SGGSAng 110Raag MajhMahalla 327 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

mwJ mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw qIjw

maajh mehalaa 3 ||

Maajh, Third Mehl:

myrw pRBu inrmlu Agm Apwrw ]

maeraa prabh niramal agam apaaraa ||

My God is Immaculate, Inaccessible and Infinite.

ibnu qkVI qolY sMswrw ]

bin thakarree tholai sansaaraa ||

Without a scale, He weighs the universe.

gurmuiK hovY soeI bUJY gux kih guxI smwvixAw ]1]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh hovai soee boojhai gun kehi gunee samaavaniaa ||1||

One who becomes Gurmukh, understands. Chanting His Glorious Praises, he is absorbed into the Lord of Virtue. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI hir kw nwmu mMin vswvixAw ]

ho vaaree jeeo vaaree har kaa naam mann vasaavaniaa ||

I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those whose minds are filled with the Name of the Lord.

jo sic lwgy sy Anidnu jwgy dir scY soBw pwvixAw ]1] rhwau ]

jo sach laagae sae anadhin jaagae dhar sachai sobhaa paavaniaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Those who are committed to Truth remain awake and aware night and day. They are honored in the True Court. ||1||Pause||

Awip suxY qY Awpy vyKY ]

aap sunai thai aapae vaekhai ||

He Himself hears, and He Himself sees.

ijsno ndir kry soeI jnu lyKY ]

jis no nadhar karae soee jan laekhai ||

Those, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace, become acceptable.

Awpy lwie ley so lwgY gurmuiK scu kmwvixAw ]2]

aapae laae leae so laagai guramukh sach kamaavaniaa ||2||

They are attached, whom the Lord Himself attaches; as Gurmukh, they live the Truth. ||2||

ijsu Awip Bulwey su ikQY hQu pwey ]

jis aap bhulaaeae s kithhai hathh paaeae ||

Those whom the Lord Himself misleads-whose hand can they take?

pUrib iliKAw su mytxw n jwey ]

poorab likhiaa s maettanaa n jaaeae ||

That which is pre-ordained, cannot be erased.

ijn siqguru imilAw sy vfBwgI pUrY krim imlwvixAw ]3]

jin sathigur miliaa sae vaddabhaagee poorai karam milaavaniaa ||3||

Those who meet the True Guru are very fortunate and blessed; through perfect karma, He is met. ||3||

pyeIAVY Dn Anidnu suqI ]

aucwrx su`qI

paeeearrai dhhan anadhin suthee ||

The young bride is fast asleep in her parents' home, night and day.

kµiq ivswrI Avgix muqI ]

aucwrx mu`qI

kanth visaaree avagan muthee ||

She has forgotten her Husband Lord; because of her faults and demerits, she is abandoned.

Anidnu sdw iPrY ibllwdI ibnu ipr nId n pwvixAw ]4]

anadhin sadhaa firai bilalaadhee bin pir needh n paavaniaa ||4||

She wanders around continually, crying out, night and day. Without her Husband Lord, she cannot get any sleep. ||4||

pyeIAVY suKdwqw jwqw ]

paeeearrai sukhadhaathaa jaathaa ||

In this world of her parents' home, she may come to know the Giver of peace,

haumY mwir gur sbid pCwqw ]

houmai maar gur sabadh pashhaathaa ||

If she subdues her ego, and recognizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

syj suhwvI sdw ipru rwvy scu sIgwru bxwvixAw ]5]

saej suhaavee sadhaa pir raavae sach seegaar banaavaniaa ||5||

Her bed is beautiful; she ravishes and enjoys her Husband Lord forever. She is adorned with the Decorations of Truth. ||5||

lK caurwsIh jIA aupwey ]

lakh chouraaseeh jeea oupaaeae ||

He created the 8.4 million species of beings.

ijsno ndir kry iqsu gurU imlwey ]

jis no nadhar karae this guroo milaaeae ||

Those, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace, come to meet the Guru.

iklibK kwit sdw jn inrml dir scY nwim suhwvixAw ]6]

kilabikh kaatt sadhaa jan niramal dhar sachai naam suhaavaniaa ||6||

Shedding their sins, His servants are forever pure; at the True Court, they are beautified by the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||6||

lyKw mwgY qw ikin dIAY ]

laekhaa maagai thaa kin dheeai ||

When they are called to settle their accounts, who will answer then?

suKu nwhI Puin dUAY qIAY ]

sukh naahee fun dhooai theeai ||

There shall be no peace then, from counting out by twos and threes.

Awpy bKis ley pRBu swcw Awpy bKis imlwvixAw ]7]

aapae bakhas leae prabh saachaa aapae bakhas milaavaniaa ||7||

The True Lord God Himself forgives, and having forgiven, He unites them with Himself. ||7||

Awip kry qY Awip krwey ]

aap karae thai aap karaaeae ||

He Himself does, and He Himself causes all to be done.

pUry gur kY sbid imlwey ]

poorae gur kai sabadh milaaeae ||

Through the Shabad, the Word of the Perfect Guru, He is met.

nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI Awpy myil imlwvixAw ]8]2]3]

naanak naam milai vaddiaaee aapae mael milaavaniaa ||8||2||3||

O Nanak, through the Naam, greatness is obtained. He Himself unites in His Union. ||8||2||3||