SGGSAng 1067Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 349 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

mwrU mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw

maaroo mehalaa 3 ||

Maaroo, Third Mehl:

Agm Agocr vyprvwhy ]

agam agochar vaeparavaahae ||

He is inaccessible, unfathomable and self-sustaining.

Awpy imhrvwn Agm AQwhy ]

aapae miharavaan agam athhaahae ||

He Himself is merciful, inaccessible and unlimited.

ApiV koie n skY iqsno gur sbdI mylwieAw ]1]

aucwrx A`piV

aparr koe n sakai this no gur sabadhee maelaaeiaa ||1||

No one can reach up to Him; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is met. ||1||

quDuno syvih jo quDu Bwvih ]

thudhhuno saevehi jo thudhh bhaavehi ||

He alone serves You, who pleases You.

gur kY sbdy sic smwvih ]

gur kai sabadhae sach samaavehi ||

Through the Guru's Shabad, he merges in the True Lord.

Anidnu gux rvih idnu rwqI rsnw hir rsu BwieAw ]2]

anadhin gun ravehi dhin raathee rasanaa har ras bhaaeiaa ||2||

Night and day, he chants the Lord's Praises, day and night; his tongue savors and delights in the sublime essence of the Lord. ||2||

sbid mrih sy mrxu svwrih ]

sabadh marehi sae maran savaarehi ||

Those who die in the Shabad - their death is exalted and glorified.

hir ky gux ihrdY aur Dwrih ]

har kae gun hiradhai our dhhaarehi ||

They enshrine the Lord's Glories in their hearts.

jnmu sPlu hir crxI lwgy dUjw Bwau cukwieAw ]3]

janam safal har charanee laagae dhoojaa bhaao chukaaeiaa ||3||

Holding tight to the Guru's feet, their lives becomes prosperous, and they are rid of the love of duality. ||3||

hir jIau myly Awip imlwey ]

har jeeo maelae aap milaaeae ||

The Dear Lord unites them in Union with Himself.

gur kY sbdy Awpu gvwey ]

gur kai sabadhae aap gavaaeae ||

Through the Guru's Shabad, self-conceit is dispelled.

Anidnu sdw hir BgqI rwqy iesu jg mih lwhw pwieAw ]4]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

anadhin sadhaa har bhagathee raathae eis jag mehi laahaa paaeiaa ||4||

Those who remain attuned to devotional worship to the Lord, night and day, earn the profit in this world. ||4||

qyry gux khw mY khxu n jweI ]

thaerae gun kehaa mai kehan n jaaee ||

What Glorious Virtues of Yours should I describe? I cannot describe them.

AMqu n pwrw kImiq nhI pweI ]

anth n paaraa keemath nehee paaee ||

You have no end or limitation. Your value cannot be estimated.

Awpy dieAw kry suKdwqw gux mih guxI smwieAw ]5]

aapae dhaeiaa karae sukhadhaathaa gun mehi gunee samaaeiaa ||5||

When the Giver of peace Himself bestows His Mercy, the virtuous are absorbed in virtue. ||5||

iesu jg mih mohu hY pwswrw ]

eis jag mehi mohu hai paasaaraa ||

In this world, emotional attachment is spread all over.

mnmuKu AigAwnI AMDu AMDwrw ]

manamukh agiaanee andhh andhhaaraa ||

The ignorant, self-willed manmukh is immersed in utter darkness.

DMDY Dwvqu jnmu gvwieAw ibnu nwvY duKu pwieAw ]6]

dhhandhhai dhhaavath janam gavaaeiaa bin naavai dhukh paaeiaa ||6||

Chasing after worldly affairs, he wastes away his life in vain; without the Name, he suffers in pain. ||6||

krmu hovY qw siqguru pwey ]

karam hovai thaa sathigur paaeae ||

If God grants His Grace, then one finds the True Guru.

haumY mYlu sbid jlwey ]

aucwrx jlwey: polw bolo

houmai mail sabadh jalaaeae ||

Through the Shabad, the filth of egotism is burned away.

mnu inrmlu igAwnu rqnu cwnxu AigAwnu AMDyru gvwieAw ]7]

man niramal giaan rathan chaanan agiaan andhhaer gavaaeiaa ||7||

The mind becomes immaculate, and the jewel of spiritual wisdom brings enlightenment; the darkness of spiritual ignorance is dispelled. ||7||

qyry nwm Anyk kImiq nhI pweI ]

thaerae naam anaek keemath nehee paaee ||

Your Names are countless; Your value cannot be estimated.

scu nwmu hir ihrdY vsweI ]

sach naam har hiradhai vasaaee ||

I enshrine the Lord's True Name within my heart.

kImiq kauxu kry pRB qyrI qU Awpy shij smwieAw ]8]

keemath koun karae prabh thaeree thoo aapae sehaj samaaeiaa ||8||

Who can estimate Your value, God? You are immersed and absorbed in Yourself. ||8||

nwmu Amolku Agm Apwrw ]

naam amolak agam apaaraa ||

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is priceless, inaccessible and infinite.

nw ko hoAw qolxhwrw ]

naa ko hoaa tholanehaaraa ||

No one can weigh it.

Awpy qoly qoil qolwey gur sbdI myil qolwieAw ]9]

aapae tholae thol tholaaeae gur sabadhee mael tholaaeiaa ||9||

You Yourself weigh, and estimate all; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, You unite, when the weight is perfect. ||9||

syvk syvih krih Ardwis ]

saevak saevehi karehi aradhaas ||

Your servant serves, and offers this prayer.

qU Awpy myil bhwlih pwis ]

thoo aapae mael behaalehi paas ||

Please, let me sit near You, and unite me with Yourself.

sBnw jIAw kw suKdwqw pUrY krim iDAwieAw ]10]

sabhanaa jeeaa kaa sukhadhaathaa poorai karam dhhiaaeiaa ||10||

You are the Giver of peace to all beings; by perfect karma, we meditate on You. ||10||

jqu squ sMjmu ij scu kmwvY ]

jath sath sanjam j sach kamaavai ||

Chastity, truth and self-control come by practicing and living the Truth.

iehu mnu inrmlu ij hir gux gwvY ]

eihu man niramal j har gun gaavai ||

This mind becomes immaculate and pure, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

iesu ibKu mih AMimRqu prwpiq hovY hir jIau myry BwieAw ]11]

eis bikh mehi anmrith paraapath hovai har jeeo maerae bhaaeiaa ||11||

In this world of poison, the Ambrosial Nectar is obtained, if it pleases my Dear Lord. ||11||

ijsno buJwey soeI bUJY ]

aucwrx bu`Jwey; bU`JY

jis no bujhaaeae soee boojhai ||

He alone understands, whom God inspires to understand.

hir gux gwvY AMdru sUJY ]

har gun gaavai andhar soojhai ||

Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, one's inner being is awakened.

haumY myrw Twik rhwey shjy hI scu pwieAw ]12]

houmai maeraa thaak rehaaeae sehajae hee sach paaeiaa ||12||

Egotism and possessiveness are silenced and subdued, and one intuitively finds the True Lord. ||12||

ibnu krmw hor iPrY GnyrI ]

bin karamaa hor firai ghanaeree ||

Without good karma, countless others wander around.

mir mir jµmY cukY n PyrI ]

mar mar janmai chukai n faeree ||

They die, and die again, only to be reborn; they cannot escape the cycle of reincarnation.

ibKu kw rwqw ibKu kmwvY suKu n kbhU pwieAw ]13]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

bikh kaa raathaa bikh kamaavai sukh n kabehoo paaeiaa ||13||

Imbued with poison, they practice poison and corruption, and they never find peace. ||13||

bhuqy ByK kry ByKDwrI ]

bahuthae bhaekh karae bhaekhadhhaaree ||

Many disguise themselves with religious robes.

ibnu sbdY haumY iknY n mwrI ]

bin sabadhai houmai kinai n maaree ||

Without the Shabad, no one has conquered egotism.

jIvqu mrY qw mukiq pwey scY nwie smwieAw ]14]

jeevath marai thaa mukath paaeae sachai naae samaaeiaa ||14||

One who remains dead while yet alive is liberated, and merges in the True Name. ||14||

AigAwnu iqRsnw iesu qnih jlwey ]

aucwrx jlwey: polw bolo

agiaan thrisanaa eis thanehi jalaaeae ||

Spiritual ignorance and desire burn this human body.

iqsdI bUJY ij gur sbdu kmwey ]

aucwrx bUJY: polw bolo

this dhee boojhai j gur sabadh kamaaeae ||

He alone puts out this fire, who practices and lives the Guru's Shabad.

qnu mnu sIqlu kRoDu invwry haumY mwir smwieAw ]15]

than man seethal krodhh nivaarae houmai maar samaaeiaa ||15||

His body and mind are cooled and soothed, and his anger is silenced; conquering egotism, he merges in the Lord. ||15||

scw swihbu scI vifAweI ]

sachaa saahib sachee vaddiaaee ||

True is the Lord and Master, and True is His glorious greatness.

gurprswdI ivrlY pweI ]

gur parasaadhee viralai paaee ||

By Guru's Grace, a rare few attain this.

nwnku eyk khY bynµqI nwmy nwim smwieAw ]16]1]23]

naanak eaek kehai baenanthee naamae naam samaaeiaa ||16||1||23||

Nanak offers this one prayer: through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, may I merge in the Lord. ||16||1||23||