Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
cwry kuµfw FUFIAw ko nIm@I mYfw ]
chaarae kunddaa dtoodteeaa ko neemhee maiddaa ||
I have searched in the four directions, but no one is mine.
jy quDu BwvY swihbw qU mY hau qYfw ]1]
jae thudhh bhaavai saahibaa thoo mai ho thaiddaa ||1||
If it pleases You, O Lord Master, then You are mine, and I am Yours. ||1||
dru bIBw mY nIim ko kY krI slwmu ]
dhar beebhaa mai neemih ko kai karee salaam ||
There is no other door for me; where shall I go to worship?
ihko mYfw qU DxI swcw muiK nwmu ]1] rhwau ]
hiko maiddaa thoo dhhanee saachaa mukh naam ||1|| rehaao ||
You are my only Lord; Your True Name is in my mouth. ||1||Pause||
isDw syvin isD pIr mwgih iriD isiD ]
aucwrx is`Dw; is`D; ir`iD; is`iD
sidhhaa saevan sidhh peer maagehi ridhh sidhh ||
Some serve the Siddhas, the beings of spiritual perfection, and some serve spiritual teachers; they beg for wealth and miraculous powers.
mY ieku nwmu n vIsrY swcy gur buiD ]2]
mai eik naam n veesarai saachae gur budhh ||2||
May I never forget the Naam, the Name of the One Lord. This is the wisdom of the True Guru. ||2||
jogI BogI kwpVI ikAw Bvih idsµqr ]
jogee bhogee kaaparree kiaa bhavehi dhisanthar ||
Why do the Yogis, the revellers, and the beggars wander in foreign lands?
gur kw sbdu n cIn@hI qqu swru inrµqr ]3]
gur kaa sabadh n cheenhehee thath saar niranthar ||3||
They do not understand the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and the essence of excellence within them. ||3||
pMifq pwDy joiesI inq pVHih purwxw ]
panddith paadhhae joeisee nith parrhehi puraanaa ||
The Pandits, the religious scholars, the teachers and astrologers, and those who endlessly read the Puraanas,
AMqir vsqu n jwxn@I Git bRhmu lukwxw ]4]
aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
anthar vasath n jaananhee ghatt breham lukaanaa ||4||
Do not know what is within; God is hidden deep within them. ||4||
ieik qpsI bn mih qpu krih inq qIrQ vwsw ]
aucwrx qp-sI
eik thapasee ban mehi thap karehi nith theerathh vaasaa ||
Some penitents perform penance in the forests, and some dwell forever at sacred shrines.
Awpu n cInih qwmsI kwhy Bey audwsw ]5]
aap n cheenehi thaamasee kaahae bheae oudhaasaa ||5||
The unenlightened people do not understand themselves - why have they become renunciates? ||5||
ieik ibMdu jqn kir rwKdy sy jqI khwvih ]
aucwrx jqI: polw bolo
eik bindh jathan kar raakhadhae sae jathee kehaavehi ||
Some control their sexual energy, and are known as celibates.
ibnu gur sbd n CUthI BRim Awvih jwvih ]6]
bin gur sabadh n shhoottehee bhram aavehi jaavehi ||6||
But without the Guru's Word, they are not saved, and they wander in reincarnation. ||6||
ieik igrhI syvk swiDkw gurmqI lwgy ]
aucwrx gurm`qI
eik girehee saevak saadhhikaa guramathee laagae ||
Some are householders, servants, and seekers, attached to the Guru's Teachings.
nwmu dwnu iesnwnu idRVu hir Bgiq su jwgy ]7]
naam dhaan eisanaan dhrirr har bhagath s jaagae ||7||
They hold fast to the Naam, to charity, to cleansing and purification; they remain awake in devotion to the Lord. ||7||
gur qy dru Gru jwxIAY so jwie is\wxY ]
gur thae dhar ghar jaaneeai so jaae sinjaanai ||
Through the Guru, the Gate of the Lord's Home is found, and that place is recognized.
nwnk nwmu n vIsrY swcy mnu mwnY ]8]14]
naanak naam n veesarai saachae man maanai ||8||14||
Nanak does not forget the Naam; his mind has surrendered to the True Lord. ||8||14||