rwgu Awsw mhlw 1 AstpdIAw Gru 3
aucwrx rwgu Awsw mh`lw pihlw Ast-pdIAw Gru qIjw
raag aasaa mehalaa 1 asattapadheeaa ghar 3
Raag Aasaa, First Mehl, Ashtapadees, Third House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
ijn@ isir sohin ptIAw mWgI pwie sµDUru ]
aucwrx p`tIAw
jin sir sohan patteeaa maangee paae sandhhoor ||
Those heads adorned with braided hair, with their parts painted with vermillion
sy isr kwqI muMnIAin gl ivic AwvY DUiV ]
aucwrx g`l
sae sir kaathee munneeanih gal vich aavai dhhoorr ||
Those heads were shaved with scissors, and their throats were choked with dust.
mhlw AMdir hodIAw huix bhix n imlin hdUir ]1]
mehalaa andhar hodheeaa hun behan n milanih hadhoor ||1||
They lived in palatial mansions, but now, they cannot even sit near the palaces. ||1||
Awdysu bwbw Awdysu ]
aadhaes baabaa aadhaes ||
Hail to You, O Father Lord, Hail to You!
Awid purK qyrw AMqu n pwieAw kir kir dyKih vys ]1] rhwau ]
aadh purakh thaeraa anth n paaeiaa kar kar dhaekhehi vaes ||1|| rehaao ||
O Primal Lord. Your limits are not known; You create, and create, and behold the scenes. ||1||Pause||
jdhu sIAw vIAwhIAw lwVy sohin pwis ]
jadhahu seeaa veeaaheeaa laarrae sohan paas ||
When they were married, their husbands looked so handsome beside them.
hIfolI ciV AweIAw dMd KMf kIqy rwis ]
aucwrx hI-folI
heeddolee charr aaeeaa dhandh khandd keethae raas ||
They came in palanquins, decorated with ivory;
auprhu pwxI vwrIAY Jly iJmkin pwis ]2]
ouparahu paanee vaareeai jhalae jhimakan paas ||2||
Water was sprinkled over their heads, and glittering fans were waved above them. ||2||
ieku lKu lhin@ bihTIAw lKu lhin@ KVIAw ]
eik lakh lehanih behitheeaa lakh lehanih kharreeaa ||
They were given hundreds of thousands of coins when they sat, and hundreds of thousands of coins when they stood.
grI Cuhwry KWdIAw mwxin@ syjVIAw ]
garee shhuhaarae khaandheeaa maananih saejarreeaa ||
They ate coconuts and dates, and rested comfortably upon their beds.
iqn@ gil islkw pweIAw qutin@ moq srIAw ]3]
thinh gal silakaa paaeeaa thuttanih mothasareeaa ||3||
But ropes were put around their necks, and their strings of pearls were broken. ||3||
Dnu jobnu duie vYrI hoey ijn@I rKy rMgu lwie ]
dhhan joban dhue vairee hoeae jinhee rakhae rang laae ||
Their wealth and youthful beauty, which gave them so much pleasure, have now become their enemies.
dUqw no PurmwieAw lY cly piq gvwie ]
dhoothaa no furamaaeiaa lai chalae path gavaae ||
The order was given to the soldiers, who dishonored them, and carried them away.
jy iqsu BwvY dy vifAweI jy BwvY dyie sjwie ]4]
jae this bhaavai dhae vaddiaaee jae bhaavai dhaee sajaae ||4||
If it is pleasing to God's Will, He bestows greatness; if is pleases His Will, He bestows punishment. ||4||
Ago dy jy cyqIAY qW kwiequ imlY sjwie ]
ago dhae jae chaetheeai thaan kaaeith milai sajaae ||
If someone focuses on the Lord beforehand, then why should he be punished?
swhW suriq gvweIAw rµig qmwsY cwie ]
saahaan surath gavaaeeaa rang thamaasai chaae ||
The kings had lost their higher consciousness, reveling in pleasure and sensuality.
bwbr vwxI iPir geI kuieru n rotI Kwie ]5]
baabaravaanee fir gee kueir n rottee khaae ||5||
Since Baabar's rule has been proclaimed, even the princes have no food to eat. ||5||
ieknw vKq KuAweIAih iekn@w pUjw jwie ]
eikanaa vakhath khuaaeeahi eikanhaa poojaa jaae ||
The Muslims have lost their five times of daily prayer, and the Hindus have lost their worship as well.
cauky ivxu ihMdvwxIAw ikau itky kFih nwie ]
aucwrx it`ky; nwie: 'n' Bwrw krky
choukae vin hindhavaaneeaa kio ttikae kadtehi naae ||
Without their sacred squares, how shall the Hindu women bathe and apply the frontal marks to their foreheads?
rwmu n kbhU cyiqE huix khix n imlY Kudwie ]6]
raam n kabehoo chaethiou hun kehan n milai khudhaae ||6||
They never remembered their Lord as Raam, and now they cannot even chant Khudaa-i||6||
ieik Gir Awvih AwpxY ieik imil imil puCih suK ]
eik ghar aavehi aapanai eik mil mil pushhehi sukh ||
Some have returned to their homes, and meeting their relatives, they ask about their safety.
iekn@w eyho iliKAw bih bih rovih duK ]
eikanhaa eaeho likhiaa behi behi rovehi dhukh ||
For some, it is pre-ordained that they shall sit and cry out in pain.
jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY nwnk ikAw mwnuK ]7]11]
jo this bhaavai so thheeai naanak kiaa maanukh ||7||11||
Whatever pleases Him, comes to pass. O Nanak, what is the fate of mankind? ||7||11||