SGGSAng 1232Raag SarangAstpadiyaa Mahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

swrg mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx swrg mh`lw pihlw

saarag mehalaa 1 ||

Saarang, First Mehl:

hir ibnu ikau DIrY mnu myrw ]

har bin kio dhheerai man maeraa ||

Without the Lord, how can my mind be comforted?

koit klp ky dUK ibnwsn swcu idRVwie inbyrw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx klp: polw bolo (ASuD: kl`p)

kott kalap kae dhookh binaasan saach dhrirraae nibaeraa ||1|| rehaao ||

The guilt and sin of millions of ages is erased, and one is released from the cycle of reincarnation, when the Truth is implanted within. ||1||Pause||

kRoDu invwir jly hau mmqw pRymu sdw naurµgI ]

krodhh nivaar jalae ho mamathaa praem sadhaa no rangee ||

Anger is gone, egotism and attachment have been burnt away; I am imbued with His ever-fresh Love.

AnBau ibsir gey pRBu jwicAw hir inrmwielu sµgI ]1]

aucwrx An-Bau: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

anabho bisar geae prabh jaachiaa har niramaaeil sangee ||1||

Other fears are forgotten, begging at God's Door. The Immaculate Lord is my Companion. ||1||

cMcl miq iqAwig Bau Bµjnu pwieAw eyk sbid ilv lwgI ]

aucwrx m`iq

chanchal math thiaag bho bhanjan paaeiaa eaek sabadh liv laagee ||

Forsaking my fickle intellect, I have found God, the Destroyer of fear; I am lovingly attuned to the One Word, the Shabad.

hir rsu cwiK iqRKw invwrI hir myil ley bfBwgI ]2]

har ras chaakh thrikhaa nivaaree har mael leae baddabhaagee ||2||

Tasting the sublime essence of the Lord, my thirst is quenched; by great good fortune, the Lord has united me with Himself. ||2||

ABrq isMic Bey suBr sr gurmiq swcu inhwlw ]

aucwrx A-Brq: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj; su`Br: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

abharath sinch bheae subhar sar guramath saach nihaalaa ||

The empty tank has been filled to overflowing. Following the Guru's Teachings, I am enraptured with the True Lord.

mn riq nwim rqy inhkyvl Awid jugwid dieAwlw ]3]

aucwrx r`iq; r`qy

man rath naam rathae nihakaeval aadh jugaadh dhaeiaalaa ||3||

My mind is imbued with love for the Naam. The Immaculate Lord is merciful, from the beginning of time, and througout the ages. ||3||

mohin moih lIAw mnu morw bfY Bwg ilv lwgI ]

mohan mohi leeaa man moraa baddai bhaag liv laagee ||

My mind is fascinated with the Fascinating Lord. By great good fortune, I am lovingly attuned to Him.

swcu bIcwir iklivK duK kwty mnu inrmlu AnrwgI ]4]

saach beechaar kilavikh dhukh kaattae man niramal anaraagee ||4||

Contemplating the True Lord, all the resides of sins and mistakes are wiped away. My mind is pure and immaculate in His Love. ||4||

gihr gMBIr swgr rqnwgr Avr nhI An pUjw ]

gehir ganbheer saagar rathanaagar avar nehee an poojaa ||

God is the Deep and Unfathomable Ocean, the Source of all jewels; no other is worthy of worship.

sbdu bIcwir Brm Bau Bµjnu Avru n jwinAw dUjw ]5]

sabadh beechaar bharam bho bhanjan avar n jaaniaa dhoojaa ||5||

I contemplate the Shabad, the Destroyer of doubt and fear; I do not know any other at all. ||5||

mnUAw mwir inrml pdu cIinAw hir rs rqy AiDkweI ]

aucwrx r`qy; AiD-kweI

manooaa maar niramal padh cheeniaa har ras rathae adhhikaaee ||

Subduing my mind, I have realized the pure status; I am totally imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord.

eyks ibnu mY Avru n jwnW siqguir bUJ buJweI ]6]

aucwrx bU`J; bu`JweI

eaekas bin mai avar n jaanaan sathigur boojh bujhaaee ||6||

I do not know any other except the Lord. The True Guru has imparted this understanding. ||6||

Agm Agocru AnwQu AjonI gurmiq eyko jwinAw ]

agam agochar anaathh ajonee guramath eaeko jaaniaa ||

God is Inaccessible and Unfathomable, Unmastered and Unborn; through the Guru's Teachings, I know the One Lord.

suBr Bry nwhI icqu folY mn hI qy mnu mwinAw ]7]

aucwrx su`Br: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

subhar bharae naahee chith ddolai man hee thae man maaniaa ||7||

Filled to overflowing, my consciousness does not waver; through the Mind, my mind is pleased and appeased. ||7||

gurprswdI AkQau kQIAY khau khwvY soeI ]

gur parasaadhee akathho kathheeai keho kehaavai soee ||

By Guru's Grace, I speak the Unspoken; I speak what He makes me speak.

nwnk dIn dieAwl hmwry Avru n jwinAw koeI ]8]2]

naanak dheen dhaeiaal hamaarae avar n jaaniaa koee ||8||2||

O Nanak, my Lord is Merciful to the meek; I do not know any other at all. ||8||2||