mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
Kojq Kojq drsn cwhy ]
khojath khojath dharasan chaahae ||
I have searched and searched, seeking the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.
Bwiq Bwiq bn bn Avgwhy ]
bhaath bhaath ban ban avagaahae ||
I travelled through all sorts of woods and forests.
inrguxu srguxu hir hir myrw koeI hY jIau Awix imlwvY jIau ]1]
niragun saragun har har maeraa koee hai jeeo aan milaavai jeeo ||1||
My Lord, Har, Har, is both absolute and related, unmanifest and manifest; is there anyone who can come and unite me with Him? ||1||
Ktu swsq ibcrq muiK igAwnw ]
aucwrx ibcrq: polw bolo (ASuD: ibc`rq)
khatt saasath bicharath mukh giaanaa ||
People recite from memory the wisdom of the six schools of philosophy;
pUjw iqlku qIrQ iesnwnw ]
poojaa thilak theerathh eisanaanaa ||
They perform worship services, wear ceremonial religious marks on their foreheads, and take ritual cleansing baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
invlI krm Awsn caurwsIh ien mih sWiq n AwvY jIau ]2]
aucwrx invlI: polw bolo
nivalee karam aasan chouraaseeh ein mehi saanth n aavai jeeo ||2||
They perform the inner cleansing practice with water and adopt the eighty-four Yogic postures; but still, they find no peace in any of these. ||2||
Aink brK kIey jp qwpw ]
anik barakh keeeae jap thaapaa ||
They chant and meditate, practicing austere self-discipline for years and years;
gvnu kIAw DrqI Brmwqw ]
gavan keeaa dhharathee bharamaathaa ||
They wander on journeys all over the earth;
ieku iKnu ihrdY sWiq n AwvY jogI bhuiV bhuiV auiT DwvY jIau ]3]
eik khin hiradhai saanth n aavai jogee bahurr bahurr outh dhhaavai jeeo ||3||
And yet, their hearts are not at peace, even for an instant. The Yogi rises up and goes out, over and over again. ||3||
kir ikrpw moih swDu imlwieAw ]
kar kirapaa mohi saadhh milaaeiaa ||
By His Mercy, I have met the Holy Saint.
mnu qnu sIqlu DIrju pwieAw ]
man than seethal dhheeraj paaeiaa ||
My mind and body have been cooled and soothed; I have been blessed with patience and composure.
pRBu AibnwsI bisAw Gt BIqir hir mMglu nwnku gwvY jIau ]4]5]12]
prabh abinaasee basiaa ghatt bheethar har mangal naanak gaavai jeeo ||4||5||12||
The Immortal Lord God has come to dwell within my heart. Nanak sings the songs of joy to the Lord. ||4||5||12||