soriT mhlw 4 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw cauQw
sorath mehalaa 4 ||
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:
Awpy isRsit aupwiedw ipAwrw kir sUrju cMdu cwnwxu ]
aapae srisatt oupaaeidhaa piaaraa kar sooraj chandh chaanaan ||
The Beloved Himself created the Universe; He made the light of the sun and the moon.
Awip inqwixAw qwxu hY ipAwrw Awip inmwixAw mwxu ]
aap nithaaniaa thaan hai piaaraa aap nimaaniaa maan ||
The Beloved Himself is the power of the powerless; He Himself is the honor of the dishonored.
Awip dieAw kir rKdw ipAwrw Awpy suGVu sujwxu ]1]
aap dhaeiaa kar rakhadhaa piaaraa aapae sugharr sujaan ||1||
The Beloved Himself grants His Grace and protects us; He Himself is wise and all-knowing. ||1||
myry mn jip rwm nwmu nIswxu ]
maerae man jap raam naam neesaan ||
O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, and receive His Insignia.
sqsµgiq imil iDAwie qU hir hir bhuiV n Awvx jwxu ] rhwau ]
sathasangath mil dhhiaae thoo har har bahurr n aavan jaan || rehaao ||
Join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, and meditate on the Lord, Har, Har; you shall not have to come and go in reincarnation again. ||Pause||
Awpy hI gux vrqdw ipAwrw Awpy hI prvwxu ]
aapae hee gun varathadhaa piaaraa aapae hee paravaan ||
The Beloved Himself pervades His Glorious Praises, and He Himself approves them.
Awpy bKs krwiedw ipAwrw Awpy scu nIswxu ]
aapae bakhas karaaeidhaa piaaraa aapae sach neesaan ||
The Beloved Himself grants His forgiveness, and He Himself bestows the Insignia of Truth.
Awpy hukim vrqdw ipAwrw Awpy hI Purmwxu ]2]
aapae hukam varathadhaa piaaraa aapae hee furamaan ||2||
The Beloved Himself obeys His Will, and He Himself issues His Command. ||2||
Awpy Bgiq Bµfwr hY ipAwrw Awpy dyvY dwxu ]
aapae bhagath bhanddaar hai piaaraa aapae dhaevai dhaan ||
The Beloved Himself is the treasure of devotion; He Himself gives His gifts.
Awpy syv krwiedw ipAwrw Awip idvwvY mwxu ]
aapae saev karaaeidhaa piaaraa aap dhivaavai maan ||
The Beloved Himself commits some to His service, and He Himself blesses them with honor.
Awpy qwVI lwiedw ipAwrw Awpy guxI inDwnu ]3]
aapae thaarree laaeidhaa piaaraa aapae gunee nidhhaan ||3||
The Beloved Himself is absorbed in Samaadhi; He Himself is the treasure of excellence. ||3||
Awpy vfw Awip hY ipAwrw Awpy hI prDwxu ]
aapae vaddaa aap hai piaaraa aapae hee paradhhaan ||
The Beloved Himself is the greatest; He Himself is supreme.
Awpy kImiq pwiedw ipAwrw Awpy qulu prvwxu ]
aapae keemath paaeidhaa piaaraa aapae thul paravaan ||
The Beloved Himself appraises the value; He Himself is the scale, and the weights.
Awpy Aqulu qulwiedw ipAwrw jn nwnk sd kurbwxu ]4]5]
aapae athul thulaaeidhaa piaaraa jan naanak sadh kurabaan ||4||5||
The Beloved Himself is unweighable - He weighs Himself; servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. ||4||5||