Awsw mhlw 1 iekqukI ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw ie`k-qukI
aasaa mehalaa 1 eikathukee ||
Aasaa, First Mehl, Ik-Tukee:
guru syvy so Twkur jwnY ]
gur saevae so thaakur jaanai ||
One who serves the Guru, knows his Lord and Master.
dUKu imtY scu sbid pCwnY ]1]
dhookh mittai sach sabadh pashhaanai ||1||
His pains are erased, and he realizes the True Word of the Shabad. ||1||
rwmu jphu myrI sKI sKYnI ]
raam japahu maeree sakhee sakhainee ||
Meditate on the Lord, O my friends and companions.
siqguru syiv dyKhu pRBu nYnI ]1] rhwau ]
sathigur saev dhaekhahu prabh nainee ||1|| rehaao ||
Serving the True Guru, you shall behold God with your eyes. ||1||Pause||
bµDn mwq ipqw sµswir ]
bandhhan maath pithaa sansaar ||
People are entangled with mother, father and the world.
bµDn suq kµinAw Aru nwir ]2]
bandhhan suth kanniaa ar naar ||2||
They are entangled with sons, daughters and spouses. ||2||
bµDn krm Drm hau kIAw ]
bandhhan karam dhharam ho keeaa ||
They are entangled with religious rituals, and religious faith, acting in ego.
bµDn puqu klqu min bIAw ]3]
aucwrx kl`qu
bandhhan puth kalath man beeaa ||3||
They are entangled with sons, wives and others in their minds. ||3||
bµDn ikrKI krih ikrswn ]
bandhhan kirakhee karehi kirasaan ||
The farmers are entangled by farming.
haumY fMnu shY rwjw mMgY dwn ]4]
houmai ddann sehai raajaa mangai dhaan ||4||
People suffer punishment in ego, and the Lord King exacts the penalty from them. ||4||
bµDn saudw AxvIcwrI ]
aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)
bandhhan soudhaa anaveechaaree ||
They are entangled in trade without contemplation.
iqpiq nwhI mwieAw moh pswrI ]5]
thipath naahee maaeiaa moh pasaaree ||5||
They are not satisfied by attachment to the expanse of Maya. ||5||
bµDn swh sµcih Dnu jwie ]
bandhhan saah sanchehi dhhan jaae ||
They are entangled with that wealth, amassed by bankers.
ibnu hir Bgiq n pveI Qwie ]6]
bin har bhagath n pavee thhaae ||6||
Without devotion to the Lord, they do not become acceptable. ||6||
bµDn bydu bwdu Ahµkwr ]
bandhhan baedh baadh ahankaar ||
They are entangled with the Vedas, religious discussions and egotism.
bMDin ibnsY moh ivkwr ]7]
bandhhan binasai moh vikaar ||7||
They are entangled, and perish in attachment and corruption. ||7||
nwnk rwm nwm srxweI ]
naanak raam naam saranaaee ||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord's Name.
siqguir rwKy bMDu n pweI ]8]10]
sathigur raakhae bandhh n paaee ||8||10||
One who is saved by the True Guru, does not suffer entanglement. ||8||10||