SGGSAng 1171Raag BasantMahalla 111 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

bsµqu ihMfol mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx bsµqu ihMfol mh`lw pihlw

basanth hinddol mehalaa 1 ||

Basant Hindol, First Mehl:

swcw swhu gurU suKdwqw hir myly BuK gvwey ]

saachaa saahu guroo sukhadhaathaa har maelae bhukh gavaaeae ||

The Guru is the True Banker, the Giver of peace; He unites the mortal with the Lord, and satisfies his hunger.

kir ikrpw hir Bgiq idRVwey Anidnu hir gux gwey ]1]

kar kirapaa har bhagath dhrirraaeae anadhin har gun gaaeae ||1||

Granting His Grace, He implants devotional worship of the Lord within; and then night and day, we sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

mq BUlih ry mn cyiq hrI ]

aucwrx mq: polw bolo

math bhoolehi rae man chaeth haree ||

O my mind, do not forget the Lord; keep Him in your consciousness.

ibnu gur mukiq nwhI qRY loeI gurmuiK pweIAY nwmu hrI ]1] rhwau ]

bin gur mukath naahee thrai loee guramukh paaeeai naam haree ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Guru, no one is liberated anywhere in the three worlds. The Gurmukh obtains the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

ibnu BgqI nhI siqguru pweIAY ibnu Bwgw nhI Bgiq hrI ]

bin bhagathee nehee sathigur paaeeai bin bhaagaa nehee bhagath haree ||

Without devotional worship, the True Guru is not obtained. Without good destiny, devotional worship of the Lord is not obtained.

ibnu Bwgw sqsµgu n pweIAY krim imlY hir nwmu hrI ]2]

bin bhaagaa sathasang n paaeeai karam milai har naam haree ||2||

Without good destiny, the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, is not obtained. By the grace of one's good karma, the Lord's Name is received. ||2||

Git Git gupqu aupwey vyKY prgtu gurmuiK sMq jnw ]

ghatt ghatt gupath oupaaeae vaekhai paragatt guramukh santh janaa ||

In each and every heart, the Lord is hidden; He creates and watches over all. He reveals Himself in the humble, Saintly Gurmukhs.

hir hir krih su hir rµig BIny hir jlu AMimRq nwmu mnw ]3]

har har karehi s har rang bheenae har jal anmrith naam manaa ||3||

Those who chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are drenched with the Lord's Love. Their minds are drenched with the Ambrosial Water of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3||

ijn kau qKiq imlY vifAweI gurmuiK sy prDwn kIey ]

jin ko thakhath milai vaddiaaee guramukh sae paradhhaan keeeae ||

Those who are blessed with the glory of the Lord's Throne - those Gurmukhs are renowned as supreme.

pwrsu Byit Bey sy pwrs nwnk hir gur sµig QIey ]4]4]12]

paaras bhaett bheae sae paaras naanak har gur sang thheeeae ||4||4||12||

Touching the philosopher's stone, they themselves becomes the philosopher's stone; they become the companions of the Lord, the Guru. ||4||4||12||