17: jug grdI
Anachy of the ages
jug grdI jb hovhy aulty jugu ikAw hoie vrqwrw ]
jougi garadee jab hovahay ulatay jougu kiaa hoi varataaraa.
During the down fall of an age, people setting aside the duties of the age bahave contrary to their nature.
auTy iglwnI jgiq ivic vrqy pwp iBRsit sMswrw ]
outday gilaani jagati vichi varatay paap bhrisati sansaaraa.
The world gets engrossed in remorseful activities and sin and corruption prevail.
vrnwvrn nw BwvnI Kih Kih jln bWs AMigAwrw ]
varanaavaran n bhaavanee khahi khahi jalan baans angiaaraa.
Different sections(castes) of society develop hatred for one another and finish themselves through squabbles as the bamboos, due to their mutual friction, producing fire burn themselves as well as others.
inMidAw cly vyd kI smJin nih AigAwin gubwrw ]
nidiaa chalay vayd kee samajhani nahi agiaani goubaaraa.
Condemnation of the knowledge starts and in the darkness of ignorance nothing remains visible.
byd igrMQ gur hit hY ijsu lig Bvjl pwir auqwrw ]
bayd girand gur hati hai jisu lagi bhavajal paari outaaraa.
From that knowledge of the Vedas which gets man across the world ocean even the knowledgeable people get away.
siqgur bwJu n buJIAY ijcru Dry n pRBu Avqwrw ]
satigur baajhu n bujheeai jicharu dharay n prabhu avataaraa.
So long God does not descend on earth in the form of true Guru, no mystery can be understood.
gur prmysru ieku hY scw swhu jgqu vxjwrw ]
gur paramaysaru iku hai sachaa saahu jagatu banajaaraa.
The Guru and God are one; He is the true master and the whole world craves for Him.
cVY sUr imit jwie AMDwrw ]17]
charhai soor miti jaai andhaaraa ||17||
He rises like sun and the darkness is dispelled.