BYrau mhlw 5 Gru 1
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw Gru pihlw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ghar 1
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl, First House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
sglI QIiq pwis fwir rwKI ]
sagalee thheeth paas ddaar raakhee ||
Setting aside all other days,
Astm QIiq goivMd jnmw sI ]1]
aucwrx jnmw sI: v`Krw krky
asattam thheeth govindh janamaa see ||1||
It is said that the Lord was born on the eighth lunar day. ||1||
Brim BUly nr krq kcrwiex ]
aucwrx kc-rwiex
bharam bhoolae nar karath kacharaaein ||
Deluded and confused by doubt, the mortal practices falsehood.
jnm mrx qy rhq nwrwiex ]1] rhwau ]
janam maran thae rehath naaraaein ||1|| rehaao ||
The Lord is beyond birth and death. ||1||Pause||
kir pMjIru KvwieE cor ]
kar panjeer khavaaeiou chor ||
You prepare sweet treats and feed them to your stone god.
Ehu jnim n mrY ry swkq For ]2]
ouhu janam n marai rae saakath dtor ||2||
God is not born, and He does not die, you foolish, faithless cynic! ||2||
sgl prwD dyih loronI ]
sagal paraadhh dhaehi loronee ||
You sing lullabyes to your stone god - this is the source of all your mistakes.
so muKu jlau ijqu khih Twkuru jonI ]3]
so mukh jalo jith kehehi thaakur jonee ||3||
Let that mouth be burnt, which says that our Lord and Master is subject to birth. ||3||
jnim n mrY n AwvY n jwie ]
janam n marai n aavai n jaae ||
He is not born, and He does not die; He does not come and go in reincarnation.
nwnk kw pRBu rihE smwie ]4]1]
naanak kaa prabh rehiou samaae ||4||1||
The God of Nanak is pervading and permeating everywhere. ||4||1||