SGGSAng 1066Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 349 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

mwrU mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw

maaroo mehalaa 3 ||

Maaroo, Third Mehl:

inrµkwir Awkwru aupwieAw ]

nirankaar aakaar oupaaeiaa ||

The Formless Lord created the universe of form.

mwieAw mohu hukim bxwieAw ]

maaeiaa mohu hukam banaaeiaa ||

By the Hukam of His Command, He created attachment to Maya.

Awpy Kyl kry siB krqw suix swcw mMin vswiedw ]1]

aapae khael karae sabh karathaa sun saachaa mann vasaaeidhaa ||1||

The Creator Himself stages all the plays; hearing of the True Lord, enshrine Him in your mind. ||1||

mwieAw mweI qRY gux prsUiq jmwieAw ]

maaeiaa maaee thrai gun parasooth jamaaeiaa ||

Maya, the mother, gave birth to the three gunas, the three qualities,

cwry byd bRhmy no PurmwieAw ]

aucwrx bRhmy: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

chaarae baedh brehamae no furamaaeiaa ||

And proclaimed the four Vedas to Brahma.

vrHy mwh vwr iQqI kir iesu jg mih soJI pwiedw ]2]

varhae maah vaar thhithee kar eis jag mehi sojhee paaeidhaa ||2||

Creating the years, months, days and dates, He infused intelligence into the world. ||2||

gur syvw qy krxI swr ]

gur saevaa thae karanee saar ||

Service to the Guru is the most excellent action.

rwm nwmu rwKhu auir Dwr ]

raam naam raakhahu our dhhaar ||

Enshrine the Lord's Name within your heart.

gurbwxI vrqI jg AMqir iesu bwxI qy hir nwmu pwiedw ]3]

gurabaanee varathee jag anthar eis baanee thae har naam paaeidhaa ||3||

The Word of the Guru's Bani prevails throughout the world; through this Bani, the Lord's Name is obtained. ||3||

vydu pVY Anidnu vwd smwly ]

vaedh parrai anadhin vaadh samaalae ||

He reads the Vedas, but he starts arguments night and day.

nwmu n cyqY bDw jmkwly ]

aucwrx b`Dw

naam n chaethai badhhaa jamakaalae ||

He does not remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord; he is bound and gagged by the Messenger of Death.

dUjY Bwie sdw duKu pwey qRY gux Brim Bulwiedw ]4]

dhoojai bhaae sadhaa dhukh paaeae thrai gun bharam bhulaaeidhaa ||4||

In the love of duality, he suffers in pain forever; he is deluded by doubt, and confused by the three gunas. ||4||

gurmuiK eyksu isau ilv lwey ]

guramukh eaekas sio liv laaeae ||

The Gurmukh is in love with the One Lord alone;

iqRibiD mnsw mnih smwey ]

thribidhh manasaa manehi samaaeae ||

He submerges in his mind the three-phased desire.

swcY sbid sdw hY mukqw mwieAw mohu cukwiedw ]5]

saachai sabadh sadhaa hai mukathaa maaeiaa mohu chukaaeidhaa ||5||

Through the True Word of the Shabad, he is liberated forever; he renounces emotional attachment to Maya. ||5||

jo Duir rwqy sy huix rwqy ]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

jo dhhur raathae sae hun raathae ||

Those who are so pre-ordained to be imbued, are imbued with love for the Lord.

gurprswdI shjy mwqy ]

aucwrx mwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

gur parasaadhee sehajae maathae ||

By Guru's Grace, they are intuitively intoxicated.

siqguru syiv sdw pRBu pwieAw AwpY Awpu imlwiedw ]6]

sathigur saev sadhaa prabh paaeiaa aapai aap milaaeidhaa ||6||

Serving the True Guru forever, they find God; He Himself unites them with Himself. ||6||

mwieAw moih Brimn pwey ]

aucwrx Br-imn: ishwrI sihq bolo

maaeiaa mohi bharam n paaeae ||

In attachment to Maya and doubt, the Lord is not found.

dUjY Bwie lgw duKu pwey ]

dhoojai bhaae lagaa dhukh paaeae ||

Attached to the love of duality, one suffers in pain.

sUhw rMgu idn QoVy hovY iesu jwdy iblm n lwiedw ]7]

soohaa rang dhin thhorrae hovai eis jaadhae bilam n laaeidhaa ||7||

The crimson color lasts for only a few days; all too soon, it fades away. ||7||

eyhu mnu BY Bwie rMgwey ]

eaehu man bhai bhaae rangaaeae ||

So color this mind in the Fear and the Love of God.

iequ rµig swcy mwih smwey ]

eith rang saachae maahi samaaeae ||

Dyed in this color, one merges in the True Lord.

pUrY Bwig ko iehu rMgu pwey gurmqI rMgu cVwiedw ]8]

aucwrx gurm`qI

poorai bhaag ko eihu rang paaeae guramathee rang charraaeidhaa ||8||

By perfect destiny, some may obtain this color. Through the Guru's Teachings, this color is applied. ||8||

mnmuKu bhuqu kry AiBmwnu ]

manamukh bahuth karae abhimaan ||

The self-willed manmukhs take great pride in themselves.

drgh kb hI n pwvY mwnu ]

dharageh kab hee n paavai maan ||

In the Court of the Lord, they are never honored.

dUjY lwgy jnmu gvwieAw ibnu bUJy duKu pwiedw ]9]

aucwrx bU`Jy

dhoojai laagae janam gavaaeiaa bin boojhae dhukh paaeidhaa ||9||

Attached to duality, they waste their lives; without understanding, they suffer in pain. ||9||

myrY pRiB AMdir Awpu lukwieAw ]

maerai prabh andhar aap lukaaeiaa ||

My God has hidden Himself deep within the self.

gurprswdI hir imlY imlwieAw ]

gur parasaadhee har milai milaaeiaa ||

By Guru's Grace, one is united in the Lord's Union.

scw pRBu scw vwpwrw nwmu Amolku pwiedw ]10]

sachaa prabh sachaa vaapaaraa naam amolak paaeidhaa ||10||

God is True, and True is His trade, through which the priceless Naam is obtained. ||10||

iesu kwieAw kI kImiq iknY n pweI ]

aucwrx kWieAW

eis kaaeiaa kee keemath kinai n paaee ||

No one has found this body's value.

myrY Twkuir ieh bxq bxweI ]

maerai thaakur eih banath banaaee ||

My Lord and Master has worked His handiwork.

gurmuiK hovY su kwieAw soDY Awpih Awpu imlwiedw ]11]

aucwrx kWieAW

guramukh hovai s kaaeiaa sodhhai aapehi aap milaaeidhaa ||11||

One who becomes Gurmukh purifies his body, and then the Lord unites him with Himself. ||11||

kwieAw ivic qotw kwieAw ivic lwhw ]

aucwrx kWieAW; kWieAW

kaaeiaa vich thottaa kaaeiaa vich laahaa ||

Within the body, one loses, and within the body, one wins.

gurmuiK Kojy vyprvwhw ]

guramukh khojae vaeparavaahaa ||

The Gurmukh seeks the self-sustaining Lord.

gurmuiK vxij sdw suKu pwey shjy shij imlwiedw ]12]

guramukh vanaj sadhaa sukh paaeae sehajae sehaj milaaeidhaa ||12||

The Gurmukh trades, and finds peace forever; he intuitively merges in the Celestial Lord. ||12||

scw mhlu scy Bµfwrw ]

sachaa mehal sachae bhanddaaraa ||

True is the Lord's Mansion, and True is His treasure.

Awpy dyvY dyvxhwrw ]

aapae dhaevai dhaevanehaaraa ||

The Great Giver Himself gives.

gurmuiK swlwhy suKdwqy min myly kImiq pwiedw ]13]

guramukh saalaahae sukhadhaathae man maelae keemath paaeidhaa ||13||

The Gurmukh praises the Giver of peace; his mind is united with the Lord, and he comes to know His worth. ||13||

kwieAw ivic vsqu kImiq nhI pweI ]

aucwrx kWieAW

kaaeiaa vich vasath keemath nehee paaee ||

Within the body is the object; its value cannot be estimated.

gurmuiK Awpy dy vifAweI ]

guramukh aapae dhae vaddiaaee ||

He Himself grants glorious greatness to the Gurmukh.

ijsdw htu soeI vQu jwxY gurmuiK dyie n pCoqwiedw ]14]

jis dhaa hatt soee vathh jaanai guramukh dhaee n pashhothaaeidhaa ||14||

He alone knows this object, to whom this store belongs; the Gurmukh is blessed with it, and does not come to regret. ||14||

hir jIau sB mih rihAw smweI ]

har jeeo sabh mehi rehiaa samaaee ||

The Dear Lord is pervading and permeating all.

gurprswdI pwieAw jweI ]

gur parasaadhee paaeiaa jaaee ||

By Guru's Grace, He is found.

Awpy myil imlwey Awpy sbdy shij smwiedw ]15]

aapae mael milaaeae aapae sabadhae sehaj samaaeidhaa ||15||

He Himself unites in His Union; through the Word of the Shabad, one intuitively merges with Him. ||15||

Awpy scw sbid imlwey ]

aapae sachaa sabadh milaaeae ||

The True Lord Himself unites us in the Word of His Shabad.

sbdy ivchu Brmu cukwey ]

sabadhae vichahu bharam chukaaeae ||

Within the Shabad, doubt is driven out.

nwnk nwim imlY vifAweI nwmy hI suKu pwiedw ]16]8]22]

naanak naam milai vaddiaaee naamae hee sukh paaeidhaa ||16||8||22||

O Nanak, He blesses us with His Naam, and throgh the Naam, peace is found. ||16||8||22||