Bhai Gurdas JiAng 30Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 308 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

10: s`c Aqy kUV

Truth and falsehood

kUVu kpt hiQAwr ijau scu rKvwlw islh sMjoAw ]

koorhu kapat hadiaar jiu sachu rakhavaalaa silah sanjoaa.

Falsehood is a fake weapon whereas the truth is protector like an iron-armour.

kUVu vYrI inq johdw scu suimqu ihmwieiq hoAw ]

koorhu vairee nit johadaa sachu soumitu himaaiti hoaa.

Like enemy, falsehood always lies in ambush but the truth, like a friend is ever ready to help and support.

sUrvIru vrIAwmu scu kUVu kuVwvw krdw FoAw ]

sooraveeru vareeaamu sachu koorhu kurhaavaa karadaa ddhoaa.

The truth is truly a brave warrior who meets the truthful ones whereas the Her meets Hers alone.

inhclu scu suQwie hY lrjY kUVu kuQwie KVoAw ]

nihachalu sachu sudaai hai larajai koorhu kudaai kharhoaa.

At good places, the truth stands firmly but being in the wrong places, falsehood always shakes and trembles.

sic PiV kUVu pCwiVAw cwir ck vyKn qRY loAw ]

sachi dharhi koorhu pachhaarhiaa chaari chak vaykhan trai loaa.

The four directions and the three worlds are witness (to the fact) that the truth catching hold of falsehood has thrashed it.

kUVu kptu rogI sdw scu sdw hI nvW inroAw ]

koorhu kapatu rogee sadaa sachu sadaa hee navaan niroaa.

Deceptive falsehood is ever diseased and the truth is always hale and hearty.

scu scw kUVu kUVu ivKoAw ]10]

sachu sachaa koorhu koorhu vikhoaa ||10||

The adopter of truth is ever known as truthful and the follower of falsehood is ever considered a Tier.