soriT mhlw 4 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw cauQw
sorath mehalaa 4 ||
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:
Awpy kMfw Awip qrwjI pRiB Awpy qoil qolwieAw ]
aapae kanddaa aap tharaajee prabh aapae thol tholaaeiaa ||
God Himself is the balance scale, He Himself is the weigher, and He Himself weighs with the weights.
Awpy swhu Awpy vxjwrw Awpy vxju krwieAw ]
aapae saahu aapae vanajaaraa aapae vanaj karaaeiaa ||
He Himself is the banker, He Himself is the trader, and He Himself makes the trades.
Awpy DrqI swjIAnu ipAwrY ipCY tMku cVwieAw ]1]
aapae dhharathee saajeean piaarai pishhai ttank charraaeiaa ||1||
The Beloved Himself fashioned the world, and He Himself counter-balances it with a gram. ||1||
myry mn hir hir iDAwie suKu pwieAw ]
maerae man har har dhhiaae sukh paaeiaa ||
My mind meditates on the Lord, Har, Har, and finds peace.
hir hir nwmu inDwnu hY ipAwrw guir pUrY mITw lwieAw ] rhwau ]
har har naam nidhhaan hai piaaraa gur poorai meethaa laaeiaa || rehaao ||
The Name of the Beloved Lord, Har, Har, is a treasure; the Perfect Guru has made it seem sweet to me. ||Pause||
Awpy DrqI Awip jlu ipAwrw Awpy kry krwieAw ]
aapae dhharathee aap jal piaaraa aapae karae karaaeiaa ||
The Beloved Himself is the earth, and He Himself is the water; He Himself acts, and causes others to act.
Awpy hukim vrqdw ipAwrw jlu mwtI bµiD rKwieAw ]
aapae hukam varathadhaa piaaraa jal maattee bandhh rakhaaeiaa ||
The Beloved Himself issues His Commands, and keeps the water and the land bound down.
Awpy hI Bau pwiedw ipAwrw bµin bkrI sIhu hFwieAw ]2]
aapae hee bho paaeidhaa piaaraa bann bakaree seehu hadtaaeiaa ||2||
The Beloved Himself instills the Fear of God; He binds the tiger and the goat together. ||2||
Awpy kwst Awip hir ipAwrw ivic kwst Agin rKwieAw ]
aapae kaasatt aap har piaaraa vich kaasatt agan rakhaaeiaa ||
The Beloved Lord Himself is the firewood, and He Himself keeps the fire within the wood.
Awpy hI Awip vrqdw ipAwrw BY Agin n skY jlwieAw ]
aucwrx jlwieAw: polw bolo
aapae hee aap varathadhaa piaaraa bhai agan n sakai jalaaeiaa ||
The Beloved Lord Himself, all by Himself, permeates them, and because of the Fear of God, the fire cannot burn the wood.
Awpy mwir jIvwiedw ipAwrw swh lYdy siB lvwieAw ]3]
aapae maar jeevaaeidhaa piaaraa saah laidhae sabh lavaaeiaa ||3||
The Beloved Himself kills and revives; all draw the breath of life, given by Him. ||3||
Awpy qwxu dIbwxu hY ipAwrw Awpy kwrY lwieAw ]
aapae thaan dheebaan hai piaaraa aapae kaarai laaeiaa ||
The Beloved Himself is power and presence; He Himself engages us in our work.
ijau Awip clwey iqau clIAY ipAwry ijau hir pRB myry BwieAw ]
jio aap chalaaeae thio chaleeai piaarae jio har prabh maerae bhaaeiaa ||
As the Beloved makes me walk, I walk, as it pleases my Lord God.
Awpy jµqI jµqu hY ipAwrw jn nwnk vjih vjwieAw ]4]4]
aapae janthee janth hai piaaraa jan naanak vajehi vajaaeiaa ||4||4||
The Beloved Himself is the musician, and the musical instrument; servant Nanak vibrates His vibration. ||4||4||