Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
khw su Kyl qbylw GoVy khw ByrI shnweI ]
kehaa s khael thabaelaa ghorrae kehaa bhaeree sehanaaee ||
Where are the games, the stables, the horses? Where are the drums and the bugles?
khw su qygbµd gwfyriV khw su lwl kvweI ]
kehaa s thaegabandh gaaddaerarr kehaa s laal kavaaee ||
Where are the sword-belts and chariots? Where are those scarlet uniforms?
khw su AwrsIAw muh bMky AYQY idsih nwhI ]1]
kehaa s aaraseeaa muh bankae aithhai dhisehi naahee ||1||
Where are the rings and the beautiful faces? They are no longer to be seen here. ||1||
iehu jgu qyrw qU gosweI ]
eihu jag thaeraa thoo gosaaee ||
This world is Yours; You are the Lord of the Universe.
eyk GVI mih Qwip auQwpy jru vµif dyvY BWeI ]1] rhwau ]
eaek gharree mehi thhaap outhhaapae jar vandd dhaevai bhaanee ||1|| rehaao ||
In an instant, You establish and disestablish. You distribute wealth as it pleases You. ||1||Pause||
khW su Gr dr mMfp mhlw khw su bMk srweI ]
kehaan s ghar dhar manddap mehalaa kehaa s bank saraaee ||
Where are the houses, the gates, the hotels and palaces? Where are those beautiful way-stations?
khW su syj suKwlI kwmix ijsu vyiK nId n pweI ]
kehaan s saej sukhaalee kaaman jis vaekh needh n paaee ||
Where are those beautiful women, reclining on their beds, whose beauty would not allow one to sleep?
khw su pwn qµbolI hrmw hoeIAw CweI mweI ]2]
kehaa s paan thanbolee haramaa hoeeaa shhaaee maaee ||2||
Where are those betel leaves, their sellers, and the haremees? They have vanished like shadows. ||2||
iesu jr kwrix GxI ivguqI iein jr GxI KuAweI ]
aucwrx ivgu`qI
eis jar kaaran ghanee viguthee ein jar ghanee khuaaee ||
For the sake of this wealth, so many were ruined; because of this wealth, so many have been disgraced.
pwpw bwJhu hovY nwhI muieAw swiQ n jweI ]
aucwrx muieAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: moieAw)
paapaa baajhahu hovai naahee mueiaa saathh n jaaee ||
It was not gathered without sin, and it does not go along with the dead.
ijsno Awip KuAwey krqw Kuis ley cµigAweI ]3]
jis no aap khuaaeae karathaa khus leae changiaaee ||3||
Those, whom the Creator Lord would destroy - first He strips them of virtue. ||3||
kotI hU pIr vrij rhwey jw mIru suixAw DwieAw ]
kottee hoo peer varaj rehaaeae jaa meer suniaa dhhaaeiaa ||
Millions of religious leaders failed to halt the invader, when they heard of the Emperor's invasion.
Qwn mukwm jly ibjmMdr muiC muiC kuier rulwieAw ]
aucwrx jly: polw bolo
thhaan mukaam jalae bij mandhar mushh mushh kueir rulaaeiaa ||
He burned the rest-houses and the ancient temples; he cut the princes limb from limb, and cast them into the dust.
koeI muglu n hoAw AMDw iknY n prcw lwieAw ]4]
koee mugal n hoaa andhhaa kinai n parachaa laaeiaa ||4||
None of the Mugals went blind, and no one performed any miracle. ||4||
mugl pTwxw BeI lVweI rx mih qyg vgweI ]
mugal pathaanaa bhee larraaee ran mehi thaeg vagaaee ||
The battle raged between the Mugals and the Pat'haans, and the swords clashed on the battlefield.
EnI qupk qwix clweI En@I hsiq icVweI ]
ounhee thupak thaan chalaaee ounhee hasath chirraaee ||
They took aim and fired their guns, and they attacked with their elephants.
ijn kI cIrI drgh PwtI iqn@w mrxw BweI ]5]
jinh kee cheeree dharageh paattee thinhaa maranaa bhaaee ||5||
Those men whose letters were torn in the Lord's Court, were destined to die, O Siblings of Destiny. ||5||
iek ihMdvwxI Avr qurkwxI BitAwxI TkurwxI ]
eik hindhavaanee avar thurakaanee bhattiaanee thakuraanee ||
The Hindu women, the Muslim women, the Bhattis and the Rajputs
iekn@w pyrx isr Kur pwty iekn@w vwsu mswxI ]
eikanhaa paeran sir khur paattae eikanhaa vaas masaanee ||
Some had their robes torn away, from head to foot, while others came to dwell in the cremation ground.
ijn@ ky bMky GrI n AwieAw iqn@ ikau rYix ivhwxI ]6]
jinh kae bankae gharee n aaeiaa thinh kio rain vihaanee ||6||
Their husbands did not return home - how did they pass their night? ||6||
Awpy kry krwey krqw iksno AwiK suxweIAY ]
aapae karae karaaeae karathaa kis no aakh sunaaeeai ||
The Creator Himself acts, and causes others to act. Unto whom should we complain?
duKu suKu qyrY BwxY hovY iks QY jwie rUAweIAY ]
dhukh sukh thaerai bhaanai hovai kis thhai jaae rooaaeeai ||
Pleasure and pain come by Your Will; unto whom should we go and cry?
hukmI hukim clwey ivgsY nwnk iliKAw pweIAY ]7]12]
hukamee hukam chalaaeae vigasai naanak likhiaa paaeeai ||7||12||
The Commander issues His Command, and is pleased. O Nanak, we receive what is written in our destiny. ||7||12||