BYrau mhlw 4 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw cauQw
bhairo mehalaa 4 ||
Bhairao, Fourth Mehl:
sqsµgiq sweI hir qyrI ijqu hir kIriq hir sunxy ]
aucwrx sWeI: ibMdI sihq bolo
sathasangath saaee har thaeree jith har keerath har sunanae ||
That is Your True Congregation Lord where the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises are heard.
ijn hir nwmu suixAw mnu BInw iqn hm sRyvh inq crxy ]1]
aucwrx syRvh: lWv 'r' nUµ lw
jin har naam suniaa man bheenaa thin ham sraeveh nith charanae ||1||
The minds of those who listen to the Lord's Name are drenched with bliss; I worship their feet continually. ||1||
jgjIvnu hir iDAwie qrxy ]
jagajeevan har dhhiaae tharanae ||
Meditating on the Lord, the Life of the World, the mortals cross over.
Anyk AsµK nwm hir qyry n jwhI ijhvw iequ gnxy ]1] rhwau ]
anaek asankh naam har thaerae n jaahee jihavaa eith gananae ||1|| rehaao ||
Your Names are so many, they are countless, O Lord. This tongue of mine cannot even count them. ||1||Pause||
gurisK hir bolhu hir gwvhu ly gurmiq hir jpxy ]
gurasikh har bolahu har gaavahu lae guramath har japanae ||
O Gursikhs, chant the Lord's Name, and sing the Praises of the Lord. Take the Guru's Teachings, and meditate on the Lord.
jo aupdysu suxy gur kyrw so jnu pwvY hir suK Gxy ]2]
jo oupadhaes sunae gur kaeraa so jan paavai har sukh ghanae ||2||
Whoever listens to the Guru's Teachings - that humble being receives countless comforts and pleasures from the Lord. ||2||
DMnu su vMsu DMnu su ipqw DMnu su mwqw ijin jn jxy ]
dhhann s vans dhhann s pithaa dhhann s maathaa jin jan janae ||
Blessed is the ancestry, blessed is the father, and blessed is that mother who gave birth to this humble servant.
ijn swis igrwis iDAwieAw myrw hir hir sy swcI drgh hir jn bxy ]3]
jin saas giraas dhhiaaeiaa maeraa har har sae saachee dharageh har jan banae ||3||
Those who meditate on my Lord, Har, Har, with every breath and morsel of food - those humble servants of the Lord look beautiful in the True Court of the Lord. ||3||
hir hir Agm nwm hir qyry ivic Bgqw hir Drxy ]
har har agam naam har thaerae vich bhagathaa har dhharanae ||
O Lord, Har, Har, Your Names are profound and infinite; Your devotees cherish them deep within.
nwnk jin pwieAw miq gurmiq jip hir hir pwir pvxy ]4]3]7]
aucwrx m`iq
naanak jan paaeiaa math guramath jap har har paar pavanae ||4||3||7||
Servant Nanak has obained the wisdom of the Guru's Teachings; meditating on the Lord, Har, Har, he crosses over to the other side. ||4||3||7||