SGGSAng 53Sri RaagMahalla 1 Astpadiyaa27 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pihlw

mehalaa 1 ||

First Mehl:

sBy kMq mhylIAw sglIAw krih sIgwru ]

aucwrx s`By

sabhae kanth mehaeleeaa sagaleeaa karehi seegaar ||

All are brides of the Husband Lord; all decorate themselves for Him.

gxq gxwvix AweIAw sUhw vysu ivkwru ]

ganath ganaavan aaeeaa soohaa vaes vikaar ||

But when the time comes to settle their accounts, their red robes are corrupt.

pwKMif pRymu n pweIAY Kotw pwju KuAwru ]1]

paakhandd praem n paaeeai khottaa paaj khuaar ||1||

His Love is not obtained through hypocrisy. Her false coverings bring only ruin. ||1||

hir jIau ieau ipru rwvY nwir ]

har jeeo eio pir raavai naar ||

In this way, the Dear Husband Lord ravishes and enjoys His bride.

quDu Bwvin sohwgxI ApxI ikrpw lYih svwir ]1] rhwau ]

thudhh bhaavan sohaaganee apanee kirapaa laihi savaar ||1|| rehaao ||

The happy soul-bride is pleasing to You, Lord; by Your Grace, You adorn her. ||1||Pause||

gur sbdI sIgwrIAw qnu mnu ipr kY pwis ]

aucwrx sIgwrIAw: ibMdI rihq bolo

gur sabadhee seegaareeaa than man pir kai paas ||

She is decorated with the Word of the Guru's Shabad; her mind and body belong to her Husband Lord.

duie kr joiV KVI qkY scu khY Ardwis ]

aucwrx q`kY

dhue kar jorr kharree thakai sach kehai aradhaas ||

With her palms pressed together, she stands, waiting on Him, and offers her True prayers to Him.

lwil rqI sc BY vsI Bwie rqI rµig rwis ]2]

aucwrx r`qI; r`qI

laal rathee sach bhai vasee bhaae rathee rang raas ||2||

Dyed in the deep crimson of the Love of her Darling Lord, she dwells in the Fear of the True One. Imbued with His Love, she is dyed in the color of His Love. ||2||

ipRA kI cyrI kWFIAY lwlI mwnY nwau ]

pria kee chaeree kaandteeai laalee maanai naao ||

She is said to be the hand-maiden of her Beloved Lord; His sweetheart surrenders to His Name.

swcI pRIiq n quteI swcy myil imlwau ]

saachee preeth n thuttee saachae mael milaao ||

True Love is never broken; she is united in Union with the True One.

sbid rqI mnu vyiDAw hau sd bilhwrY jwau ]3]

aucwrx r`qI

sabadh rathee man vaedhhiaa ho sadh balihaarai jaao ||3||

Attuned to the Word of the Shabad, her mind is pierced through. I am forever a sacrifice to Him. ||3||

sw Dn rMf n bYseI jy siqgur mwih smwie ]

saa dhhan randd n baisee jae sathigur maahi samaae ||

That bride, who is absorbed into the True Guru, shall never become a widow.

ipru rIswlU nauqno swcau mrY n jwie ]

pir reesaaloo nouthano saacho marai n jaae ||

Her Husband Lord is Beautiful; His Body is forever fresh and new. The True One does not die, and shall not go.

inq rvY sohwgxI swcI ndir rjwie ]4]

aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo

nith ravai sohaaganee saachee nadhar rajaae ||4||

He continually enjoys His happy soul-bride; He casts His Gracious Glance of Truth upon her, and she abides in His Will. ||4||

swcu DVI Dn mwfIAY kwpVu pRym sIgwru ]

saach dhharree dhhan maaddeeai kaaparr praem seegaar ||

The bride braids her hair with Truth; her clothes are decorated with His Love.

cMdnu cIiq vswieAw mMdru dsvw duAwru ]

chandhan cheeth vasaaeiaa mandhar dhasavaa dhuaar ||

Like the essence of sandalwood, He permeates her consciousness, and the Temple of the Tenth Gate is opened.

dIpku sbid ivgwisAw rwm nwmu aur hwru ]5]

dheepak sabadh vigaasiaa raam naam our haar ||5||

The lamp of the Shabad is lit, and the Name of the Lord is her necklace. ||5||

nwrI AMdir sohxI msqik mxI ipAwru ]

naaree andhar sohanee masathak manee piaar ||

She is the most beautiful among women; upon her forehead she wears the Jewel of the Lord's Love.

soBw suriq suhwvxI swcY pRyim Apwr ]

sobhaa surath suhaavanee saachai praem apaar ||

Her glory and her wisdom are magnificent; her love for the Infinite Lord is True.

ibnu ipr purKu n jwxeI swcy gur kY hyiq ipAwir ]6]

bin pir purakh n jaanee saachae gur kai haeth piaar ||6||

Other than her Beloved Lord, she knows no man. She enshrines love for the True Guru. ||6||

inis AMiDAwrI suqIey ikau ipr ibnu rYix ivhwie ]

nis andhhiaaree sutheeeae kio pir bin rain vihaae ||

Asleep in the darkness of the night, how shall she pass her life-night without her Husband?

AMku jlau qnu jwlIAau mnu Dnu jil bil jwie ]

ank jalo than jaaleeao man dhhan jal bal jaae ||

Her limbs shall burn, her body shall burn, and her mind and wealth shall burn as well.

jw Dn kµiq n rwvIAw qw ibrQw jobnu jwie ]7]

jaa dhhan kanth n raaveeaa thaa birathhaa joban jaae ||7||

When the Husband does not enjoy His bride, then her youth passes away in vain. ||7||

syjY kMq mhylVI sUqI bUJ n pwie ]

aucwrx bU`J

saejai kanth mehaelarree soothee boojh n paae ||

The Husband is on the Bed, but the bride is asleep, and so she does not come to know Him.

hau suqI ipru jwgxw iks kau pUCau jwie ]

aucwrx su`qI

ho suthee pir jaaganaa kis ko pooshho jaae ||

While I am asleep, my Husband Lord is awake. Where can I go for advice?

siqguir mylI BY vsI nwnk pRymu sKwie ]8]2]

sathigur maelee bhai vasee naanak praem sakhaae ||8||2||

The True Guru has led me to meet Him, and now I dwell in the Fear of God. O Nanak, His Love is always with me. ||8||2||