36: zwhrI klw ]
Manifest power
puCy pIr qkrwr kir eyh PkIr vfw AqweI ]
pouchhay peer takaraar kari ayhu dhakeeru vadaa ataaee.
The pir debated and came to know that this faquir is much more powerful.
eyQy ivic bgdwd dy vfI krwmwiq idKlweI ]
ayday vichi bagadaad day vadee karaamaati dikhalaaee.
Here in Baghdad he has shown a great miracle.
pwqwlw Awkws lK EVik BwlI Kbru suxweI ]
paataalaa aakaas lakhi aorhaki bhaalee khabari sounaaee.
Meanwhile he (Baba Nanak) talked about myriads of netherworlds and skies.
Pyir durwiex dsqgIr AsI iB vyKw jo quih pweI ]
dhayri duraain dasatageer asee bhi vaykhaa jo tuhi paaee.
Pir Dastegir asked (the Baba) to show him whatever he had seen.
nwil lIqw bytw pIr dw AKI mIit gieAw hvweI ]
naali leetaa baytaa peer daa akhee meeti gaiaa havaaee.
Guru Nanak Dev taking along with him the son of the pir, melted into thin air.
lK Awkws pqwl lK AiK PurMk ivic siB idKlweI ]
lakh aakaas pataal lakh akhi phurak vichi sabhi dikhalaaee.
And in a wink of eye visualized him the upper and lower worlds.
Bir kckOl pRswid dw Duro pqwlo leI kVwhI ]
bhari kachakaul prasaadi daa dhuro pataalo laee karhaahee.
From the nether world he brought a bowl full of sacred food and handed it over to pir.
jwhr klw n CpY CpweI ]36]
jaahar kalaa n chhapai chhapaaee ||36||
This manifest power (of the Guru) cannot be made to hide.