Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 309 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

14: s`c s`cw is`K s`cw gurU

Truth, the true Sikh, the true Guru, ,

lUxu swihb dw KwiekY rx AMdir liV mrY su jwpY ]

loonu saahib daa khaai kai ran andari larhi marai su jaapai.

True is he who is true to the salt of his master and dies fighting for him in the battelfield.

isr vFY hQIAwru kir vrIAwmw vrIAwmu is\wpY ]

sir vaddhai hadeeaaru kari vareeaamaa variaamu siaapai.

One who beheads the enemy with his weapon is known as brave among the warriors.

iqsu ipCY jo iesqrI Qip QyeI dy vrY srwpY ]

tisu pichhai jo isataree dapi dayee day varai saraapai.

His bereaved woman is established as sati capable of granting boons and curses.

poqY puq vfIrIAin prvwrY swDwru prwpY ]

potai pout vadeereeani paravaarai saadhaaru paraapai.

Sons and grandsons are praised and the whole family becomes exalted.

vKqY aupir liV mrY AMimRq vylY sbdu AlwpY ]

vakhatai oupari larhi marai anmrit vaylai sabadu alaapai.

One who dies fighting in the hour of peril and recites the Word in the ambrosial hour is known as the true warrior.

swDsMgiq ivic jwiekY haumY mwir mrY Awpu AwpY ]

saadhasangati vichi jaai kai haoumai maari marai aapu aapai.

Going to the holy congregation and effacing his desires, he wipes out his ego.

liV mrxw qY sqI hoxu gurmuiK pMQu pUrx prqwpY ]

larhi maranaa tai satee honu guramoukhi pandu pooran parataapai.

Dying while fighting in battle and maintaining of the controle over the senses is the grand path of the gurmukhs.

sic isdk sc pIru pCwpY ]14]

sachi sidak sach peeru pachhaapai ||14||

In whom you repose your full faith is known as the true Guru.