pCwixAw sy suKIey jug cwir ]
jinee sach pashhaaniaa sae sukheeeae jug chaar ||
Those who have realized the Truth are at peace throughout the four ages.
haumY iqRsnw mwir kY scu riKAw aur Dwir ]
houmai thrisanaa maar kai sach rakhiaa our dhhaar ||
Subduing their egotism and desires, they keep the True Name enshrined in their hearts.
jg mih lwhw eyku nwmu pweIAY gur vIcwir ]6]
jag mehi laahaa eaek naam paaeeai gur veechaar ||6||
In this world, the only real profit is the Name of the One Lord; it is earned by contemplating the Guru. ||6||
swcau vKru lwdIAY lwBu sdw scu rwis ]
aucwrx v`Kru
saacho vakhar laadheeai laabh sadhaa sach raas ||
Loading the Merchandise of the True Name, you shall gather in your profits forever with the Capital of Truth.
swcI drgh bYseI Bgiq scI Ardwis ]
saachee dharageh baisee bhagath sachee aradhaas ||
In the Court of the True One, you shall sit in truthful devotion and prayer.
piq isau lyKw inbVY rwm nwmu prgwis ]7]
path sio laekhaa nibarrai raam naam paragaas ||7||
Your account shall be settled with honor, in the Radiant Light of the Name of the Lord. ||7||
aUcw aUcau AwKIAY khau n dyiKAw jwie ]
oochaa oocho aakheeai keho n dhaekhiaa jaae ||
The Lord is said to be the Highest of the High; no one can perceive Him.
jh dyKw qh eyku qUµ siqguir dIAw idKwie ]
jeh dhaekhaa theh eaek thoon sathigur dheeaa dhikhaae ||
Wherever I look, I see only You. The True Guru has inspired me to see You.
joiq inrµqir jwxIAY nwnk shij suBwie ]8]3]
aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
joth niranthar jaaneeai naanak sehaj subhaae ||8||3||
The Divine Light within is revealed, O Nanak, through this intuitive understanding. ||8||3||