Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 308 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

15: swD sMgq

The holy congregation

inhcl scw Qyhu hY swDsMgu pMjy prDwnw ]

nihachalu sachaa dayhu hai saadhasangu panjay paradhaanaa.

The city in the form of holy congregation is true and immovable because in it reside all the five chiefs (virtues).

siq sMqoKu dieAw Drmu ArQu smrQu sBo bMDwnw ]

sati santokhu daiaa dharamu aradu samaradu sabho bandhaanaa.

Truth, contentment, compassion, dharma and lucre are capable of all control.

gur aupdysu kmwvxw gurmuiK nwmu dwnu iesnwnw ]

gur oupadaysu kamaavanaa guramoukhi naamu daanu isanaanaa.

Here, the gurmukhs practise the teachings of the Guru and observe meditation on ram, charity and ablution.

imTw bolxu iniv clxu hQhu dyx Bgiq gurigAwnw ]

mitdaa bolanu nivi chalanu hadahu dayn bhagati gur giaanaa.

People speak sweet here, walk humbly, give away charities and attain knowledge through devotion to the Guru.

duhI srweI surKurU sc sbdu vjY nIswnw ]

duhee saraaee surakharoo sachu sabadu vajai neesaanaa.

They remain free from any anxiety in this world and the world hereafter, and for them, the drums of true

clxu ijMnHI jwixAW jg AMdir ivrly imhmwnw ]

chalanu jinnhee jaaniaa jag andari viralay mihamaanaa.

Word are struck upon. Rare are the guests who have accepted the going away from this world, as true.

Awp gvwey iqsu kurbwnw ]15]

aap gavaaay tisu kurabaanaa ||15||

I am sacrifice unto them who have eschewed their ego.