SGGSAng 1068Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 349 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

mwrU mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw qIjw

maaroo mehalaa 3 ||

Maaroo, Third Mehl:

ndrI Bgqw lYhu imlwey ]

nadharee bhagathaa laihu milaaeae ||

By Your Grace, please unite with Your devotees.

Bgq slwhin sdw ilv lwey ]

bhagath salaahan sadhaa liv laaeae ||

Your devotees ever praise You, lovingly focusing on You.

qau srxweI aubrih krqy Awpy myil imlwieAw ]1]

tho saranaaee oubarehi karathae aapae mael milaaeiaa ||1||

In Your Sanctuary, they are saved, O Creator Lord; You unite them in Union with Yourself. ||1||

pUrY sbid Bgiq suhweI ]

poorai sabadh bhagath suhaaee ||

Sublime and exalted is devotion to the Perfect Word of the Shabad.

AMqir suKu qyrY min BweI ]

anthar sukh thaerai man bhaaee ||

Peace prevails within; they are pleasing to Your Mind.

mnu qnu scI BgqI rwqw scy isau icqu lwieAw ]2]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

man than sachee bhagathee raathaa sachae sio chith laaeiaa ||2||

One whose mind and body are imbued with true devotion, focuses his consciousness on the True Lord. ||2||

haumY ivic sd jlY srIrw ]

aucwrx jlY: polw bolo

houmai vich sadh jalai sareeraa ||

In egotism, the body is forever burning.

krmu hovY Byty guru pUrw ]

karam hovai bhaettae gur pooraa ||

When God grants His Grace, one meets the Perfect Guru.

AMqir AigAwnu sbid buJwey siqgur qy suKu pwieAw ]3]

aucwrx bu`Jwey

anthar agiaan sabadh bujhaaeae sathigur thae sukh paaeiaa ||3||

The Shabad dispels the spiritual ignorance within, and through the True Guru, one finds peace. ||3||

mnmuKu AMDw AMDu kmwey ]

manamukh andhhaa andhh kamaaeae ||

The blind, self-willed manmukh acts blindly.

bhu sµkt jonI Brmwey ]

bahu sankatt jonee bharamaaeae ||

He is in terrible trouble, and wanders in reincarnation.

jm kw jyvVw kdy n kwtY AMqy bhu duKu pwieAw ]4]

jam kaa jaevarraa kadhae n kaattai anthae bahu dhukh paaeiaa ||4||

He can never snap the noose of Death, and in the end, he suffers in horrible pain. ||4||

Awvx jwxw sbid invwry ]

aavan jaanaa sabadh nivaarae ||

Through the Shabad, one's comings and goings in reincarnation are ended.

scu nwmu rKY aur Dwry ]

sach naam rakhai our dhhaarae ||

He keeps the True Name enshrined within his heart.

gur kY sbid mrY mnu mwry haumY jwie smwieAw ]5]

gur kai sabadh marai man maarae houmai jaae samaaeiaa ||5||

He dies in the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and conquers his mind; stilling his egotism, he merges in the Lord. ||5||

Awvx jwxY prj ivgoeI ]

aucwrx prj: polw bolo

aavan jaanai paraj vigoee ||

Coming and going, the people of the world are wasting away.

ibnu siqgur iQru koie n hoeI ]

bin sathigur thhir koe n hoee ||

Without the True Guru, no one finds permanence and stability.

AMqir joiq sbid suKu visAw joqI joiq imlwieAw ]6]

anthar joth sabadh sukh vasiaa jothee joth milaaeiaa ||6||

The Shabad shines its Light deep within the self, and one dwells in peace; one's light merges into the Light. ||6||

pMc dUq icqvih ivkwrw ]

panch dhooth chithavehi vikaaraa ||

The five demons think of evil and corruption.

mwieAw moh kw eyhu pswrw ]

maaeiaa moh kaa eaehu pasaaraa ||

The expanse is the manifestation of emotional attachment to Maya.

siqguru syvy qw mukqu hovY pMc dUq vis AwieAw ]7]

sathigur saevae thaa mukath hovai panch dhooth vas aaeiaa ||7||

Serving the True Guru, one is liberated, and the five demons are put under his control. ||7||

bwJu gurU hY mohu gubwrw ]

baajh guroo hai mohu gubaaraa ||

Without the Guru, there is only the darkness of attachment.

iPir iPir fubY vwro vwrw ]

fir fir ddubai vaaro vaaraa ||

Over and over, time and time again, they are drowned.

siqgur Byty scu idRVwey scu nwmu min BwieAw ]8]

sathigur bhaettae sach dhrirraaeae sach naam man bhaaeiaa ||8||

Meeting the True Guru, Truth is implanted within, and the True Name becomes pleasing to the mind. ||8||

swcw dru swcw drvwrw ]

saachaa dhar saachaa dharavaaraa ||

True is His Door, and True is His Court, His Royal Darbaar.

scy syvih sbid ipAwrw ]

sachae saevehi sabadh piaaraa ||

The true ones serve Him, through the Beloved Word of the Shabad.

scI Duin scy gux gwvw scy mwih smwieAw ]9]

sachee dhhun sachae gun gaavaa sachae maahi samaaeiaa ||9||

Singing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord, in the true melody, I am immersed and absorbed in Truth. ||9||

GrY AMdir ko Gru pwey ]

gharai andhar ko ghar paaeae ||

Deep within the home of the self, one finds the home of the Lord.

gur kY sbdy shij suBwey ]

aucwrx suBwey: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

gur kai sabadhae sehaj subhaaeae ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one easily, intuitively finds it.

EQY sogu ivjogu n ivAwpY shjy shij smwieAw ]10]

outhhai sog vijog n viaapai sehajae sehaj samaaeiaa ||10||

There, one is not afflicted with sorrow or separation; merge into the Celestial Lord with intuitive ease. ||10||

dUjY Bwie dustw kw vwsw ]

dhoojai bhaae dhusattaa kaa vaasaa ||

The evil people live in the love of duality.

Baudy iPrih bhu moh ipAwsw ]

bhoudhae firehi bahu moh piaasaa ||

They wander around, totally attached and thirsty.

kusµgiq bhih sdw duKu pwvih duKo duKu kmwieAw ]11]

kusangath behehi sadhaa dhukh paavehi dhukho dhukh kamaaeiaa ||11||

They sit in evil gatherings, and suffer in pain forever; they earn pain, nothing but pain. ||11||

siqgur bwJhu sµgiq n hoeI ]

sathigur baajhahu sangath n hoee ||

Without the True Guru, there is no Sangat, no Congregation.

ibnu sbdy pwru n pwey koeI ]

bin sabadhae paar n paaeae koee ||

Without the Shabad, no one can cross over to the other side.

shjy gux rvih idnu rwqI joqI joiq imlwieAw ]12]

sehajae gun ravehi dhin raathee jothee joth milaaeiaa ||12||

One who intuitively chants God's Glorious Praises day and night - his light merges into the Light. ||12||

kwieAw ibrKu pMKI ivic vwsw ]

aucwrx kWieAW

kaaeiaa birakh pankhee vich vaasaa ||

The body is the tree; the bird of the soul dwells within it.

AMimRqu cugih gur sbid invwsw ]

anmrith chugehi gur sabadh nivaasaa ||

It drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar, resting in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

aufih n mUly n Awvih n jwhI inj Gir vwsw pwieAw ]13]

ouddehi n moolae n aavehi n jaahee nij ghar vaasaa paaeiaa ||13||

It never flies away, and it does not come or go; it dwells within the home of its own self. ||13||

kwieAw soDih sbdu vIcwrih ]

aucwrx kWieAW

kaaeiaa sodhhehi sabadh veechaarehi ||

Purify the body, and contemplate the Shabad.

moh TgaurI Brmu invwrih ]

moh thagouree bharam nivaarehi ||

Remove the poisonous drug of emotional attachment, and eradicate doubt.

Awpy ikRpw kry suKdwqw Awpy myil imlwieAw ]14]

aapae kirapaa karae sukhadhaathaa aapae mael milaaeiaa ||14||

The Giver of peace Himself bestows His Mercy, and unites us in Union with Himself. ||14||

sdhI nyVY dUir n jwxhu ]

sadh hee naerrai dhoor n jaanahu ||

He is always near at hand; He is never far away.

gur kY sbid njIik pCwxhu ]

gur kai sabadh najeek pashhaanahu ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, realize that He is very near.

ibgsY kmlu ikrix prgwsY prgtu kir dyKwieAw ]15]

bigasai kamal kiran paragaasai paragatt kar dhaekhaaeiaa ||15||

Your heart-lotus shall blossom forth, and the ray of God's Divine Light shall illuminate your heart; He shall be revealed to You. ||15||

Awpy krqw scw soeI ]

aapae karathaa sachaa soee ||

The True Lord is Himself the Creator.

Awpy mwir jIvwly Avru n koeI ]

aapae maar jeevaalae avar n koee ||

He Himself kills, and gives life; there is no other at all.

nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI Awpu gvwie suKu pwieAw ]16]2]24]

naanak naam milai vaddiaaee aap gavaae sukh paaeiaa ||16||2||24||

O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, glorious greatness is obtained. Eradicating self-conceit, peace is found. ||16||2||24||