SGGSAng 1141Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

inrvYr purK siqgur pRB dwqy ]

niravair purakh sathigur prabh dhaathae ||

The True Guru, the Primal Being, is free of revenge and hate; He is God, the Great Giver.

hm AprwDI qum bKswqy ]

ham aparaadhhee thumh bakhasaathae ||

I am a sinner; You are my Forgiver.

ijsu pwpI kau imlY n FoeI ]

jis paapee ko milai n dtoee ||

That sinner, who finds no protection anywhere

srix AwvY qW inrmlu hoeI ]1]

saran aavai thaan niramal hoee ||1||

- if he comes seeking Your Sanctuary, then he becomes immaculate and pure. ||1||

suKu pwieAw siqgurU mnwie ]

sukh paaeiaa sathiguroo manaae ||

Pleasing the True Guru, I have found peace.

sB Pl pwey gurU iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]

sabh fal paaeae guroo dhhiaae ||1|| rehaao ||

Meditating on the Guru, I have obtained all fruits and rewards. ||1||Pause||

pwrbRhm siqgur Awdysu ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham sathigur aadhaes ||

I humbly bow to the Supreme Lord God, the True Guru.

mnu qnu qyrw sBu qyrw dysu ]

man than thaeraa sabh thaeraa dhaes ||

My mind and body are Yours; all the world is Yours.

cUkw pVdw qW ndrI AwieAw ]

aucwrx pVdw: polw bolo

chookaa parradhaa thaan nadharee aaeiaa ||

When the veil of illusion is removed, then I come to see You.

Ksmu qUhY sBnw ky rwieAw ]2]

khasam thoohai sabhanaa kae raaeiaa ||2||

You are my Lord and Master; You are the King of all. ||2||

iqsu Bwxw sUky kwst hirAw ]

this bhaanaa sookae kaasatt hariaa ||

When it pleases Him, even dry wood becomes green.

iqsu Bwxw qW Ql isir sirAw ]

this bhaanaa thaan thhal sir sariaa ||

When it pleases Him, rivers flow across the desert sands.

iqsu Bwxw qW siB Pl pwey ]

this bhaanaa thaan sabh fal paaeae ||

When it pleases Him, all fruits and rewards are obtained.

icMq geI lig siqgur pwey ]3]

chinth gee lag sathigur paaeae ||3||

Grasping hold of the Guru's feet, my anxiety is dispelled. ||3||

hrwmKor inrgux kau qUTw ]

haraamakhor niragun ko thoothaa ||

I am unworthy and ungrateful, but He has been merciful to me.

mnu qnu sIqlu min AMimRqu vUTw ]

man than seethal man anmrith voothaa ||

My mind and body have been cooled and soothed; the Ambrosial Nectar rains down in my mind.

pwrbRhm gur Bey dieAwlw ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham gur bheae dhaeiaalaa ||

The Supreme Lord God, the Guru, has become kind and compassionate to me.

nwnk dws dyiK Bey inhwlw ]4]10]23]

naanak dhaas dhaekh bheae nihaalaa ||4||10||23||

Slave Nanak beholds the Lord, enraptured. ||4||10||23||