SGGSAng 1243Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 411 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

1 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pihlw

ma 1 ||

First Mehl:

kwpVu kwTu rMgwieAw rWig ]

kaaparr kaath rangaaeiaa raang ||

They have fine clothes and furniture of various colors.

Gr gc kIqy bwgy bwg ]

ghar gach keethae baagae baag ||

Their houses are painted beautifully white.

swd shj kir mnu KylwieAw ]

saadh sehaj kar man khaelaaeiaa ||

In pleasure and poise, they play their mind games.

qY sh pwshu khxu khwieAw ]

thai seh paasahu kehan kehaaeiaa ||

When they approach You, O Lord, they shall be spoken to.

imTw kir kY kauVw KwieAw ]

mithaa kar kai kourraa khaaeiaa ||

They think it is sweet, so they eat the bitter.

iqin kauVY qin rogu jmwieAw ]

thin kourrai than rog jamaaeiaa ||

The bitter disease grows in the body.

jy iPir imTw pyVY pwie ]

jae fir mithaa paerrai paae ||

If, later on, they receive the sweet,

qau kauVqxu cUkis mwie ]

aucwrx kauV`qxu

tho kourrathan chookas maae ||

Then their bitterness shall be gone, O mother.

nwnk gurmuiK pwvY soie ]

naanak guramukh paavai soe ||

O Nanak, the Gurmukh is blessed to receive

ijsno pRwpiq iliKAw hoie ]2]

jis no praapath likhiaa hoe ||2||

What he is predestined to receive. ||2||