BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
bwpu hmwrw sd crµjIvI ]
baap hamaaraa sadh charanjeevee ||
My Father is Eternal, forever alive.
BweI hmwry sdhI jIvI ]
bhaaee hamaarae sadh hee jeevee ||
My brothers live forever as well.
mIq hmwry sdw AibnwsI ]
meeth hamaarae sadhaa abinaasee ||
My friends are permanent and imperishable.
kutµbu hmwrw inj Gir vwsI ]1]
kuttanb hamaaraa nij ghar vaasee ||1||
My family abides in the home of the self within. ||1||
hm suKu pwieAw qW sBih suhyly ]
ham sukh paaeiaa thaan sabhehi suhaelae ||
I have found peace, and so all are at peace.
guir pUrY ipqw sµig myly ]1] rhwau ]
gur poorai pithaa sang maelae ||1|| rehaao ||
The Perfect Guru has united me with my Father. ||1||Pause||
mMdr myry sB qyˆ aUcy ]
mandhar maerae sabh thae oochae ||
My mansions are the highest of all.
dys myry byAMq ApUCy ]
aucwrx A-pUCy
dhaes maerae baeanth apooshhae ||
My countries are infinite and uncountable.
rwju hmwrw sdhI inhclu ]
raaj hamaaraa sadh hee nihachal ||
My kingdom is eternally stable.
mwlu hmwrw AKUtu Abyclu ]2]
aucwrx Aby-clu
maal hamaaraa akhoott abaechal ||2||
My wealth is inexhaustible and permanent. ||2||
soBw myrI sB jug AMqir ]
sobhaa maeree sabh jug anthar ||
My glorious reputation resounds throughout the ages.
bwj hmwrI Qwn Qnµqir ]
baaj hamaaree thhaan thhananthar ||
My fame has spread in all places and interspaces.
kIriq hmrI Gir Gir hoeI ]
keerath hamaree ghar ghar hoee ||
My praises echo in each and every house.
Bgiq hmwrI sBnI loeI ]3]
bhagath hamaaree sabhanee loee ||3||
My devotional worship is known to all people. ||3||
ipqw hmwry pRgty mwJ ]
pithaa hamaarae pragattae maajh ||
My Father has revealed Himself within me.
ipqw pUq ril kInI sWJ ]
pithaa pooth ral keenee saanjh ||
The Father and son have joined together in partnership.
khu nwnk jau ipqw pqIny ]
kahu naanak jo pithaa patheenae ||
Says Nanak, when my Father is pleased,
ipqw pUq eykY rµig lIny ]4]9]22]
pithaa pooth eaekai rang leenae ||4||9||22||
Then the Father and son are joined together in love, and become one. ||4||9||22||