SGGSAng 1233Raag SarangMahalla 320 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

swrg mhlw 3 AstpdIAw Gru 1

aucwrx swrg mh`lw qIjw Ast-pdIAw Gru pihlw

saarag mehalaa 3 asattapadheeaa ghar 1

Saarang, Third Mehl, Ashtapadees, First House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mn myry hir kY nwim vfweI ]

man maerae har kai naam vaddaaee ||

O my mind, the Name of the Lord is glorious and great.

hir ibnu Avru n jwxw koeI hir kY nwim mukiq giq pweI ]1] rhwau ]

har bin avar n jaanaa koee har kai naam mukath gath paaee ||1|| rehaao ||

I know of none, other than the Lord; through the Lord's Name, I have attained liberation and emancipation. ||1||Pause||

sbid Bau Bµjnu jm kwl inKMjnu hir syqI ilv lweI ]

sabadh bho bhanjan jamakaal nikhanjan har saethee liv laaee ||

Through the Word of the Shabad, I am lovingly attuned to the Lord, the Destroyer of fear, the Destroyer of the Messenger of Death.

hir suKdwqw gurmuiK jwqw shjy rihAw smweI ]1]

har sukhadhaathaa guramukh jaathaa sehajae rehiaa samaaee ||1||

As Gurmukh, I have realized the Lord, the Giver of peace; I remain intuitively absorbed in Him. ||1||

BgqW kw Bojnu hir nwm inrµjnu pYn@xu Bgiq bfweI ]

bhagathaan kaa bhojan har naam niranjan painhan bhagath baddaaee ||

The Immaculate Name of the Lord is the food of His devotees; they wear the glory of devotional worship.

inj Gir vwsw sdw hir syvin hir dir soBw pweI ]2]

nij ghar vaasaa sadhaa har saevan har dhar sobhaa paaee ||2||

They abide in the home of their inner beings, and they serve the Lord forever; they are honored in the Court of the Lord. ||2||

mnmuK buiD kwcI mnUAw folY AkQu n kQY khwnI ]

manamukh budhh kaachee manooaa ddolai akathh n kathhai kehaanee ||

The intellect of the self-willed manmukh is false; his mind wavers and wobbles, and he cannot speak the Unspoken Speech.

gurmiq inhclu hir min visAw AMimRq swcI bwnI ]3]

guramath nihachal har man vasiaa anmrith saachee baanee ||3||

Following the Guru's Teachings, the Eternal Unchanging Lord abides within the mind; the True Word of His Bani is Ambrosial Nectar. ||3||

mn ky qrµg sbid invwry rsnw shij suBweI ]

aucwrx suBweI: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

man kae tharang sabadh nivaarae rasanaa sehaj subhaaee ||

The Shabad calms the turbulent waves of the mind; the tongue is intuively imbued with peace.

siqgur imil rhIAY sd Apuny ijin hir syqI ilv lweI ]4]

sathigur mil reheeai sadh apunae jin har saethee liv laaee ||4||

So remain united forever with your True Guru, who is lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||4||

mnu sbid mrY qw mukqo hovY hir crxI icqu lweI ]

man sabadh marai thaa mukatho hovai har charanee chith laaee ||

If the mortal dies in the Shabad, then he is liberated; he focuses his consciousness on the Lord's Feet.

hir sru swgru sdw jlu inrmlu nwvY shij suBweI ]5]

aucwrx nwvY: 'n' Bwrw krky; suBweI: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

har sar saagar sadhaa jal niramal naavai sehaj subhaaee ||5||

The Lord is an Ocean; His Water is Forever Pure. Whoever bathes in it is intuitively imbued with peace. ||5||

sbdu vIcwir sdw rµig rwqy haumY iqRsnw mwrI ]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

sabadh veechaar sadhaa rang raathae houmai thrisanaa maaree ||

Those who contemplate the Shabad are forever imbued with His Love; their egotism and desires are subdued.

AMqir inhkyvlu hir rivAw sBu Awqm rwmu murwrI ]6]

anthar nihakaeval har raviaa sabh aatham raam muraaree ||6||

The Pure, Unattached Lord permeates their inner beings; the Lord, the Supreme Soul, is pervading all. ||6||

syvk syiv rhy sic rwqy jo qyrY min Bwxy ]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

saevak saev rehae sach raathae jo thaerai man bhaanae ||

Your humble servants serve You, O Lord; those who are imbued with the Truth are pleasing to Your Mind.

duibDw mhlu n pwvY jig JUTI gux Avgx n pCwxy ]7]

dhubidhhaa mehal n paavai jag jhoothee gun avagan n pashhaanae ||7||

Those who are involved in duality do not find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence; caught in the false nature of the world, they do not discriminate between merits and demerits. ||7||

Awpy myil ley AkQu kQIAY scu sbdu scu bwxI ]

aapae mael leae akathh kathheeai sach sabadh sach baanee ||

When the Lord merges us into Himself, we speak the Unspoken Speech; True is the Shabad, and True is the Word of His Bani.

nwnk swcy sic smwxy hir kw nwmu vKwxI ]8]1]

naanak saachae sach samaanae har kaa naam vakhaanee ||8||1||

O Nanak, the true people are absorbed in the Truth; they chant the Name of the Lord. ||8||1||