SGGSAng 102Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

iqsu kurbwxI ijin qUµ suixAw ]

this kurabaanee jin thoon suniaa ||

I am a sacrifice to those who have heard of You.

iqsu bilhwrI ijin rsnw BixAw ]

this balihaaree jin rasanaa bhaniaa ||

I am a sacrifice to those whose tongues speak of You.

vwir vwir jweI iqsu ivthu jo min qin quDu AwrwDy jIau ]1]

vaar vaar jaaee this vittahu jo man than thudhh aaraadhhae jeeo ||1||

Again and again, I am a sacrifice to those who meditate on You with mind and body. ||1||

iqsu crx pKwlI jo qyrY mwrig cwlY ]

this charan pakhaalee jo thaerai maarag chaalai ||

I wash the feet of those who walk upon Your Path.

nYn inhwlI iqsu purK dieAwlY ]

nain nihaalee this purakh dhaeiaalai ||

With my eyes, I long to behold those kind people.

mnu dyvw iqsu Apuny swjn ijin gur imil so pRBu lwDy jIau ]2]

man dhaevaa this apunae saajan jin gur mil so prabh laadhhae jeeo ||2||

I offer my mind to those friends, who have met the Guru and found God. ||2||

sy vfBwgI ijin qum jwxy ]

sae vaddabhaagee jin thum jaanae ||

Very fortunate are those who know You.

sB kY mDy Ailpq inrbwxy ]

aucwrx A-ilpq

sabh kai madhhae alipath nirabaanae ||

In the midst of all, they remain detached and balanced in Nirvaanaa.

swD kY sµig auin Baujlu qirAw sgl dUq auin swDy jIau ]3]

saadhh kai sang oun bhoujal thariaa sagal dhooth oun saadhhae jeeo ||3||

In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, they cross over the terrifying world-ocean, and conquer all their evil passions. ||3||

iqn kI srix pirAw mnu myrw ]

thin kee saran pariaa man maeraa ||

My mind has entered their Sanctuary.

mwxu qwxu qij mohu AMDyrw ]

maan thaan thaj mohu andhhaeraa ||

I have renounced my pride in my own strength, and the darkness of emotional attachment.

nwmu dwnu dIjY nwnk kau iqsu pRB Agm AgwDy jIau ]4]20]27]

naam dhaan dheejai naanak ko this prabh agam agaadhhae jeeo ||4||20||27||

Please bless Nanak with the Gift of the Naam, the Name of the Inaccessible and Unfathomable God. ||4||20||27||