Bhai Gurdas JiAng 1Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 19 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

16: kiljug qy nwm

Activities in Kaliyug

kiljug kI sux swDnw krm ikrq kI clY nw kweI ]

kalijoug kee soun saadhanaa karam kirati kee chalai n kaaee.

Now listen to the discipline of kaliyug wherein nobody cares for the rituals.

ibnw Bjn Bgvwn ky Bwau Bgiq ibn TOr nw QweI ]

binaa bhajan bhagavaan kay bhaau bhagati binu tdaurhi n paaee.

Without loving devotion none will get any place anywhere.

lhy kmwxw eyq juig ipClI jugIN krI kmweI ]

lahay kamaanaa ayt jougi pichhalee jougeen karee kamaaee.

Because of the disciplined life in the previous ages, the human form has been obtained in kaliyug.

pwieAw mwns dyih kau AYQO cuikAw TOr n TweI ]

paaiaa maanas dayhi kau aidau choukiaa tdaur n tdaaee.

Now if this opportunity slipped, no occasion and place would be made available.

kiljug ky aupkwr suix jYsy byd AQrbx gweI ]

kalijougi kay oupakaari souni jaisay bayd adaravan gaaee.

As has been said in the Atharvaveda, listen to the redeeming features of kaliyug.

Bwau Bgiq prvwx hY jg hom qy purb kmweI ]

bhaau bhagati paravaan hai jag hom gurapurabi kamaaee.

Now feeingful devotion only is acceptable; yajna, burnt offering and worship of the human guru was the discipline of the earlier ages.

kir ky nIc sdwvxw qw pRBu lyKY AMdir pweI ]

kari kay neech sadaavanaa taan prabhu laykhai andari paaee.

If somebody now, in spite of being a doer, erases from his self this sense and prefers to be called lowly, only then he can remain in the good books of the Lord.

kiljuig nwvY kI vifAweI ]16]

kalijougi naavai kee vadiaaee ||16||

In Kaliyug, only repeating the name of Lord is considered grand.