soriT mhlw 1 pMcpdy ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw pihlw pMc-pdy
sorath mehalaa 1 panchapadhae ||
Sorat'h, First Mehl, Panch-Padas:
Apnw Gru mUsq rwiK n swkih kI pr Gru john lwgw ]
aucwrx mUsq: iek`Tw bolo (ASuD: mU sq)
apanaa ghar moosath raakh n saakehi kee par ghar johan laagaa ||
You cannot save your own home from being plundered; why do you spy on the houses of others?
Gru dru rwKih jy rsu cwKih jo gurmuiK syvku lwgw ]1]
ghar dhar raakhehi jae ras chaakhehi jo guramukh saevak laagaa ||1||
That Gurmukh who joins himself to the Guru's service, saves his own home, and tastes the Lord's Nectar. ||1||
mn ry smJu kvn miq lwgw ]
aucwrx m`iq
man rae samajh kavan math laagaa ||
O mind, you must realize what your intellect is focused on.
nwmu ivswir An rs loBwny iPir pCuqwih ABwgw ] rhwau ]
aucwrx A-Bwgw
naam visaar an ras lobhaanae fir pashhuthaahi abhaagaa || rehaao ||
Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one is involved with other tastes; the unfortunate wretch shall come to regret it in the end. ||Pause||
Awvq kau hrK jwq kau rovih iehu duKu suKu nwly lwgw ]
aavath ko harakh jaath ko rovehi eihu dhukh sukh naalae laagaa ||
When things come, he is pleased, but when they go, he weeps and wails; this pain and pleasure remains attached to him.
Awpy duK suK Boig BogwvY gurmuiK so Anrwgw ]2]
aapae dhukh sukh bhog bhogaavai guramukh so anaraagaa ||2||
The Lord Himself causes him to enjoy pleasure and endure pain; the Gurmukh, however, remains unaffected. ||2||
hir rs aUpir Avru ikAw khIAY ijin pIAw so iqRpqwgw ]
har ras oopar avar kiaa keheeai jin peeaa so thripathaagaa ||
What else can be said to be above the subtle essence of the Lord? One who drinks it in is satisfied and satiated.
mwieAw moihq ijin iehu rsu KoieAw jw swkq durmiq lwgw ]3]
aucwrx moihq: iek`Tw bolo
maaeiaa mohith jin eihu ras khoeiaa jaa saakath dhuramath laagaa ||3||
One who is lured by Maya loses this juice; that faithless cynic is tied to his evil-mindedness. ||3||
mn kw jIau pvnpiq dyhI dyhI mih dyau smwgw ]
man kaa jeeo pavanapath dhaehee dhaehee mehi dhaeo samaagaa ||
The Lord is the life of the mind, the Master of the breath of life; the Divine Lord is contained in the body.
jy qU dyih q hir rsu gweI mnu iqRpqY hir ilv lwgw ]4]
jae thoo dhaehi th har ras gaaee man thripathai har liv laagaa ||4||
If You so bless us, Lord, then we sing Your Praises; the mind is satisfied and fulfilled, lovingly attached to the Lord. ||4||
swDsµgiq mih hir rsu pweIAY guir imilAY jm Bau Bwgw ]
saadhhasangath mehi har ras paaeeai gur miliai jam bho bhaagaa ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the subtle essence of the Lord is obtained; meeting the Guru, the fear of death departs.
nwnk rwm nwmu jip gurmuiK hir pwey msqik Bwgw ]5]10]
naanak raam naam jap guramukh har paaeae masathak bhaagaa ||5||10||
O Nanak, chant the Name of the Lord, as Gurmukh; you shall obtain the Lord, and realize your pre-ordained destiny. ||5||10||