SGGSAng 598Raag SorathMahalla 113 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pihlw

sorath mehalaa 1 ||

Sorat'h, First Mehl:

srb jIAw isir lyKu DurwhU ibnu lyKY nhI koeI jIau ]

aucwrx Du-rwhU

sarab jeeaa sir laekh dhhuraahoo bin laekhai nehee koee jeeo ||

Destiny, pre-ordained by the Lord, looms over the heads of all beings; no one is without this pre-ordained destiny.

Awip AlyKu kudriq kir dyKY hukim clwey soeI jIau ]1]

aap alaekh kudharath kar dhaekhai hukam chalaaeae soee jeeo ||1||

Only He Himself is beyond destiny; creating the creation by His creative power, He beholds it, and causes His Command to be followed. ||1||

mn ry rwm jphu suKu hoeI ]

man rae raam japahu sukh hoee ||

O mind, chant the Name of the Lord, and be at peace.

Aihinis gur ky crn sryvhu hir dwqw Bugqw soeI ] rhwau ]

aucwrx s-ryvhu

ahinis gur kae charan saraevahu har dhaathaa bhugathaa soee || rehaao ||

Day and night, serve at the Guru's feet; the Lord is the Giver, and the Enjoyer. ||Pause||

jo AMqir so bwhir dyKhu Avru n dUjw koeI jIau ]

jo anthar so baahar dhaekhahu avar n dhoojaa koee jeeo ||

He is within - see Him outside as well; there is no one, other than Him.

gurmuiK eyk idRsit kir dyKhu Git Git joiq smoeI jIau ]2]

guramukh eaek dhrisatt kar dhaekhahu ghatt ghatt joth samoee jeeo ||2||

As Gurmukh, look upon all with the single eye of equality; in each and every heart, the Divine Light is contained. ||2||

clqO Twik rKhu Gir ApnY gur imilAY ieh miq hoeI jIau ]

aucwrx m`iq

chalatha thaak rakhahu ghar apanai gur miliai eih math hoee jeeo ||

Restrain your fickle mind, and keep it steady within its own home; meeting the Guru, this understanding is obtained.

dyiK AidRstu rhau ibsmwdI duKu ibsrY suKu hoeI jIau ]3]

dhaekh adhrisatt reho bisamaadhee dhukh bisarai sukh hoee jeeo ||3||

Seeing the unseen Lord, you shall be amazed and delighted; forgetting your pain, you shall be at peace. ||3||

pIvhu Aipau prm suKu pweIAY inj Gir vwsw hoeI jIau ]

aucwrx Aipau: polw bolo (ASuD: A-ipau)

peevahu apio param sukh paaeeai nij ghar vaasaa hoee jeeo ||

Drinking in the ambrosial nectar, you shall attain the highest bliss, and dwell within the home of your own self.

jnm mrx Bv Bµjnu gweIAY punrip jnmu n hoeI jIau ]4]

janam maran bhav bhanjan gaaeeai punarap janam n hoee jeeo ||4||

So sing the Praises of the Lord, the Destroyer of the fear of birth and death, and you shall not be reincarnated again. ||4||

qqu inrµjnu joiq sbweI so hµ Bydu n koeI jIau ]

aucwrx so hµ: v`Krw krky

thath niranjan joth sabaaee sohan bhaedh n koee jeeo ||

The essence, the immaculate Lord, the Light of all - I am He and He is me - there is no difference between us.

Aprµpr pwrbRhmu prmysru nwnk guru imilAw soeI jIau ]5]11]

aucwrx Ap-rµpr; pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

aparanpar paarabreham paramaesar naanak gur miliaa soee jeeo ||5||11||

The Infinite Transcendent Lord, the Supreme Lord God - Nanak has met with Him, the Guru. ||5||11||