SGGSAng 1243Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 49 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

slok mÚ 1 ]

aucwrx slok mh`lw pihlw

salok ma 1 ||

Shalok, First Mehl:

lK isau pRIiq hovY lK jIvxu ikAw KusIAw ikAw cwau ]

lakh sio preeth hovai lakh jeevan kiaa khuseeaa kiaa chaao ||

You may be in love with tens of thousands, and live for thousands of years; but what good are these pleasures and occupations?

ivCuiVAw ivsu hoie ivCoVw eyk GVI mih jwie ]

vishhurriaa vis hoe vishhorraa eaek gharree mehi jaae ||

And when you must separate from them, that separation is like poison, but they will be gone in an instant.

jy sau virHAw imTw KwjY BI iPir kauVw Kwie ]

aucwrx virHAw: 'r' nUµ Bwrw krky---

jae so varihaaa mithaa khaajai bhee fir kourraa khaae ||

You may eat sweets for a hundred years, but eventually, you will have to eat the bitter as well.

imTw KwDw iciq n AwvY kauVqxu Dwie jwie ]

aucwrx kauV`qxu

mithaa khaadhhaa chith n aavai kourrathan dhhaae jaae ||

Then, you will not remember eating the sweets; bitterness will permeate you.

imTw kauVw dovY rog ]

mithaa kourraa dhovai rog ||

The sweet and the bitter are both diseases.

nwnk AMiq ivguqy Bog ]

aucwrx ivgu`qy

naanak anth viguthae bhog ||

O Nanak, eating them, you will come to ruin in the end.

JiK JiK JKxw JgVw JwK ]

jhakh jhakh jhakhanaa jhagarraa jhaakh ||

It is useless to worry and struggle to death.

JiK JiK jwih JKih iqn@ pwis ]1]

jhakh jhakh jaahi jhakhehi thinh paas ||1||

Entangled in worries and struggles, people exhaust themselves. ||1||