SGGSAng 344Raag GauriVaar 736 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

rwgu gauVI vwr kbIr jIau ky 7 ]

aucwrx rwgu gauVI vwr kbIr jIau ky s`q bolo

raag gourree vaar kabeer jeeo kae 7 ||

Raag Gauree, The Seven Days Of The Week Of Kabeer Jee:

bwr bwr hir ky gun gwvau ]

baar baar har kae gun gaavo ||

Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord each and every day.

gur gim Bydu su hir kw pwvau ]1] rhwau ]

gur gam bhaedh s har kaa paavo ||1|| rehaao ||

Meeting with the Guru, you shall come to know the mystery of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

Awidq krY Bgiq AwrµB ]

aadhith karai bhagath aaranbh ||

On Sunday, begin the devotional worship of the Lord,

kwieAw mMdr mnsw QMB ]

aucwrx kWieAW

kaaeiaa mandhar manasaa thhanbh ||

And restrain the desires within the temple of the body.

Aihinis AKMf su rhI jwie ]

ahinis akhandd surehee jaae ||

When your attention is focused day and night upon that imperishable place,

qau Anhd byxu shj mih bwie ]1]

tho anehadh baen sehaj mehi baae ||1||

Then the celestial flutes play the unstruck melody in tranquil peace and poise. ||1||

somvwir sis AMimRqu JrY ]

somavaar sas anmrith jharai ||

On Monday, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down from the moon.

cwKq byig sgl ibK hrY ]

chaakhath baeg sagal bikh harai ||

Tasting it, all poisons are removed in an instant.

bwxI roikAw rhY duAwr ]

baanee rokiaa rehai dhuaar ||

Restrained by Gurbani, the mind remains indoors;

qau mnu mqvwro pIvnhwr ]2]

aucwrx m`q-vwro

tho man mathavaaro peevanehaar ||2||

Drinking in this Nectar, it is intoxicated. ||2||

mMglvwry ly mwhIiq ]

mangalavaarae lae maaheeth ||

On Tuesday, understand reality;

pMc cor kI jwxY rIiq ]

panch chor kee jaanai reeth ||

You must know the way the five thieves work.

Gr CofyN bwhir ijin jwie ]

ghar shhoddaen baahar jin jaae ||

Those who leave their own home to go out wandering

nw qru Krw irsY hY rwie ]3]

naathar kharaa risai hai raae ||3||

Shall feel the terrible wrath of the Lord, their King. ||3||

buDvwir buiD krY pRgws ]

budhhavaar budhh karai pragaas ||

On Wednesday, one's understanding is enlightened.

ihrdY kml mih hir kw bws ]

hiradhai kamal mehi har kaa baas ||

The Lord comes to dwell in the lotus of the heart.

gur imil doaU eyk sm DrY ]

gur mil dhooo eaek sam dhharai ||

Meeting the Guru, one comes to look alike upon pleasure and pain,

aurD pMk lY sUDw krY ]4]

ouradhh pank lai soodhhaa karai ||4||

And the inverted lotus is turned upright. ||4||

ibRhspiq ibiKAw dyie bhwie ]

aucwrx ibRhs-piq

brihasapath bikhiaa dhaee behaae ||

On Thursday, wash off your corruption.

qIin dyv eyk sµig lwie ]

theen dhaev eaek sang laae ||

Forsake the trinity, and attach yourself to the One God.

qIin ndI qh iqRkutI mwih ]

aucwrx iqR-kutI: polw bolo (ASuD: iqRku`tI)

theen nadhee theh thrikuttee maahi ||

At the confluence of the three rivers of knowledge, right action and devotion, there,

Aihinis ksml Dovih nwih ]5]

aucwrx ks-ml; nwih: 'n' Bwrw bolo

ahinis kasamal dhhovehi naahi ||5||

Why not wash away your sinful mistakes? ||5||

suikRqu shwrY su ieh bRiq cVY ]

sukirath sehaarai s eih brath charrai ||

On Friday, keep up and complete your fast;

Anidn Awip Awp isau lVY ]

anadhin aap aap sio larrai ||

Day and night, you must fight against your own self.

surKI pWcau rwKY sbY ]

surakhee paancho raakhai sabai ||

If you restrain your five senses,

qau dUjI idRsit n pYsY kbY ]6]

tho dhoojee dhrisatt n paisai kabai ||6||

Then you shall not cast your glance on another. ||6||

Qwvr iQru kir rwKY soie ]

thhaavar thhir kar raakhai soe ||

On Saturday, keep the candle of God's Light

joiq dI vtI Gt mih joie ]

aucwrx v`tI

joth dhee vattee ghatt mehi joe ||

Steady within your heart;

bwhir BIqir BieAw pRgwsu ]

baahar bheethar bhaeiaa pragaas ||

You will be enlightened, inwardly and outwardly.

qb hUAw sgl krm kw nwsu ]7]

thab hooaa sagal karam kaa naas ||7||

All your karma will be erased. ||7||

jb lgu Gt mih dUjI Awn ]

jab lag ghatt mehi dhoojee aan ||

Know that as long as you place your hopes in others,

qau lau mhil n lwBY jwn ]

tho lo mehal n laabhai jaan ||

You shall not find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

rmq rwm isau lwgo rMgu ]

aucwrx rmq: polw bolo (ASuD: rm`q)

ramath raam sio laago rang ||

When you embrace love for the Lord,

kih kbIr qb inrml AMg ]8]1]

kehi kabeer thab niramal ang ||8||1||

Says Kabeer, then, you shall become pure in your very fiber. ||8||1||