SGGSAng 109Raag MajhAstpadiyaa Mahalla 128 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

rwgu mwJ AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 1

aucwrx rwgu mwJ Ast-pdIAw mh`lw pihlw Gru pihlw

raag maajh asattapadheeaa mehalaa 1 ghar 1

Raag Maajh, Ashtapadees: First Mehl, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sbid rMgwey hukim sbwey ]

sabadh rangaaeae hukam sabaaeae ||

By His Command, all are attuned to the Word of the Shabad,

scI drgh mhil bulwey ]

sachee dharageh mehal bulaaeae ||

And all are called to the Mansion of His Presence, the True Court of the Lord.

scy dIn dieAwl myry swihbw scy mnu pqIAwvixAw ]1]

aucwrx pqI-AwvixAw

sachae dheen dhaeiaal maerae saahibaa sachae man patheeaavaniaa ||1||

O my True Lord and Master, Merciful to the meek, my mind is pleased and appeased by the Truth. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI sbid suhwvixAw ]

ho vaaree jeeo vaaree sabadh suhaavaniaa ||

I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who are adorned with the Word of the Shabad.

AMimRq nwmu sdw suKdwqw gurmqI mMin vswvixAw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx gurm`qI

anmrith naam sadhaa sukhadhaathaa guramathee mann vasaavaniaa ||1|| rehaao ||

The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, is forever the Giver of Peace. Through the Guru's Teachings, it dwells in the mind. ||1||Pause||

nw ko myrw hau iksu kyrw ]

naa ko maeraa ho kis kaeraa ||

No one is mine, and I am no one else's.

swcw Twkuru iqRBvix myrw ]

saachaa thaakur thribhavan maeraa ||

The True Lord and Master of the three worlds is mine.

haumY kir kir jwie GxyrI kir Avgx pCoqwvixAw ]2]

houmai kar kar jaae ghanaeree kar avagan pashhothaavaniaa ||2||

Acting in egotism, so very many have died. After making mistakes, they later repent and regret. ||2||

hukmu pCwxY su hir gux vKwxY ]

hukam pashhaanai s har gun vakhaanai ||

Those who recognize the Hukam of the Lord's Command chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

gur kY sbid nwim nIswxY ]

gur kai sabadh naam neesaanai ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are glorified with the Naam.

sBnw kw dir lyKw scY CUtis nwim suhwvixAw ]3]

sabhanaa kaa dhar laekhaa sachai shhoottas naam suhaavaniaa ||3||

Everyone's account is kept in the True Court, and through the Beauty of the Naam, they are saved. ||3||

mnmuKu BUlw Tauru n pwey ]

manamukh bhoolaa thour n paaeae ||

The self-willed manmukhs are deluded; they find no place of rest.

jm dir bDw cotw Kwey ]

aucwrx b`Dw

jam dhar badhhaa chottaa khaaeae ||

Bound and gagged at Death's Door, they are brutally beaten.

ibnu nwvY ko sµig n swQI mukqy nwmu iDAwvixAw ]4]

bin naavai ko sang n saathhee mukathae naam dhhiaavaniaa ||4||

Without the Name, there are no companions or friends. Liberation comes only by meditating on the Naam. ||4||

swkq kUVy scu n BwvY ]

saakath koorrae sach n bhaavai ||

The false shaaktas, the faithless cynics, do not like the Truth.

duibDw bwDw AwvY jwvY ]

dhubidhhaa baadhhaa aavai jaavai ||

Bound by duality, they come and go in reincarnation.

iliKAw lyKu n mytY koeI gurmuiK mukiq krwvixAw ]5]

likhiaa laekh n maettai koee guramukh mukath karaavaniaa ||5||

No one can erase pre-recorded destiny; the Gurmukhs are liberated. ||5||

pyeIAVY ipru jwqo nwhI ]

paeeearrai pir jaatho naahee ||

In this world of her parents' house, the young bride did not know her Husband.

JUiT ivCuµnI rovY DwhI ]

jhooth vishhunnee rovai dhhaahee ||

Through falsehood, she has been separated from Him, and she cries out in misery.

Avgix muTI mhlu n pwey Avgx guix bKswvixAw ]6]

avagan muthee mehal n paaeae avagan gun bakhasaavaniaa ||6||

Defrauded by demerits, she does not find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. But through virtuous actions, her demerits are forgiven. ||6||

pyeIAVY ijin jwqw ipAwrw ]

paeeearrai jin jaathaa piaaraa ||

She, who knows her Beloved in her parents' house,

gurmuiK bUJY qqu bIcwrw ]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh boojhai thath beechaaraa ||

As Gurmukh, comes to understand the essence of reality; she contemplates her Lord.

Awvxu jwxw Twik rhwey scY nwim smwvixAw ]7]

aavan jaanaa thaak rehaaeae sachai naam samaavaniaa ||7||

Her comings and goings cease, and she is absorbed in the True Name. ||7||

gurmuiK bUJY AkQu khwvY ]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh boojhai akathh kehaavai ||

The Gurmukhs understand and describe the Indescribable.

scy Twkur swco BwvY ]

sachae thaakur saacho bhaavai ||

True is our Lord and Master; He loves the Truth.

nwnk scu khY bynµqI scu imlY gux gwvixAw ]8]1]

naanak sach kehai baenanthee sach milai gun gaavaniaa ||8||1||

Nanak offers this true prayer: singing His Glorious Praises, I merge with the True One. ||8||1||